How to connect android studio with php mysql using xampp

Download and install Xampp from their official page
In this example I use this version: 7.4.5

Xampp set-up has a list of components that you can install too. We’re going to check the Apache and MySQL for this example, you can uncheck those which you don’t

Then select an installation folder. I use the default one

Once you had been installed Xampp control, you must start the services Apache and mySQL

If Apache don’t start because of a localhost connection error, we’re going to change the file httpd-xampp.conf located at: (by default in this folder)


Change those lines for the following and save the file.

Alias /phpmyadmin “C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin/”
<Directory “C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin”>
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Require all granted
Localhost connection error. Change settings on this file httpd-xampp.conf

Restart apache from Xampp app. By now your PC will work as a server, that’s because of Apache’s services.

“localhost (” works only on your PC, so if we want to connect other devices, as our phone, to our “PC server” we have to get our IP address. For that, click on Windows and type “CMD” to open the command prompt

Execute this command: ipconfig

I going to use this “IPv4 Address (”

Once Apache and mySQL are working, we could check on browser our db is up to use

║ Server ║ IP ║
║ localhost ( ║ http://localhost/phpmyadmin ║
║ Pc ip (this example that url) ║ ║
Another devicecould connect toour pc server (Apache instance)

Our server is ready, we need to check our database settings. We use a JDBC user for our connection, and this must have some privileges on database, so we’ll have to execute this query to assign them.

We can execute this query/script on phpmyadmin webpage or in an external app like MySQL Workbench


My user is called “root” and I run the script on MySQL Workbench and checked it on phpmyadmin webpage

Another way to check DB server is running is going to: Server > Server Status > Running


  • You must have your DB Script to create it

For MySQL settings you need the JDBC driver and plugins for your PC to build your app releases
You must have installed the connectors and JDBC on your app’s projects. For Android you could use this sentence on your build.gradle file

implementation group: ‘mysql’, name: ‘mysql-connector-java’, version: ‘5.1.47’

  • In this path you could find the MySQLInstaller.exe to check your MySQL tools versions
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows
    You can check them on Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features
  • Your manifest file must look like this (Internet permissions required)
MySQL tools versions from MySQLInstaller.exe

You could ask me any questions you have

Hope this can help you!

If you want to use XAMPP as your localhost server for Android development then this article is for you. By following these simple steps, you can connect your XAMPP server to Android Studio and start developing Android applications.
XAMPP is an open source cross-platform web server package which consists of Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.
Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing Android applications. It is based on the IntelliJ IDEA platform and offers a set of features that helps developers in creating and debugging Android applications.
In order to connect XAMPP to Android Studio, you need to first open the XAMPP Control Panel and start the Apache and MySQL services. Once the services are up and running, you can open Android Studio and go to File->New->Import Project. Select the project you want to import and click on the OK button.
In the next window, you need to specify the location of the project’s manifest file. The manifest file is a file which contains all the information about the Android application such as the package name, activities, permissions, etc.
Once the manifest file is selected, click on the Finish button and Android Studio will start importing the project. Once the project is imported, you can run it on your Android device or emulator.

Using Xampp Database, You Can Connect It To Android Studio. Can an Android app connect to mysql database? Android has access to MySQL via the Internet, but it does not support it completely. The following steps will walk you through the process of connecting Android to PHP, Oracle, and SQLite documentation. Because Irontech has built a PHP port for Android, you can use Android PHP applications. This code can be built using the Android (SL4A) scripting layer. When the need arises, you must use web services with your server’s database.

How Can I Connect Database With Xampp Server?

How to connect android studio with php mysql using xampp

In the XAMPP UI, you can access localhost/PHPMyAdmin or XAMPP’s admin panel. After you’ve chosen Edit privileges, click Change Admin password, enter your password, and then click Save. You will need this password to connect to your database, so keep it.

I’ll show you how to connect your database to Xampp Server. Open an application, such as PHPMyAdmin or XAMPP, and create a database on the LocalHost. It is a TCP/IP connection used to connect xampp. Because XAMP has only one port, you cannot change the settings of the field. How can I connect to MySQL in Xampp? This issue can be resolved in three different ways. If you are using administrator privileges, you should run XAMPP. Make sure your database is backed up before you start using it. Change the port of your database.

