Dialog Bahasa indonesia 2 Orang tentang pergi ke Toko Buku singkat

Bahasa Inggris semakin banyak digunakan orang-orang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tidak hanya dalam konteks bisnis dan pendidikan formal saja, bahasa Inggris juga kerap digunakan dalam pergaulan. Informasi di media sosial juga banyak yang berbahasa Inggris.

Nah, tentunya kamu tidak ingin ketinggalan kereta globalisasi ini dengan bisa berbahasa Inggris. Kamu bisa mulai dengan berlatih percakapan yang sederhana dan singkat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Berikut beberapa contohnya, dihimpun dari berbagai sumber.

1. Contoh 1

John: "How is your day going?" (Bagaimana harimu?)
Rudy: "Quite busy. I'm preparing for my presentation tomorrow on our marketing strategy. I'm not even half done yet." (Lumayan sibuk. Aku sedang mempersiapkan presentasi besok tentang strategi pemasaran. Aku bahkan belum menyelesaikan setengahnya.)
John: "You must feel stressed out now." (Kamu pasti merasa stres sekarang.)
Rudy: "That's an understatement." (Banget.)

2. Contoh 2

William: "What are you doing now?" (Kamu sedang apa sekarang?)
Jackson: "I'm playing pool with my friends at a pool hall." (Sedang bermain pool dengan teman-temanku di pool hall.)
Willian: "I didn't know you play pool. Are you having fun?" (Aku tidak tahu kamu suka main pool. Apakah kamu bersenang-senang?)
Jackson: "I'm having a great time. How about you? What are you doing?" (Senang banget. Bagaimana denganmu? Sedang apa?)
William: "I'm taking a break from my job. There seems to be no end to the amount of work I have to do." (Sedang istirahat dari kerjaan. Sepertinya pekerjaan yang harus kulakukan ini tidak ada habisnya.)
Jackson: "I'm glad I'm not in your shoes." (Untung aku tidak berada di posisimu.)

3. Contoh 3

Deborah: "Where are you going?" (Kamu mau ke mana?)
Victoria: "I'm going to the bank." (Ke bank.)
Deborah: "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" (Bukankah seharusnya kamu bekerja?)
Victoria: "I'm working now. I'm making a deposit for our company." (Aku sedang bekerja sekarang. Aku membuatkan deposit untuk perusahaanku.)
Deborah: "Where do you work?" (Kamu kerja di mana?)
Victoria: "I work for a restaurant as a controller." (Di restoran, sebagai controller.)
Deborah: "Wow. That's great." (Wah. Hebat.)
Victoria: "Great seeing you. I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." (Senang bertemu denganmu. Aku harus pergi sekarang. Ngobrol lagi nanti, ya.)

4. Contoh 4

Mindy: "Hi, Ben. What are you doing here?" (Hai, Ben. Kamu sedang apa di sini?)
Ben: "I'm meeting a friend here for dinner. How about you, Mindy?" (Aku mau bertemu temanku untuk makan malam. Kalau kamu, Mindy?)
Mindy: "I'm on my way home but I needed to stop by the book store to buy a textbook." (Aku sedang dalam perjalanan pulang, tapi aku perlu mampir ke toko buku dan membeli buku teks.)
Ben: "Didn't you finish school yet?" (Lho, kamu belum selesai kuliah?)
Mindy: "I have one more year, and then I'm done." (Masih ada satu tahun lagi, baru setelah itu aku lulus.)
Ben: "What are you majoring in?" (Apa jurusanmu?)
Mindy. "I'm majoring in Psychology." (Psikologi.)
Ben: "How do you like your major?" (Apakah kamu suka jurusanmu?)
Mindy: "I really find the subject of understanding others very interesting." (Aku sih merasa pelajaran tentang memahami orang lain sangat menarik.)
Ben: "That's great." (Bagus.)
Mindy: "I'd better go now. I don't want to miss the train." (Sebaiknya aku pergi sekarang. Aku tidak mau ketinggalan kereta.)
Ben: "Alright. I'll talk to you later."

