Import excel to mysql workbench

The following is an example walkthrough of importing an Excel document into a MySQL database. To run this tutorial you will need an Excel file, and admin access to a running MySQL instance.

For the example we’ll be using the following Excel file on rental boats:


  1. Open your Excel file and click Save As. Choose to save it as a .CSV (Comma Separated) file. If you are running Excel on a Mac, you will need to save the file as a Windows Comma Separated (.csv) or CSV (Windows) to maintain the correct formatting.

  2. Log into your MySQL shell and create a database. For this example the database will be named boatdb. Note that the --local-infile option is needed by some versions of MySQL for the data loading we’ll do in the following steps.

    $ mysql -u root -p --local-infile
    mysql> create database boatdb;
    mysql> use boatdb;

  3. Next we’ll define the schema for our boat table using the CREATE TABLE command. For more details, see the MySQL documentation.

    CREATE TABLE boats (
    name VARCHAR(40),
    type VARCHAR(10),
    owner_id INT NOT NULL,
    date_made DATE,
    rental_price FLOAT

  4. Run show tables to verify that your table was created.

    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_boatdb |
    | boats            |

  5. Now that there is a database and a table setup, the data can be imported with the LOAD DATA command.

    LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "/path/to/boats.csv" INTO TABLE
    (id, name, type, owner_id, @datevar, rental_price)
    set date_made = STR_TO_DATE(@datevar,'%m/%d/%Y');

If you are a Chartio user, you can now connect the MySQL database to Chartio and chart away.

Execute MySQL queries against live Excel data from MySQL Workbench.

You can use the SQL Gateway from the ODBC Driver for Excel to query Excel data through a MySQL interface. Follow the procedure below to start the MySQL remoting service of the SQL Gateway and work with live Excel data in MySQL Workbench.

Connect to Excel Data

If you have not already done so, provide values for the required connection properties in the data source name (DSN). You can use the built-in Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to configure the DSN. This is also the last step of the driver installation. See the "Getting Started" chapter in the help documentation for a guide to using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure a DSN.

The ExcelFile, under the Authentication section, must be set to a valid Excel File.

Configure the SQL Gateway

See the SQL Gateway Overview to set up connectivity to Excel data as a virtual MySQL database. You will configure a MySQL remoting service that listens for MySQL requests from clients. The service can be configured in the SQL Gateway UI.

Import excel to mysql workbench

Query Excel from MySQL Workbench

The steps below outline connecting to the virtual Excel database created in the SQL Gateway from MySQL Workbench and issuing basic queries to work with live Excel data.

Connect to Excel through the SQL Gateway

  1. In MySQL Workbench, click to add a new MySQL connection.
  2. Name the connection (CData SQL Gateway for Excel).
  3. Set the Hostname, Port, and Username parameters to connect to the SQL Gateway.
  4. Click Store in Vault to set and store the password.
  5. Click Test Connection to ensure the connection is configured properly and click OK.

Import excel to mysql workbench

Query Excel Data

  1. Open the connection you just created (CData SQL Gateway for Excel).
  2. Click File -> New Query Tab.
  3. Write a SQL query to retrieve Excel data, like SELECT * FROM `CData Excel Sys`.Sheet;

Import excel to mysql workbench

With access to live Excel data from MySQL Workbench, you can easily query and update Excel, just like you would a MySQL database. Get started now with a free, 30-day trial of the CData ODBC Driver for Excel and the CData SQL Gateway.

How do I import Excel data into MySQL workbench?

Step 1: Click on the Browse button and select the Excel file you want to import to MySQL. Step 2: Select MySQL as your desired database. According to your excel file, check or uncheck My File has a Header Row. Step 3: Based on your Excel file, check Use CHECK IF TABLE EXISTS.

Can I import CSV to MySQL workbench?

You can import table data from either a JSON or CSV file.

How do I import a large Excel file into MySQL?

Learn how to import Excel data into a MySQL database.
Open your Excel file and click Save As. ... .
Log into your MySQL shell and create a database. ... .
Next we'll define the schema for our boat table using the CREATE TABLE command. ... .
Run show tables to verify that your table was created..

How do I insert an Excel spreadsheet into an SQL database?

Import and Export Wizard.
In SQL Server Management Studio, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine..
Expand Databases..
Right-click a database..
Point to Tasks..
Choose to Import Data or Export Data:.