Vs code react css autocomplete

I see your point. I have used this design pattern since the beginning of my web dev journey, in all projects, with webpack, react or even backend projects using express js.

I actually want to (politely) ask you, if my project has highly customized components with each one being a having a unique design why is it bad to have the css for the component and the css together itself. The example in my picture are nextjs doc themselves, style jsx seems to be a one of the core functional highlights in their docs.

Besides, the stack overflow thread you linked above mentions the primary reason for a seperate file is component reusability? The argument seemed to be- seperate css into multiple files as opposed to a single file with a dump of all components CSS' . Seperating CSS into MULTIPLE files helps making component reuse easier WHICH is what CSS in JS libraries like style jsx already have.


To make your development quicker and life easier, install a number of the Visual Studio Extensions that square measure outlined below and create your development a lot of and a lot of power tools than the alternative.

Top 10 Extensions for ReactJs in VSCode are:

  • The Bracket Pair Colorizer extension. (Depricated)
  • The change-case extension.
  • The Code Spell Checker extension.
  • The Duplicate Selection extension.
  • The EditorConfig for VS Code extension.
  • The VSCode React Refactorextension.
  • The npm Intellisense extension.
  • The ESLint extension.
  • The ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippetsextension.
  • The Prettier – Code formattedextension.

Bracket Pair Colorizer: This extension permits matching brackets to be known with colors. The user will outline the characters to match, and which colors to use. The main aim of this extension is to allow the matching brackets to be identified with colors. Bracket Pair Colorizer is deprecated as this functionality is now built-in to VS Code. So no need to install separately.

change-case: It is a wrapper around node-change-case for Visual Studio Code. The main job is to quickly modify the case of this choice or current word. It also works with multiple cursors.

Code Spell Checker: It is a basic spell checker that works well with the camelCase code. It basically assists in catching the common spelling errors whereas keeping the number of false positives low.

Duplicate Selection: This extension brings Sublime-like duplication of designated text, it duplicates it inline, and not during a printing operation, just like the default behavior of VSCode.

EditorConfig for VS Code: This extension brings the EditorConfig and .editorconfig support to our VSCode. This plugin mains to override user or workspace settings with settings that are found in .editorconfig files.

VSCode React Refactor: This simple extension provides the refactor code actions for React developers. IT extracts the JSX element to file or function. It also supports the TypeScript and TSX syntax. This extension works well with the classes, functions, and arrow functions.

npm Intellisense: This is a plugin that will auto-complete all the npm modules import statements. All imports for npm modules get automatically handled by this extension.

ESLint: It integrates the ESLint into your VS Code system. The ESLint statically analyzes your code in order to quickly find problems.

ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets: This extension helps in providing the JavaScript and React/Redux related snippets in ES7 with Babel plugin options for your VS Code.

Prettier – Code formatter: It is a code formatted. This VS Code package is used to format your JavaScript/matter/CSS exploitation is prettier. It basically parses your code and re-printing it with its own rules.

Greetings, friends! Have you ever been working with JSX in your React code, wishing VS Code would autocomplete it for you like it does HTML? It's a super easy configuration in VS Code!

In case you haven't heard, VS Code supports Emmet snippets by default. Emmet is a plugin for many text editors and IDEs such as VS Code. It helps you write HTML and CSS faster by giving you autocompletion support.

If you create a new .html file and start typing an element, VS Code will autocomplete it for you because it uses Emmet internally. VS Code is also built to understand a lot of common languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

By default, VS Code isn't configured to recognize JSX with Emmet.

Vs code react css autocomplete

In the image above, there's no autocomplete showing up when I type div in the JSX. If I was in an .html file, then I would see an autocomplete suggestion show up.

How do we fix this? It's actually super simple!

If you type Cmd+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+P in VS Code, then it will open up the Command Palette. Perform a search for "Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)". This will open up a settings.json file that represents a configuration for VS Code. We will add the following lines anywhere in this file:


Copied! ⭐

"emmet.includeLanguages": {
  "javascript": "javascriptreact",
  "typescript": "typescriptreact"

By adding these two lines, Emmet will be enabled in JSX and let you autocomplete element tags in files that are recognized as "javascriptreact" or "typescriptreact" in VS Code. You may have to restart VS Code for your changes to take effect.

The "typescriptreact" option will help Emmet recognize JSX within your .tsx files if you're using React with TypeScript.

Now, when you try to type div in your .js or .jsx file, you should see autocomplete suggestions appear! 🎉

Vs code react css autocomplete

You can use your normal Emmet shortcuts as if you were in an .html file. Here's a shortcut that helps you write a <div> element with a class name:

Vs code react css autocomplete

After hitting Enter on your keyboard, you should see it autocomplete:

Vs code react css autocomplete

Now, I like to go a step further and add another line to our settings.json file we opened up earlier.


Copied! ⭐

"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always"

This line will automatically enclose square brackets and curly brackets. Why is this useful? We can do cool tricks like this:

Vs code react css autocomplete

This is a type of Emmet shortcut that is already built into VS Code. After hitting Enter on your keyboard, you should see it autocomplete:

Vs code react css autocomplete

I've noticed that curly brackets have a hard time autocompleting in JSX. By telling VS Code to always close brackets as we start typing, it provides a small convenience of not having to type as much every time we create an element.


This entire post was about improving the developer experience regarding typing in JSX. You'll find that you'll be writing JSX code much faster with these tricks! Happy coding!

How do I enable AutoComplete in VS Code?

You can trigger IntelliSense in any editor window by typing Ctrl+Space or by typing a trigger character (such as the dot character (.) in JavaScript).

How do you use AutoComplete in react JS?

The React AutoComplete supports the autofill behavior with the help of autofill property. Whenever you change the input value and press the down key, the AutoComplete will autocomplete your data by matching the typed character. Suppose, if no matches found then, AutoComplete doesn't suggest any item.

Why is my AutoComplete not working in VS Code?

Why is VS Code suggestions not working? If you're coding in JavaScript or TypeScript and finds that VSCode IntelliSense does work but does not behave properly, it's likely that you've selected the wrong language mode. TypeScript and JavaScript share the same language service, so you need to select the right language.

Does Emmet work with JSX?

Emmet does not work in js/jsx files for VS Code 1.62.