5. Contoh 5

Elizabeth: "Mr. Atkinson, I'd like you to meet Dr. Chris Evans." (Pak Atkinson, perkenalkan ini Dr. Chris Evans.)
Mr. Atkinson: "It's nice to meet you, Dr. Evans." (Senang bertemu dengan Anda, Dr. Evans.)
Dr. Evans: "Pleasure to meet you, too." (Senang juga bertemu dengan Anda.)
Elizabeth: "Dr. Evans is an economist. He just finished writing a book on international trade." (Dr. Evans adalah seorang ekonom. Beliau baru saja selesai menulis buku tentang perdagangan internasional.)
Mr. Atkinson: "Oh? That's my field, too. I work for the United Nations."(Oh? Itu juga bidang saya. Saya bekerja untuk PBB.)
Dr. Evans: "In the Development Program, by any chance?" (Jangan-jangan di Program Pengembangan, ya?)
Mr. Atkinson: "Yes. How did you guess?" (Ya. Bagaimana Anda tahu?)
Dr. Evans: "I've read your articles on technical assistance. They're excellent." (Saya membaca artikel-artikel Anda tentang asistensi teknis. Luar biasa.)

6. Contoh 6

Luke: "Who's the tall woman next to Samantha?" (Siapa cewek tinggi di sebelah Samantha?)
Frank: "That's her friend Cassie. Didn't you meet her at Jim's party?" (Itu temannya, Cassie. Bukannya kamu ketemu dia di pestanya Jim?)
Luke: "No, I wasn't at Jim's party."(Tidak, aku tidak datang ke pesta Jim.)
Frank: "Oh! Then let me introduce you to her now. Cassie, this is my friend Luke." (Oh! Kalau begitu akan ku perkenalkan kamu dengannya sekarang. Cassie, ini temanku Luke.)
Cassie: "Hi, Luke. Nice to meet you." (Hai, Luke. Senang bertemu denganmu.)
Luke: "You, too. Would you like a drink?" (Sama-sama. Mau minum?)
Cassie: "Sure, let's go get one." (Tentu, ayo.)

7. Contoh 7

Alexandra: "What time is it? We're going to be late!" (Jam berapa ini? Kita bakal terlambat!)
Aldebaran: "It's a quarter after seven. We're on time. Don't panic." (Pukul tujuh seperempat. Kita akan tepat waktu, jangan panik.)
Alexandra: "But I thought we had to be at the restaurant by 7:30 for the surprise party. We'll never make it there with all this evening traffic." (Lho, aku pikir kita harus sampai di restoran jam 7:30 buat pesta kejutan. Kita tidak akan sampai sana tepat waktu dengan kemacetan malam ini.)
Aldebaran: "Sure we will. Rush hour is almost over. Anyway, the party starts at 8:00. But I do need help with directions. Can you call the restaurant and ask them where we park our car?" (Kita pasti tepat waktu. Jam sibuk hampir selesai. Omong-omong, pestanya baru dimulai pukul 08.00. Tapi aku perlu bantuan soal arahnya. Boleh minta tolong kamu telepon restoran dan tanya di mana kita bisa memarkirkan mobil?)

8. Contoh 8

Joshua: "Hi, Stephany, it's Joshua. How are you?" (Hai, Stephany, ini Joshua. Apa kabar?)
Stephany: "Oh, hi, Joshua! I was just thinking about you."(Oh, hai, Joshua! Aku baru saja memikirkanmu.)
Joshua: "That's nice. I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie tonight." (Bagus. Aku ingin tahu apakah kamu ingin pergi ke bioskop malam ini.)
Stephany: "Sure, I'd love to! What's playing?" (Tentu, aku mau! Ada film apa saja?)
Joshua: "I was thinking about that new heist action Mencuri Raden Saleh. What do you think?" (Aku ingin menonton film baru tentang aksi pencurian Mencuri Raden Saleh. Bagaimana menurutmu?)
Stephany: "Sounds great!" (Kedengarannya bagus!)
Joshua: "OK, I'll pick you up around 7:00. The movie starts at 8:00." (OK. Aku jemput kamu sekitar jam 07.00. Filmnya mulai jam 08.00.)
Stephany: "See you then. Bye!" (Sampai ketemu. Dah!)

