How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

More than 800 million professional profiles on LinkedIn make it the most crucial online networking tool for your business - especially if you’re a b2b business.  

From finding potential clients to using it for collaborations, there’s never been a better time to improve your LinkedIn presence. 

In this article, you’ll learn the importance of LinkedIn for your business and how to give and request access to your LinkedIn Company Page.

Why should you create a LinkedIn Company Page for your business? 

Having a LinkedIn Company Page helps you build trust and brand awareness on a platform full of people looking to make business connections. 

It’s a great place to build a community and share important updates about your business with your following. 

A LinkedIn Company Page allows you to interact and have a two-way dialogue with others in your industry and those who may require your services.  

Many important business collaborations start through conversations on LinkedIn.

Why do you need to grant access to your LinkedIn Company Page?

If you have employees or an external agency who manage your social media and paid posts, you’ll need to give them admin access to your LinkedIn page. 

There are different levels of access depending on the role of the person you want to grant LinkedIn admin access to.

These roles are: 
- Super admin (gives someone access to everything on the page & option to manage other admins)
- Content admin (can post and manage content & comment as the page)
- Analyst (a view who can export analytics about the page with limited access to 3rd party tools) 

Now you know why you may want to give someone access to your LinkedIn Company Page, it’s time to show you the easiest way to to it! 

Follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account 
  2. Click on your profile image in the top right click on: Company (select the right one if you're managing multiple)
  3. Click on Admin tools in the top right & choose Manage admins

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

  1. You’ll see the option to Add admin 

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

  1. Enter the LinkedIn profile of the person you want to add, like your co-worker or person working at the agency

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

  1. Assign the admin permission you want to give them and click save 
  2. They will receive an email to notify them you assigned admin rights 

How to add someone as a paid media admin on LinkedIn

Want to add someone to manage your paid media on LinkedIn? This includes people who will handle your LinkedIn ads and any sponsored posts. 

You’ll need to select the Paid media admins tab when you first click on Admin tools and Manage admins:

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

These are the paid media admin options you have: 

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

Just write the name of the person you want to give access to, choose access level and click save. It's simple when you know how it's done!

How to request access to a LinkedIn Company Page

If you manage a client’s LinkedIn marketing, you’ll need access to their LinkedIn Company Page. Want to know the easiest way to get access to that page? Follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account (you can’t request access without one!)
  2. Find the company page you need access to 
  3. On their page, click on More
  4. You should see the option to Request admin access

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

  1. Click that option and you will see this screen, check the box & click Request access:

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

  1. The company will receive a notification that you are requesting access and will be able to grant it to you.

Why not send them this article so they can follow the above steps to grant you access to their LinkedIn Company Page! 

Do you manage other marketing assets for your clients? 

Did you know you can get access to your client’s Facebook page, Facebook ad account and Google assets with one link using Leadsie?

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn

You send them your unique Leadsie link, they log in to their account and grant you the access you need. 

Leadsie saves you the headache of back and forth emails to onboard new clients. 

It’s more secure for everyone and saves a ton of time! Give it a try with our 14-day free trial…just enter your email in the box below! 

How to follow pages from your business page LinkedIn


Sarah Wisbey

Sarah gets most excited when writing about growth and learning by doing. She loves that her writing helps start-ups grow. When she’s not caught up in the thrill of content writing, you’ll find her surfing in the Atlantic ocean and running her own yoga retreats.

Can I follow a page as a page on LinkedIn?

As a LinkedIn Page super or content admin, you can follow other Pages and profiles. You can see and interact with posts from Pages you're following from your Page admin view.

Can company pages join groups on LinkedIn?

Networking LinkedIn Groups is a great tool for networking. These are private discussion groups so anything you post there won't show up on your profile. The only drawback for companies is that you can't join with your Company Page. You have to use your personal profile in Groups.

How do I invite people to follow my company page on LinkedIn?

Invite connections to follow a LinkedIn Page.
Use the search bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage to find the correct Page..
Click the Invite button..
Complete one or more of the following: Select connections from the populated list. Search for a connection using the Search by name field. ... .
Click the Invite button..

How do I manage my company page on LinkedIn?

Access your admin view on LinkedIn Pages.
Tap your profile picture > Page name under Pages you manage. Tap Show more to see more Page names..
You'll be routed to your Super admin view, Content admin view, Curator admin view, or Analyst view, respectively..