Mongodb updateone push to array

MongoDB provides different types of array update operators to update the values of the array fields in the documents and $pushoperator is one of them. This operator is used to append a specified value to an array.


{ $push: { <field1>: <value1>, ... } }

Here, <field> can specify with dot notation in embedded/nested documents or an array.

  • If the specified field in the $push operator is not present in the document, then this operator will add the array field with the value as its items.
  • The $push operator insert items at the end of the array.
  • If the specified field in the $push operator is not an array, then this operation will fails.
  • If the value of the $push operator is an array, then this operator will append the whole array as a single element. And if you want to add each item of the value separately, then you can use $each modifier with $push operator.
  • You can use this operator with methods like update(), findAndModify(), etc., according to your requirement.

We can also use the following modifiers with the $push operator :

{ $push: { <field1>: { <modifier1>: <value1>, ... }, ... } }

The processing of the push operation with modifiers works in the following order:

  • First update the array to add items in the correct position.
  • Second, apply sort if specified.
  • Third slice the array if specified.
  • Fourth store the array.

Note: Here the order in which the modifiers appear in the $push operator does not matter.

$each It is used to append multiple values to the array field.
$slice It is used to limit the number of array items and require the use of the $each modifier.
$sort It is used to order items of the array and require the use of the $each modifier.
$position It is used to specify the location in the array at which to insert the new items and require the use of the $each modifier. If the $push operator does not use $position modifier, then this operator will append the items to the end of the array.

In the following examples, we are working with:

Database: GeeksforGeeks
Collection: contributor
Document: two documents that contain the details of the contributor in the form of field-value pairs.

Mongodb updateone push to array

Appending a single value to an array:

In this example, we are appending a single value, i.e., “C++” to an array field, i.e., language field in the document that satisfy the condition(name: “Rohit”).

db.contributor.update({name: "Rohit"}, {$push: {language: "C++"}})

Mongodb updateone push to array

Appending multiple values to an array:

In this example, we are appending multiple values, i.e., [“C”, “Ruby”, “Go”] to an array field, i.e., language field in the document that satisfy the condition(name: “Sumit”).

db.contributor.update({name: "Sumit"}, {$push: {language: {$each: ["C", "Ruby", "Go"]}}})

Mongodb updateone push to array

Appending multiple values to an array in the nested/embedded document:

In this example, we are appending multiple values, i.e., [89, 76.4] to an array field, i.e., personal.semesterMarks field of a nested/embedded document.

db.contributor.update({name: "Sumit"}, 

                      {$push: {"personal.semesterMarks": {$each: [89, 76.4]}}})

Mongodb updateone push to array

Use of modifiers with $push operator:

In this example, we are using multiple modifiers like $each, $sort, and $slice with $push operator.

db.contributor.update({name: "Rohit"},

                      {$push: { language: { $each: ["C", "Go"],

                                $sort: 1, $slice: 4}}})


  • The $each modifier is used to add multiple documents to the language array.
  • The $sort modifier is used to sort all the items of the modified language array in ascending.
  • The $slice modifier is used to keep only the first four sorted items of the language array.

Mongodb updateone push to array

How do I push a value into an array in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, the $push operator is used to appends a specified value to an array. If the mentioned field is absent in the document to update, the $push operator add it as a new field and includes mentioned value as its element. If the updating field is not an array type field the operation failed.

How do I update an array in MongoDB?

You can use the updateOne() or updateMany() methods to add, update, or remove array elements based on the specified criteria. It is recommended to use the updateMany() method to update multiple arrays in a collection.

What is $Push in MongoDB?

MongoDB provides different types of array update operators to update the values of the array fields in the documents and $push operator is one of them. This operator is used to append a specified value to an array. Syntax: { $push: { <field1>: <value1>, ... } }

How do I add an array of documents in MongoDB?

insertMany() can insert multiple documents into a collection. Pass an array of documents to the method. The following example inserts three new documents into the inventory collection. If the documents do not specify an _id field, MongoDB adds the _id field with an ObjectId value to each document.