9. Contoh 9

Michelle: "Hello? Hi, Emily, how are things at the office?" (Halo? Hai, Emily, bagaimana keadaan di kantor?)
Emily: "Hi, Michelle! How are you? Can you please stop and pick up extra paper for the computer printer?" (Hai, Michelle! Apa kabar? Bisakah kamu mampir dan mengambil tambahan kertas untuk printer komputer?)
Michelle: "What did you say? Can you repeat that, please? Sorry, the phone is cutting out. Did you say pick up ink for the printer?" (Apa kamu bilang? Bisakah kamu mengulanginya? Maaf, teleponnya putus-putus. Apakah kamu minta aku mengambilkan tinta untuk printer?)
Emily: "Can you hear me now? No, I need more computer paper. Listen, I'll text you exactly what I need. Thanks, Michelle. Talk to you later." (Sekarang terdengar? Bukan, aku butuh kertas komputer. Dengar, aku akan mengirim pesan apa saja yang kubutuhkan. Terima kasih, Michelle. Ngobrol lagi nanti.)
Michelle: "Thanks, Emily. Sorry, my phone has really bad reception here." (Terima kasih, Emily. Maaf, sinyal ku jelek sekali di sini.)

10. Contoh 10

Meghan: "Well, hello there, Chris! Long time no see!" (Hai, halo Chris! Lama tidak bertemu.)
Chris: "Meg! Hi! What a coincidence! I haven't seen you in ages! What are you doing here?" (Meg! Hai, kebetulan sekali! Rasanya sudah lama sekali aku tidak melihatmu. Sedang apa di sini?)
Meghan: "I just got a new job in the city, so I'm shopping for some clothes. Hey, what do you think of this shirt?" (Aku baru mendapat pekerjaan di kota, jadi aku belanja beberapa baju. Hei, bagaimana menurutmu baju ini?)
Chris: "Hmm... Well, you know how much I love black. See? I've got the same shirt!" (Hmm... Yah, kamu tahu aku suka banget warna hitam. Lihat? Aku juga mengambil baju yang sama!)
Meghan: "You always did have good taste! What a small world." (Seleramu selalu bagus! Wah, dunia ini sempit sekali.)

11. Contoh 11

Jessica: "It's freezing outside! What happened to the weather report? I thought this cold front was supposed to pass." (Dingin sekali di luar! Ada apa dengan laporan cuaca? Aku pikir hawa dingin ini seharusnya sudah lewat.)
Hannah: "Yeah, I thought so too. That's what I read online this morning." (Ya, aku pikir juga begitu. Aku membacanya di berita daring/online tadi pagi.)
Jessica: "I guess the wind chill is really driving down the temperature." (Sepertinya angin dingin benar-benar menurunkan suhu.)
Hannah: "Can we go inside? I feel like my toes are starting to go numb." (Bisa kita masuk saja? Jari-jariku rasanya mulai kebas karena dingin.)

12. Contoh 12

Waiter: "Hello, I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" (Halo, saya akan menjadi pramusaji Anda hari ini. Bolehkan saya mulai dengan memberikan minuman?)
Ashley: "Yes, I'll have iced tea, please." (Ya, saya ingin es teh.)
Taylor: "And I'll have lemonade." (Dan saya ingin lemonade.)
Waiter: "OK. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?" (OK. Apakah Anda ingin langsung memesan atau nanti saja?)
Ashley: "I think we're ready. I'll have tomato soup to start, and roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas." (Sekarang saja. Saya ingin sup tomat untuk pembuka, dan roast beef mashed potato dan kacang polong.)
Waiter: "How do you want the beef? Rare, medium, or well done?" (Dagingnya ingin bagaimana? Rare, medium, atau well done?)
Ashley: "Well done, please." (Well done.)
Taylor: "And I'll just have the fish, with potatoes and a salad." (Saya cukup ikan saja, dengan kentang dan salad.)

