Reverse list of strings python

Python String doesn’t have a built-in reverse() function. However, there are various ways to reverse a string in Python.

1. How to Reverse a String in Python?

Some of the common ways to reverse a string are:

  • Using Slicing to create a reverse copy of the string.
  • Using for loop and appending characters in reverse order
  • Using while loop to iterate string characters in reverse order and append them
  • Using string join() function with reversed() iterator
  • Creating a list from the string and then calling its reverse() function
  • Using Recursion

1.1) Python Reverse String using Slicing

def reverse_slicing(s):
    return s[::-1]

input_str = 'ABç∂EF'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('Reverse String using slicing =', reverse_slicing(input_str))

If you run above Python script, the output will be:

Reverse String using slicing = FE∂çBA

1.2) Reverse String using For Loop

def reverse_for_loop(s):
    s1 = ''
    for c in s:
        s1 = c + s1  # appending chars in reverse order
    return s1

input_str = 'ABç∂EF'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('Reverse String using for loop =', reverse_for_loop(input_str))

Output: Reverse String using for loop = FE∂çBA

1.3) Reverse a String using While Loop

def reverse_while_loop(s):
    s1 = ''
    length = len(s) - 1
    while length >= 0:
        s1 = s1 + s[length]
        length = length - 1
    return s1

input_str = 'ABç∂EF'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('Reverse String using while loop =', reverse_while_loop(input_str))

1.4) Reverse a String using join() and reversed()

def reverse_join_reversed_iter(s):
    s1 = ''.join(reversed(s))
    return s1

1.5) Python Reverse String using List reverse()

def reverse_list(s):
    temp_list = list(s)
    return ''.join(temp_list)

1.6) Python Reverse String using Recursion

def reverse_recursion(s):
    if len(s) == 0:
        return s
        return reverse_recursion(s[1:]) + s[0]

2. Best Way to Reverse a String in Python

We can reverse a string through multiple algorithms. We have already seen six of them. But which of them you should choose to reverse a string. We can use timeit module to run multiple iterations of these functions and get the average time required to run them. All the above functions are stored in a python script named I executed all these functions one by one for 1,00,000 times using the timeit module and got the average of the best 5 runs.

$ python3.7 -m timeit --number 100000 --unit usec 'import string_reverse' 'string_reverse.reverse_slicing("ABç∂EF"*10)'
100000 loops, best of 5: 0.449 usec per loop

$ python3.7 -m timeit --number 100000 --unit usec 'import string_reverse' 'string_reverse.reverse_list("ABç∂EF"*10)'
100000 loops, best of 5: 2.46 usec per loop

$ python3.7 -m timeit --number 100000 --unit usec 'import string_reverse' 'string_reverse.reverse_join_reversed_iter("ABç∂EF"*10)'
100000 loops, best of 5: 2.49 usec per loop

$ python3.7 -m timeit --number 100000 --unit usec 'import string_reverse' 'string_reverse.reverse_for_loop("ABç∂EF"*10)'
100000 loops, best of 5: 5.5 usec per loop

$ python3.7 -m timeit --number 100000 --unit usec 'import string_reverse' 'string_reverse.reverse_while_loop("ABç∂EF"*10)'
100000 loops, best of 5: 9.4 usec per loop

$ python3.7 -m timeit --number 100000 --unit usec 'import string_reverse' 'string_reverse.reverse_recursion("ABç∂EF"*10)'
100000 loops, best of 5: 24.3 usec per loop

Reverse list of strings python
The below table presents the results and slowness of an algorithm from the best one.

AlgorithmTimeIt Execution Time (Best of 5)Slowness
Slicing 0.449 usec 1x
List reverse() 2.46 usec 5.48x
reversed() + join() 2.49 usec 5.55x
for loop 5.5 usec 12.25x
while loop 9.4 usec 20.94x
Recursion 24.3 usec 54.12x

3. Summary

We should use slicing to reverse a string in Python. Its code is very simple and small and we don’t need to write our own logic to reverse the string. Also, it’s the fastest way to reverse a string as identified by the above test executions.

You can checkout complete python script and more Python examples from our GitHub Repository.

4. References

  • reversed() API Doc
  • str.join() API Doc

How do you reverse a list of strings in Python?

In Python, you can reverse the items of lists ( list ) with using reverse() , reversed() , and slicing. If you want to reverse strings ( str ) and tuples ( tuple ), use reversed() or slice.

How do you reverse a list in a list Python?

reverse() Method. Every list in Python has a built-in reverse() method you can call to reverse the contents of the list object in-place. Reversing the list in-place means won't create a new list and copy the existing elements to it in reverse order. Instead, it directly modifies the original list object.

Does Reverse () work on strings?

reverse() works like reversing the string in place. However, what it actually does is create a new string containing the original data in reverse order.

Can you reverse strings in Python?

Reverse string in Python using reversed() method The reversed() returns the reversed iterator of the given string and then its elements are joined empty string separated using join(). And reversed order string is formed.