Alat yang digunakan untuk menerima getaran suara dan merubahnya menjadi sinyal elektronik adalah

Text 1. This text is for questions 1 to 5

My End of the week

On Sunday morning my family and I went on a boat cruise.

We went underneath the port bridge and then we went past some cargo ships. When we got to Lincon Park we had a picnic. After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing tower. Then Mr. John Smith came over and said Mr. Brown was giving out some apples. Then after we finished that we went home.

Although it was tiring, we were happy.

1.                  Who are the participants in the story about?

A.    A,B,C,D are correct.                              D. Mr. Brown  and Mr. John Smith

B.     the writer’s family and Mr. John Smith E.  the writer and Mr. Brown         

C.     Mr. John Smith and the writer

2.                  What is the genre of the text above?

A.    Descriptive                                          D. Procedure

B.     Recount                                               E. Report

C.     Narration

3.                  What is the purpose of the text?

A.    To entertain the reader.              D. To inform about the end of the week.

B.  To tell about past event.             E. To describe how to make something.

C. To describe a particular place

4.                  The text is organized in ....

A.    Identification – Description

B.     Orientation – Complication – Resolution

C.     Orientation – Events – Re-orientation

D.    Goal – Materials – Steps

E.     Re-Orientation – Events – Orientation

5.                  “Although it was tiring, we were happy.”

The underlined word refers to ….

A.    the writer                                            D. the rock climbing  

B.     the family                                            E.  the boat cruise      

C.     his picnic

Text 2. This text is for questions 6 to 10

A shepherd boy, tending his flock not far from a village, liked to amuse himself by crying out “Wolf! Wolf!” His trick succeeded two or three times. The whole village came running to his assistance, only to be laughed at for falling for his joke.

            Then, one day, the wolf came for real.

      The boy cried out in earnest, but his neighbours, thinking he was tricking them, ignored his cries, and the wolf devoured the sheep.

6.                  The genre of the text above is ....

A.    descriptive                                           D. report

B.     procedure                                             E. narrative

C.     recount

7.                  Then, one day, the wolf came for real.(Paragraph 2). This part of the text is called ....

A.    steps                                                    D. events

B.     complication                                        E. resolution   

C.     identification                                                  

8.                  The phrase “cried out” in paragraph 3 is closest meaning to ....

A.    wept                                                    D. busted

B.     desperate                                             E. screamed

C.     hurt

9.                  The shepherde boy’s personality was a/an ....

A.    happy-go-lucky-boy                            D. annoying boy

B.     caring boy                                           E. intellegent boy

C.     decisive boy

10.              Pronoun “them” in paragraph 3 refers to ….

A.    The shepherd boy                                D. The shepherd boy’s neighbours

B.     The wolf                                              Ethe village

C.     the sheep        

Text 3. This text is for questions 11 to 14

A glass of ice tea in a hot day! Wow it makes us fresher. If you want to make ice tea, first prepare a half glass of tea, one or two spoonful of sugar, and ice. Next step is put the sugar into the glass of tea, stir it well. After that, add some pieces of ice into the glass and stir it again and the ice tea is ready to serve.

11.              What is the goal of the text above?

A.    How to make us fresh                         D. Making a glass of tea

B.     How to make a glass of ice tea           E. How do you make a glass of ice

C.     Making a glass of ice and a glass of tea

12.              What tense is mostly used in text?

A.    Past tense                                            D. Past perfect tense

B.     Present future tense                            E. Present tense

C.     Present perfect tense

13.              How many steps are needed to make  the drink above?

A.    6                                                          D. 3

B.     5                                                          E. 2

C.     4

14.              “ .... and stir it again and the ice tea is ready to serve”(Line 4)

The italic word refers to ….

A.    A glass of tea                                      D. some pieces of ice

B.     a half glass  of tea                               E. glass of ice

C.     Some sugar

Text 4. This text is for questions 15 to 18

When I was in Junior High School, I joined two clubs. They were the football club and the karate club. I joined those clubs because I love sports, especially football and karate. I played football on Sunday mornings and karate on Mondays at 4 p.m.

One day my football club joined a football competition. There were eight clubs joining the competition. At first, our club won the match. Then, we have to defeat another club to get to the final. Remarkably, we won again. After those two matches, we had lunch in the cafetaria nearby. We were so impatient to play in the last game. It was the hard one because our opponent was very tough.

            Finally, we won the game with a nice score of 3-2. We were very happy and proud.

15.              The purpose of the text is ....

A.    describe someone                                D. explain how to do something

B.     describe about something in general   E. tell the past events

C.     entertain the readers or listeners

16.              “ Then, we had to defeat another club ....” The synonym of the underlined word is ....

A.    to attack                                              D. to play

B.     to join                                                  E. to work together

C.     to beat

17.              The following statements are TRUE according to the text, except ....

A.    the last game was very easy to win

B.     there were two clubs in Junior high school

C.     they had lunch after those two matches

D.    there were more than five clubs joining the competition

E.     the writer played football in the morning

18.              When did the writer always play karate?

A.    In the afternoon.                                 D. On Sundays at 4 p.m.

B.     On Sundays                                        E. On Monday mornings

C.     Every morning

Text 5. This text is for questions 19 to 22

Dear Clara,

            How are you? Last Saturday I went on a nice trip with some friends. We went to a lovely beach about 30 kilometers from my town. We left on the bus at nine o’clock in the morning and arrived at the beach at ten. We spent the morning playing in the beach. We also made a castle from sand. Then, we had lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the beach.  After lunch we climbed a large hill behind the beach and saw the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus around three o’clock and then we came back to town.