Can Xampp And Mysql Work Together?

As you can see, I’ve used this method to connect my MySQL workbench to Xampp MySQL 01). The Plus icon will be displayed. In step 2, you’ll need to double-check the MySQL port number of Xampp. Check to see if the connection name matches the port number in the Xampp MySql database.

Do I Need Mysql If I Have Xampp?

I don’t need XAMPP, which is why mySql includes it in its bundle. In the control panel, click the Start MySql button.

Can I Install Xampp In Android?

How to connect android studio with php mysql using xampp

Yes, you can install XAMPP on Android. XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

It is a free and open source server software that allows you to store all of your data in a server of your choice. This is a networking library for C/C that is intended to allow devices to connect and connect to one another online. is a PHP/MySQL web application that is severely vulnerable. ClickUp is a free online tool that lets you complete more tasks for your team. Manage your team’s tasks from anywhere in the world by using a mobile app. Parse Server employs the Express web application framework. SoftEther VPN (SoftEther, the acronym stands for Software Ethernet) is a world-renowned tool that is widely used.

It is a firewall circumventing application that allows you to use your favorite applications and browse the internet without having to use a firewall. With Appium Desktop, you get a beautiful and flexible interface for the Appium automation server. QGIS, an open-source Geographic Information System (GIS), is available under the GNU General Public License and is user-friendly. xrdp has access to a number of RDP clients, including FreeRDP, rdesktop, NeutrinoRDP, and Microsoft Remote Desktop. You can stream and manage media from your Jellyfin account through a variety of features. Home Assistant, an open source home automation app, focuses on local control and privacy. MonoGame is fully autonomous.

The framework for Net games is open source. When web clients and servers use, they communicate in real time with each other in bi-directional communication. The Appium Automation framework is an open source test automation framework that can be used to automate native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. The Snapcast audio player is an audio player that can be used in a client-server environment. Parse your OpenAPI/swag definition into your open API /swag definition and use SwaggerCodegen to generate documentation, APIs, server stubs, and client endpoints in a variety of languages. Several players can feed audio to the server in parallel, and clients can also play the same audio stream. With Tamper Dev, you can intercept, inspect, and modify requests before sending them to a server.

Countly’s mobile analytics platform is built entirely in open source and provides rich push notifications and crash reporting. It is an innovative and real-time mobile analytics platform. A scalable overlay networking tool based on performance, simplicity, and security. Nebula is a tool that focuses on performance, simplicity, and security. Impostor is a C# reimplementation of the Among Us Server that is open source.

Can I Install Xampp In Android?

Xampp server is a free download for Android, according to the sourceForge website.

How To Install Php On Your Android Device

You can get to it by typing apt install php into the apt-get prompt. After the installation is finished, you will see a new app on your home screen. To access the “$” sign, tap on it. Enter php with the Enter key. Step 5: Once the installation is finished, you will see a page requesting the path to the file you want to run. To enter a php file, type PHPfile.php.

Is Xampp An App?

A compressed version of XAMPP (/z*mp/ or /*ks). The Apache Friends’*mp/*mp/*mp/*mp/*mp/ is a free and open-source PHP, Perl, and Python web server solution stack package; the majority of the packages are made up of the Apache HTTP Server, database, and interpreters for PHP

Wamp Vs. Xampp: Which Is Best For You?

What is the difference between a WAMP and XAMPP file?
If you only use Windows and PHP, WAMP is a good choice. However, if you’re a programmer with a lot of experience, XAMPP is the best server to use. A number of new features will be added as a result.

Can I Install Xampp In Ipad?

The XAMPP for iPad magic package is not one of these, and it will not enable you to easily install your usual PHP/MySQL Apache LAMP magic.

Can Mysql Connect To Android Studio?

Yes, MySQL can connect to Android Studio. Android Studio is a popular IDE for developing Android applications. MySQL is a popular database management system.

You can create a single MYSQL URL by calling the commands below. If you want to receive this newurl information, you must execute an executing method. In a bad way, you will be required to keep database account information, such as passwords, in your app, which is a security risk. How do I connect to a local Mysql server? You will need to enter PHP to connect to the MySQL server. Check that both the web application and the Android application are running on the API/Resist layer. The introduction of computer classes has resulted in the development of a new driver class.

