Mysql enterprise backup installation steps

October 19, 2018 MySQL-MariaDB


  • Must have MySQL Enterprise Edition installed
  • Download media file :  meb-4.1.0-el6.x86_64.rpm (For Linux Platform)

Installation of MySQL Enterprise Backup

Command to install rpm of MySQL Enterprise Backup : rpm -ivh meb-4.1.0-el6.x86_64.rpm

Configuration Setup

Create a user  named:”backup” to perform backup and restrict the permissions accordingly i.e. assign the following permissions


GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON`mysql`.*TO'backup'@'localhost'

GRANT INSERT,UPDATE, CREATE,DROP ON`mysql`.`backup_progress`TO'backup'@'localhost'

GRANT INSERT,UPDATE,CREATE,DROP ON`mysql`.`ibbackup_binlog_marker`TO'backup'@'localhost'

GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,CREATE,DROP ON`mysql`.`backup_history`TO'backup'@'localhost'

By the execution of above command to assign permission this user will be enrolled in BackupAdmin & ProcessAdmin Roles.

Mysql enterprise backup installation steps

Command Statement to perform Backups


/xxx/mysql/meb-4.1/bin/mysqlbackup--port=3306--protocol=tcp--user=backup --password='xxxxxxxx'


/xxx/mysql/meb-4.1/bin/mysqlbackup--port=3306--protocol=tcp--user=backup --password='xxxxxxxx'

--backup-image=$BACKUP_IMAGE--backup-dir=$INC_BACKUP_DIR --incremental-base=history:last_backup

--incremental=optimistic backup-to-image

Mysql enterprise backup installation steps

Commands/Statements to perform Restoration


/xxxx/mysql/meb-4.1/bin/mysqlbackup--port=3306--protocol=tcp--user=backup --password='xxxxxxx'


--backup-dir=/home/mysql_backup/bkp copy-back-and-apply-log--uncompress--force

Backup Verification:

you can check the status and complete history of backups by the following command.

select *from backup_history

If Enterprise Monitoring tool is configured then you may also view the graphical interface for backups as follows:

Mysql enterprise backup installation steps

Mysql enterprise backup installation steps

How do I install MySQL enterprise backup on Windows?

Choose the option Include directory in Windows PATH, so that you can run mysqlbackup from any directory. When installing with a . zip file, simply unzip the file and put mysqlbackup.exe at the desired installation location.

Is MySQL enterprise backup free?

MySQL Enterprise Backup delivers hot, online, non-blocking backups on multiple platforms. It's not a free backup tool, but it offers a lot of features. The standard license cost is $5000 (but may vary on your agreement with Oracle.)

How do I backup my MySQL database?

To back up a MySQL database, you can use either third-party tools or execute the mysqldump command from the command line. mysqldump is a command-line utility used to generate a MySQL logical database backup. It creates a single . sql file that contains a set of SQL statements.