13. Contoh 13

Doctor: "What seems to be the problem?" (Apa keluhan Anda?)
Harry: "Well, I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I also have a headache." (Batuk parah dan tenggorokan sakit. Saya juga merasa sakit kepala.)
Doctor: "How long have you had these symptoms?" (Sudah berapa lama gejalanya?)
Harry: "About three days now. And I'm really tired, too." (Sekarang sudah tiga hari. Dan saya sangat lelah.)
Doctor: "Hmm. It sounds like you've got the flu. Take aspirin every four hours and get plenty of rest. Make sure you drink a lot of fluids. Call me if you're still sick next week." (Hmm. Sepertinya Anda terserang flu. Minum aspirin setiap empat jam dan banyaklah beristirahat. Pastikan Anda minum yang banyak. Hubungi saya jika Anda masih sakit minggu depan.)
Harry: "OK, thanks." (Baik, terima kasih.)

14. Contoh 14

Edward: "Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bookstore is?" (Permisi. Bisakah Anda memberi tahu di mana toko buku?)
Lidya: "Yes, it's that way. You go three blocks to Washington Street, then turn right. It's on the corner, across from the bank." (Ya, ke arah sana. Jalan tiga blok di Jalan Washington, kemudian belok kanan. Tempatnya ada di pojok, berseberangan dengan bank.)
Edward: "Thanks! I've only been in town a few days, so I really don't know my way around yet." (Terima kasih! Saya baru beberapa hari di kota ini, jadi saya tidak tahu arah.)
Lidya: "Oh, I know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and I still don't know where everything is!" (Oh, saya tahu rasanya. Keluarga kami pindah setahun lalu, dan saya masih tidak tahu arah ke mana-mana!)

15. Contoh 15

Michael: "Hey! That car just ran a red light and hit that truck!" (Hei! Mobil itu baru saja melewati lampu merah dan menabrak truk itu!)
Peter: "Is anyone hurt?" (Apakah ada yang terluka?)
Michael: "I don't know... Let's call 911. ... Hello? I'd like to report a car accident near the bank on Charles Street. It looks like a man is hurt. Yes, it just happened. OK, thanks. Bye." (Entahlah... Ayo telepon 911. ... Halo? Saya ingin melaporkan kecelakaan mobil di dekat bank di Jalan Charles. Sepertinya orangnya terluka. Ya, baru saja terjadi. Baik, terima kasih.)
Peter: "What did they say?" (Apa katanya?)
Michael: "They're going to send an ambulance and a police car right away." (Mereka akan mengirim ambulans dan mobil polisi sekarang.)
Peter: "Good, they're here. I hope the man is OK." (Bagus, mereka sudah di sini. Semoga orang yang kecelakaan itu baik-baik saja.)

16. Contoh 16

Olivia: "Hey, Emma... Look at those desserts! How about baking some cookies today?" (Hei, Emma... Lihat deh kue itu! Bagaimana kalau kita juga membuatnya hari ini?)
Emma: "Hmm... Yeah, that's a great idea! While we're here, let's pick up the ingredients. OK, what do we need?" (Hmm... Ya, ide bagus! Mumpung kita di sini, ayo cari bahan-bahannya. OK, apa saja yang kita butuhkan?)
Olivia: "The recipe calls for flour, sugar, and butter. Oh, and we also need eggs and chocolate chips." (Resepnya bilang kita butuh tepung, gula, dan mentega. Oh, kita juga butuh telur dan chips coklat.)
Emma: "Why don't you get the dairy ingredients? You'll find those in the refrigerated section in the back of the store. I'll get the dry ingredients, they're in aisle 10." (Bagaimana kalau kamu cari bahan-bahan kue? Ada di kulkas toko di bagian belakang. Aku akan mencari bahan-bahan kering di rak 10.)
Olivia: "Great! Let's meet at the checkout." (Oke! Ketemu di kasir, ya.)
Emma: "OK. See you there." (OK, sampai ketemu.)

17. Contoh 17

Hotel receptionist: "Hi, there. How can I help you?" (Hai. Ada yang bisa dibantu?)
Anastasia: "Well, I'm in town visiting for a few days, and I need to get some things done while I'm here." (Saya akan tinggal di sini beberapa hari, dan saya butuh beberapa hal selama di sini.)
Hotel receptionist: "Sure. What do you need?" (Tentu. Apa yang Anda butuhkan?)
Anastasia: "I need to get my hair cut. I also need to have my new pants hemmed." (Saya butuh memotong rambung. Saya juga perlu celana saya disekeng.)
Hotel receptionist: "OK. There's a good hair salon here, which is just a block away. And there's a tailor right here. Is there anything else?" (Baik. Ada salon rambut yang bagus di sekitar sini, hanya beberapa blok. Dan ada tukang jahit juga. Ada lagi?)
Anastasia: "Yes. I'll need to have my car serviced before my long drive home." (Ya. Saya perlu mobil saya diservis sebelum saya pulang ke rumah.)
Hotel receptionist: "No problem. There's a good mechanic a few blocks away." (Bukan masalah. Ada mekanik mobil yang bagus beberapa blok dari sini.)