Android Studio And Mysql: Not The Best Idea

SQLite and MySQL are two of the most popular databases used in Android Studio. MySQL, on the other hand, is not the most convenient way to access your database in Android Studio. To connect to Restful’s front end, you’d need to put a Restful server in front of it and use the HTTPS protocol. JDBC, a database connector intended for use in development environments, is not supported by Android Studio. As a result, you will require database account information in your app, including passwords, which is not ideal for security reasons.

Can Android App Connect To Mysql Database?

Android does not support MySQL as a stand-alone operating system. To access your database, simply insert a Restful server into front of it and use HTTPS to connect to it.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Mysql database to connect an Android app. An Android application will be created to retrieve data from a remote server and send it to the user. We will be able to achieve this by using this script to generate Jason formate, an Android app. If you use localhost, you must place the inplace of server name in the localhost file. Drag and drop a simple text view to display the data from the remote Mysql database from the Android app on a new project with any name. The above code runs in the older version of Android’s main datery for the most recent versions.

Sqlite Databases In Android Applications

To use SQLiteManager, add it to your Android application.
In the SQLiteManager, insert the SQLiteDatabase.
The SQLiteDatabase can be added by downloading and installing the SQLiteDB.
When connecting to a SQLite database, use open() methods.
SQLite databases can be used to connect Android apps to databases. The ORM can be used to connect to a local database and map your tables to classes based on their relationships to the local database. SQLiteManager can be implemented into an Android Application by inserting it. A SQLiteDatabase can be added to the SQLiteManager by using the SQLiteDatabase utility. SQLiteDatabase’s open() method can be used to connect to the database.

Android Studio Connect With Xampp

To connect Android Studio with XAMPP, you will need to set up a local server environment on your computer. This can be done by installing the XAMPP software package. Once XAMPP is installed, you will need to start the Apache and MySQL services in the XAMPP control panel. Then, you will need to configure Android Studio to connect to your local XAMPP server. You can do this by going to the “File” menu and selecting “Settings.” In the “Settings” window, select the “HTTP Proxy” option and enter the address of your XAMPP server in the “Server” field. Finally, click the “OK” button to save your changes.

How To Connect Android Studio To Your Ms Sql Serve

The steps below will walk you through how to connect Android Studio to your MS SQL Server. Create a new project in Android Studio first. Once you’ve decided on the project, you’ll need to establish an MS SQL Server connection. Using the steps below, you will be able to do so. Your MS SQL Server connection will be created in Android Studio once it has been configured.

How To Connect Database In Android Studio

In order to connect a database to your Android Studio project, you will first need to create a new Database. This can be done through the use of an IDE such as MySQL Workbench, or by using a web-based interface such as phpMyAdmin. Once you have created your database, you will need to add a JDBC driver to your project. This can be done by adding the following line to your build.gradle file:
dependencies {

compile ‘com.mysql.jdbc:mysql-connector-java:5.1.40’
Once you have added the JDBC driver to your project, you will need to create a new file called “”. In this file, you will need to include the following code:
import java.sql.*;
import android.content.*;
import android.database.sqlite.*;
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = “mydatabase.db”;
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
db.execSQL(TableData. TableInfo. CREATE_TABLE);
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
db.execSQL(TableData. DELETE_TABLE);
In the “” file, you will need to replace “mydatabase.db” with the name of your database, and “TableData. CREATE_TABLE” with the SQL query that will create your table.
Once you have created your “” file, you will need to create a new file called “”. In this file, you will need to include the following code:
import android.content. ContentValues;
import android.content. Context;
import android.database. Cursor;

By following these steps, you can connect your Android application to a Heroku database. In general, connecting to a database like MS SQL or PostgreSQL does not take much longer. Once you’ve completed all of the above steps, click the play button on the top right side of the controller to bring up your device. The steps will be applicable to both local MS SQL or PostgreSQL databases as well as AVD devices. As a result, you will need a cloud database provider such as Heroku. After you’ve set up your project on Heroku, go to the settings tab in your project database and copy and paste the information from the project database to your Android app.

