Apa maksud queued dota 2

  • Originally posted by Heh_ View Post

    Pudge on my team: holy shit can't land a hook even on a stationary target Pudge on enemy team: holy shit it's dendi

    Happened to me yesterday -_-

    You absolutely nailed how it feels some time ..

    That title above your avatar.. you know "basic member".. says it all..

  • Because we don't always have someone to stack with and some of us like the game and want to get better at it, even if it means taking your chances and possibly getting 4 russians who are not interested in communicating or doing anything for that matter. For some reason my latest few solo games have been pretty good, people communicate and everything but I know that will come to an end soon

    Apa maksud queued dota 2

  • Originally posted by lucifer fans View Post

    Other words I heard from bad 3/4-stacks: 1. we are 4-stacks, you will go solo-offlane


    Thats not so bad if they tell it beforehand. I just ended up with quite crappy offlane choice because I thought that it would be typical 2-1-2 but actually it was 4-stack doing trilane.

  • Pudge on my team: holy shit can't land a hook even on a stationary target

    I find staying stationary or just stop moving helps when dodging hooks, since most people anticipate moving heroes in their hooking. 1. I don't get hooked. 2. they get ridiculed by their teammates cause I was stationary.

    Worst is when it happens to myself

    Apa maksud queued dota 2

  • 1.) Friends are not always online so you cant just form a 5 stack whenever you wish 2.) Some people enjoy playing a solo game, they dont want to play 5-man strats every game with 5 necrobooks, 5 man split pushes, or 5-man fast push at minute 15. 3.) In a 5-stack you'll always play a role that the team needs you to fill, not necessarily what YOU want to play. In my solo games, I random at the pick stage. You wouldnt do that in a team game. IMO, 5-stacks have no business being in the same pool as solo players, there is a team matchmaking tab and thats where they should play.

    The queue-times argument is baloney, this game has millions of players, waiting 6 minutes instead of 2 minutes to get a game is no problem at all.

  • 1. My friends are so bad they only want to play against bots. 2. To be honest I find the level of cooperation in games where everybody queued solo way higher. I love playing against 5 stacks, they usually are stuck in a very obvious routine. I don't think I have ever lost to a 5-man stack. (I have about 4500 MMR, so not completely noob games) 3. When playing CM or CD it's always a surprise what I'm gonna play (I always pick last) which wouldn't happen when 5-stacking. You would probably end up playing the same role over and over again. When playing AP, I insta-random, which I of course could also do when stacking.

    4. I talk ALOT on voicechat, trying to be positive and motivate my teammembers. I'm talking about what we should do in my opinion, and ask what they think about that. I find it pretty thrilling to convince a team of people you have never ever met before to do what you want to do and get everybody to execute it accordingly. I currently won 18 out of my last 20 matches, all by being positive and taking the lead. The rare occasions I played ranked games with a stack, they just got annoyed by me when I discuss what we need to do. They wanted to screw around, and couldn't stick to a plan. Since I won't get mad at my friends, it can get pretty frustrating.

  • Originally posted by Gimatria View Post

    I find it pretty thrilling to convince a team of people you have never ever met before to do what you want to do and get everybody to execute it accordingly. I currently won 18 out of my last 20 matches, all by being positive and taking the lead.

    What server are you playing on? Whenever I try to "be positive and take the lead" the team just ignores me. Captains Mode, I pick become a captain.. Well hello team, I am going to pick some supports, who wants to play support?? .. Dead Silence. Who wants to play mid? ... Chirping Crickets.. ok fine, I pick whatever I think is best, then the teammate suddenly responds .. oh but I never played Visage before! .. Where the fuck were you when I was picking?? .. I went to the toilet

    Thats if they speak english at all. One game I was matched with a 4-stack of mexican pendejos who had 400ms pings (what are these cabrones doing on australian server?) fed like a mcDonalds happy meal, the only english word they knew is "puta" and were pinging me non-stop and dropping my items out of courier. Thanks Valve, I really appreciate not having a solo queue...

  • Because 2 or 3 man stack is the cancer of the matchmaking right now,i cant express how many of my unbalanced game were because someone tries to party up with a friend who have huge skill difference with him,and that cause the matchmaking to screw things up.

  • Originally posted by Heh_ View Post

    Pudge on my team: holy shit can't land a hook even on a stationary target Pudge on enemy team: holy shit it's dendi

    Happened to me yesterday -_-

    This!!^^ One game my mate Rubick steals Hook and misses it during Naga ulti!

    The next game I lane mid against a Dendi-like Pudge, who hooked me as QoP after my Blink (precogitive)...

    Apa maksud queued dota 2

  • Originally posted by hordepriest99 View Post

    Because 2 or 3 man stack is the cancer of the matchmaking right now,i cant express how many of my unbalanced game were because someone tries to party up with a friend who have huge skill difference with him,and that cause the matchmaking to screw things up.

    I dont have a problem with 2 and 3 stacks being in the solo pool, its the 4 and 5 stacks that really ruin the game in the solo pool.
    Yea 3 stacks can skew matchmaking, if you got 1 guy with high skill partnering up with a noob friend. It's a minor problem though, removing 5 stacks from solo pool should be top priority.

  • I play solo queue because the friends I would usually play with are on a different schedule from my own. That and I prefer being solo.

  • Originally posted by Mr.Evo View Post

    This!!^^ One game my mate Rubick steals Hook and misses it during Naga ulti!

    The next game I lane mid against a Dendi-like Pudge, who hooked me as QoP after my Blink (precogitive)...

    Apa maksud queued dota 2

    I feel better after the opponent had a pudge with the name "Smurfing" and abandoned after he fed first blood to a zeus. Yes, to a zeus who was at lvl 2/3.

    So much for smurfing.

  • All my real-life friends play League. I have friends from Dota 2 over time, but I don't make the same effort to play with them as I do with my friends.

    But, more on the focus - why would someone want to?

    I don't think by queuing in solo it automatically labels you as a selfish or uncooperative player. If anything I think a game of 10 solo queuers is one of the best indication of your cooperative skills. It's like going to a party. One party, you know all your friends and you feel comfortable, which is good. Familiarity is an advantage. Another party, you don't know anyone and to get the most out of that party, you need to make friends. If you're friendly and quick on your feet, you'll do fine.

  • Its hard to find people at the same skill level as you, because mmr doesnt mean anything and neither does winrate.

  • because they think they are better than their match history is showing! So they need a reason to blame the system. pings, voice chat, mapdrawing and written chat is so much less option than a stack has to communicate with because obviously they are all communiucating with telephaty. On a more serious note: the only real reason a stack has an slightly advantage, is the draft (which can also be nullified if you have 5 player who actually have enough gamesense) and the coordination in teamfights, everything else is also possible with complete randoms if you use the communication valve give us in-game. And because in a stack there are mostly guys that are way weaker than the rest i personally think this advantage should be nullified in all other phases/aspects of the game. the real problem is if you got guys in your team you can't communicate with, which is crutial if pings arn't enough in some situations. Or people who don't take the game serious, trolls, leaver etc. but this have nothing to do with stacksize.

    tbh my solo games, even against 4 or 5 man stacks were more enjoyable than my party matches were one of my friends who isn't that good get's crushed every time. the "5-man advatage" is a joke if you don't have the same skilllevel on average

    Last edited by FelicesBladewing; 01-17-2014, 12:51 AM.

    Originally posted by DarkLite

    Valve has abandoned the game! The game is now safe to leave.
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    my view of the current MM: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?...907#post769907

    and of RMM: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?...l=1#post879900
    and of solo-q vs party-q: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?...l=1#post929986