Apa perbedaan Civil Law dengan sistem hukum Islam?

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Comparative, Legal Systems, History, Character of Thinking
The legal system or commonly referred to as the legal tradition, has a wealth of scientific treasures that can be examined in more depth through a holistic and comprehensive comparative process. Exactly, the comparison of the legal system must accommodate at least three legal systems that are widely used by countries in the world today. The three legal systems are the Continental European legal system, Anglo American and Islamic Law. The comparative study of the three types of legal systems found that the history of the Continental European legal system is divided into 6 phases, while Anglo American legal history began in the feudalistic era of England until it developed into America and continues to be studied until now. Meanwhile, the history of Islamic law is divided into 5 phases, starting from the Phase of the Prophet Muhammad to the Resurrection Phase (19th century until nowadays). In addition to history, the authors find that the Continental European legal system has the characteristic of anti-formalism thinking, while the Anglo American legal thinking characteristic tends to be formalism and is based on a relatively primitive mindset. While the thinking character of Islamic Law is much influenced by the thought of the fuqoha (fiqh experts) in determining the law to solve a problem, so relatively dynamic and moderate.

Ahmed, Shoayb. 2005. The Development Of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) And Reason For Justice Dissagreement Among School ff Law. Dissertation: University of South Africa.

Ali, Mohammad Daud, 1996, Hukum Islam : Pengantar Ilmu Hukum dan Tata Hukum Islam di Indonesia, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada

Ali, Zainuddin. 2006. Hukum Islam Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Islam di Indonesia. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.

Baker, J.H. 2002. An Introduction to English Legal History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

De Cruz, Peter, 1999, Comparative Law in a Changing Word, 1999, London-Sydney: Cavendish Publishing Limited

De Cruz, Peter. 1999. Perbandingan Sistem Hukum. Bandung: Nusa Media.

Fuady, Munir, Perbandingan Ilmu Hukum, 2010, Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama

Gaspar Brown, Elizabeth, 1976, "Frontier Justice: Wayne County 1796-1836," dalam Essays in Nineteenth-Century American Legal History, ed. Wythe Holt, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press

Hanafi, A., 1970, Pengantar dan Sejarah Hukum Islam, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang

Sjadzali, Munawir. 1993. Islam dan Tata Negara (Ajaran, Sejarah Dan Pemikiran). Jakarta: UI Press.

Tanpa Pengarang. 2010. The Common and Civil Law Tradition, Oxford: The Robbins Collection (Educational use only).

Tim Penyusun, 2002, Islam Untuk Disiplin Ilmu Hukum, Jakarta: Ditjen Kelembagaan Agama Islam, Departemen Agama

Vol. 25 No. 1 (2017): Maret

This study efforts to explore the comparation two legal systems, that are Islamic law and civil law that color historical system legal of Indonesia. Civil law system more emphasizes the written tradition of law, while Islamic legality system which tends the moral-religious values. This study also examines how civil law and Islamic law synergy each other and also interact in implementating legal system in Indonesia. From the comparison of the two legal system above, it can be concluded. First, there is a distinction between civil law system and islamic legal system, in the legal principles and characteristic. Some of that distinction includes, basicly civil law emphasizes the written law that is the an heritage of Roman tradition, while Islamic law more emphasizes the moral-religious values which is sourced from revelation. Moreover, civil law system tends rigid and textual meanwhile Islamic law system looks more dynamic and flexible or electric. Second, in development of Indonesian legal system, even though initially it is more characteristic of Civil Law, but Islamic legal System can also synergy, besides of course common law system and custom law. Interaction of Islamic law in Indonesian legal system which is in any regulation, in particular of Islmaic privat law, for example the marriage and heritage. In variety of legal system that synergies and completes each other, surely shows that Indonesian legal system is efforting to realise an Indonesian legal system that characterized of Indonesia.   
Kajian ini berupaya mengeksplorasi perbandingan dua sistem hukum, yakni islamic law dan civil law system yang mewarnai perjalanan sejarah sistem hukum Indonesia. Sistem civil law lebih mengedepankan tradisi hukum tertulis, sementara sistem hukum Islam (Islamic legality system) yang mengedepankan nilai-nilai moral kegamaan. Kajian ini juga akan mengupas bagaimana civil law dan hukum Islam bersinergi serta berinteraksi dalam implementasi sistem hukum di Indonesia. Dari kajian perbandingan dua sistem hukum diatas, dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, Terdapat perbedaan antara civil law system dengan islamic law system, dalam hal prinsip-prinisp dan karakteristik berhukum. Beberapa perbedaan itu diantaranya, secara mendasar civil law lebih mengedepankan hukum tertulis yang merupakan warisan tradisi Romawi, sementara hukum Islam lebih mengedepankan nilai-nilai moral kegamaan yang bersumber dari wahyu. Selain itu, sistem hukum sipil cenderung kaku dan tekstual sementara sistem hukum Islam tampak lebih dinamis dan fleksibel atau eklektik. Kedua, dalam perkembangan sistem hukum Indonesia, meski awalnya lebih berkarakter Civil Law, namun sistem hukum Islam juga dapat bersinergi, selain juga tentunya common law system dan hukum adat. Interaksi hukum Islam dalam sistem hukum Indonesia terlihat dalam berbagai regulasi, khususnya hukum perdata Islam, semisal perkawinan dan warisan. Dalam keaneka ragaman sistem hukum yang saling bersinergi dan melengkapi, tentu menunjukkan bahwa sistem hukum Indonesia tengah mewujudkan suatu sistem hukum Indonesia yang berkarakteristik ke-Indonesia-an.