            What is your holiday experience? Please share with me.

Sincerely yours,


19.              The letter tells us about ....

A.    Hilda’s holiday experience                 D. Hilda’s classmate

B.     a nice beach                                         E. Hilda’s daily activities

C.     Hilda’s feeling

20.              How long were Hilda and her friends in the beach and its surrounding?

A.    Three hours                                         D. Five hours

B.     Seven hours                                         E. Four hours

C.     Six hours

21.              Where did the writer have lunch?

A.    In a small restaurant overlooking the hill

B.     In a small restaurant overlooking the beach

C.     Near a hill, behind the beach

D.    At the top of the hill

E.     At the beach

22.              Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A.    It took one hour to go to the beach.

B.     The writer went to the beach on Saturday.

C.     The beach is at the writer’s town.

D.    There was a large hill behind the beach.

E.     The writer made a castle from sand at the beach.

Text 6. This text is for questions 23 to 26

The Hen with the Silver Eggs

            One day, in Arabian city, a woman went to the market and bought a beautiful hen.

            A few days later to her surprise, the hen she bought laid a silver egg. If the hen could only be persuaded to lay more than one egg each day, the woman was sure she would never have to work again.

            So the woman decided to make the hen eat more, so that it could lay more eggs. But the only result was that the hen died of indigestion and did not lay more eggs at all.

23.              Paragraph 3 mostly discusses about ....

A.    the hen’s eggs

B.     what the hen did for the woman

C.     what the hen eats to lay more eggs

D.    what the woman did to her hen

E.     why the woman wanted to get more eggs.

24.              The hen died because it ....

A.    ate nothing                                          D. was forced to lay eggs

B.     laid more eggs                                      E. ate too much                     

C.     was badly injured

25.              From the text we may conclude that the woman was ....

A.    Active                                                 D. greedy                                           

B.     Miserly                                                E. dangerous

C.     furious

26.              “ If the hen could only be persuaded .... “ (Paragraph 2).The underlined word means ....

A.    commanded                                        D. influenced

B.     dangerous                                            E. brought

C.     told

Text 7. This text is for questions 27 to 30

            Yesterday Jack (27) .... with his friends in the veranda when two men

(28) .... the gate. They asked where Jack’s father was. Jack (29) .... ,” My father is in the backyard. Let me tell him that you are here. Any way, may I know your name, please?” Those two men said nothing and (30) .... Jack’s house.

27.              A. play                                                      D. played

B. was playing                                          E. were playing

C. is playing

28.              A. opens                                                    D. were opened

B. opened                                                  E. has opened

C. opning

29.              A. reply                                                     D. was replied

B. is replying                                             E. replied

C. was replying

30.              A. leave                                                     D. to leave

B. is leaving                                              E. is left

C. left

31.              “Switch off the television”,father ordered me. We can say :

Father ordered me .... television

A.    switch off                                            D. switching off

B.     to switch off                                       E. switches off

C.     switched off

32.              “Don,t be cry!”

He asked me .... be cry.

A.    don’t                                                   D. didn’t

B.     not to                                                               E. aren’t

C.     not

33.              “Your friends are my friends,” He told us.

He told us that ....

A.    your friends were my friends              D.our friends were my friends

B.     my friends were his friends                E. his friends were my friends

C.     our friends were his friends

34.              Toni           : “He drove his car very fast yesterday.”

Rudi          : “What did he say?”

Rina           : “ He said that ....

A.    He drove his car very fast the previous day

B.     He was driving his car very fast yesterday

C.     He had driven his car very fast the day before

D.    He has driven his car very fast the previous day

E.     He drove their car very fast the day before

35.              Boy           : What’s wrong with you? You look unhappy today.

Girl            : I lost my purse this morning.

Boy           : Oh, how awful! I’m so sorry to hear that.

Question : What does the boy express?

A.    his sympathy               D. his compliment

B.     his hapiness                                         E. his gratitude

C.     his dissapointment

36.              Mr. Herman   : Would you mind coming to my party tonight?

Mr, Hery        : .... I have to accompany my mother. She is in hospital.

A.    I’d love to                                           D. OK

B.     Yes, of course                                     E. I’d love to, but

C.     Don’t worry. I’ll come

37.              Kelly         : .... at Mandonga Mall at four

Sari            : Of course. I’ll be there.

A.    Would you mind going                       D. Could we meet

B.     Can we meeting                                  E. I’d like to introduce you

C.     would you like to meeting

38.              The students .... badminton now.

A.    were playing                                        D. have been played

B.     are played                                            E. are playing

C.     will play

39.              My classmates .... archeological museum tomorrow.

A.    will be visited                                      D. will visit

B.     are visited                                            E. visit

C.     will have visited

40.              Roland ....  two weeks ago.

A.    is got a prize                                        D. got a prize

B.     is getting a priz                                    E. has gottena prize

C.     will get a prize

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