18. Contoh 18

Vernon: "Should we take a taxi or a bus to the mall?" (Mending naik taksi atau naik bus ke mall?)
Thomas: "Let's take a bus. It's impossible to get a taxi during rush hour." (Naik bus saja. Sulit dapat taksi jam-jam segini.)
Vernon: "Isn't that a bus stop over there?" (Itu yang di sana halte bus, bukan?)
Thomas: "Yes... Oh! There's a bus now. We'll have to run to catch it." (Ya... Oh! Ada bus! Ayo kita lari ngejar bus!)
Vernon: "Oh, no! We just missed it." (Oh, tidak! Kita ketinggalan.)
Thomas: "No problem. There'll be another one in 10 minutes." (Tidak apa-apa. Ada bus lain 10 menit lagi.)

19. Contoh 19

Patricia: "I'm really excited for Aunt May's surprise birthday party this afternoon! Aren't you?" (Aku tidak sabar buat pesta kejutan ulang tahun Tante May siang ini! Kamu juga, kan?)
Suzy: "Yeah! How old is she?" (Iya! Dia umur berapa, ya?)
Patricia: "She'll be 54 on May 15 (fifteenth)." (Umur 54 tahun tanggal 15 Mei ini.)
Suzy: "Wow! I didn't know that my mom was older. She's going to be 57 on September 1 (first). Anyway, Aunt May is going to be so surprised to see us all here!" (Wah! Aku baru tahu kalau mamaku lebih tua. Mamaku umur 57 tahun tanggal 1 September nanti. Omong-omong, Tante May pasti kaget banget melihat kita semua di sini!)
Patricia: "I know! But we still have to get all the food set up before she gets here. ... OK! We're all ready now. Shh! She's here!" (Aku tahu! Tapi kita masih harus menyusun makanan ini semua sebelum dia datang. ... OK! Semua sudah siap. Sst! Dia datang!)

20. Contoh 20

Julia: "So... what should we do?" (Enaknya sekarang kita ngapain?)
Marie: "Well, I like to do arts and crafts, and I'm really good at drawing. What do you think?" (Yah, aku suka seni dan bikin prakarya, dan aku juga jago menggambar. Gimana menurutmu?)
Julia: "Hmm... how about playing a board game? That would be more fun." (Hmm... bagaimana kalau kita main board game? Kayaknya lebih seru.)
Marie: "OK. Let's play Scrabble! I'm really good at spelling, too." (OK. Ayo main Scrabble! Aku jago banget mengeja bahasa Inggris.)
Julia: "Oh, yeah? We'll see about that!" (Oh ya? Coba lihat!)

21. Contoh 21

George: "What time is that soccer game on? I thought it started at noon." (Pertandingan bolanya jam berapa? Aku pikir mulai jam 12 siang.)
Steve: "We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well... soccer's not my favorite sport anyway. I much prefer badminton." (Mungkin kita salah lihat jadwal. Yah, omong-omong, sepak bola juga bukan olahraga favoritku. Aku lebih suka bulutangkis.)
George: "Oh, really? I thought your favorite sport was basketball! I'm a big fan of badminton, too." (Oh, masa? Aku pikir olahraga favoritmu basket. Aku juga suka bulutangkis!)
Steve: "How about a game sometime?" (Gimana kalau kapan-kapan kita main bareng?)
George: "Sure thing! Why don't we go hit the shuttlecock now since the soccer game isn't on?" (Tentu! Kenapa kita nggak memukul kok saja sekarang, mumpung pertandingan bolanya belum mulai?)
Steve: "Excellent idea. Let's go!" (Ide bagus. Ayo!)

Nah, itulah contoh-contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. Selamat mencoba!

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