How To Connect An Android App To An Ms Sql Database

SQLite, a free open source SQL database, is used to store data on a device. SQLite databases are built into Android. Because SQLite is not a relational database, it lacks the ability to organize the data in tables. The SQLite table does not contain any rows or columns, but rather a single line of text.
You must use an actual device that is connected to the internet to test this. Using the Android studio IDE, you can create an Android application that uses PHPMYSQL as its name.
To connect to the MS SQL Server, a new database and table must be created. By using Android Studio, you can add new values to the table and view the data. Finally, in the gradle file, you will specify the required driver.

Connect Android App To Xampp Server

To connect an Android app to a Xampp server, first make sure that the Xampp server is running on the computer. Then, open the Android app and go to Settings. In the Settings menu, select “Connections”. In the Connections menu, select “Add Connection”. In the Add Connection menu, select “Xampp”. Enter the IP address of the computer running the Xampp server in the “Server IP” field. Enter the port number of the Xampp server in the “Server Port” field. Enter the username and password for the Xampp server in the “Username” and “Password” fields. Tap the “Connect” button.

Can I Connect Xampp With Android Studio?

This article provides an overview of how to install and configure XAMPP Server. Because the data must be sent to the remote database via an Android Application, I followed my steps carefully and included the source code in Android Studio. By opening Android Studio, you can get started on this new project.

How Do I Connect An Android App And Website With Same Database?

Originally Answered: How do I link the same database with the web and an Android application? Connect both the Android app and the web to the database by writing an API/Rest layer.

How To Keep Your Website And Mobile App In Sync

By doing so, you can ensure that your website and mobile app stay up to date. You can update your website and update your mobile app simultaneously without affecting your mobile app.

How Do Mobile Apps Connect To Database?

You can create your own database using the Android app SQLite. Synchronization with your server’s database via web services is required for this purpose. (a) connect to your local database via an ORM, and (b) map your tables and classes using a relational database.

The Benefits Of Mobile Application Servers

One of the primary advantages of using a mobile application server is its ability to optimize an app for all devices and networks. By separating the app’s codebase into different components, a mobile application server can ensure that the app runs smoothly on a variety of devices and networks without having to make any changes to the codebase itself.
The mobile application servers can also help to reduce backend load. A dedicated server hosting the app codebase may reduce some of the workload on the mobile application server. You can ensure that the app remains responsive and stable as long as users are online at the same time by making this change.

Android Studio Connect To Phpmyadmin Database

Android Studio provides a complete IDE, which includes everything you need to build Android apps. It includes a powerful code editor, a debugger, and a compiler. Android Studio also supports a variety of tools for creating and testing Android apps, including a device emulator, a GUI builder, and a performance profiler.

On Android, you can connect to MY URLSQL by using the Android REST API. DefaultHttpClient = the URL that is used as a client in HTTP. I want to build a database based on the Androidhive table entitled products and the table titles. It will take a few days for Android ASyncTask to be created. The button for accessing database tables can be pressed if you want to access a table by pressing Fetch Data. JDBC does not provide such a solution in the manner in which it is designed. When running an app on a database, you’ll also need user and account data, which is especially important if you need to use a password. A Java script or a PHP script can effectively register and log in Android apps.

How To Connect Mysql Database In Android Studio Using Java

To connect a MySQL database in Android Studio using Java, first add the MySQL connector library to your project. Then, create a new Java class and declare a Connection object. In the Connection object, specify the database name, server name, and port number. Finally, call the connect() method to connect to the database.

In this post, we’ll go over how to connect Android to MySql databases using the MySQL connector. A successful connection between the application and the Database will result in an Android TextView displaying data from a table on the Android Database. When you connect to a Database, your IP address will be used to access the database.

How To Connect To A Mysql Database In Android Studio

Dependencies are the requirements for the project. COM.INTRODUCTION.JDB.BUILD:mysql-jdbc:5.1.31br> The code you must add is provided below: Open the app/src/main/java/com/mycompany/app/ file and copy the following code.
A new connection can be attempted (jdbcConnection = jdbcConnection). (JdbcUtil.getConnection()) )
The value of a string in SQL is sql. * From products; * from the
Product listings are those that contain a list of products. Data structure can be configured in jdbc.Connection.Update(sql) with jdbc.Connection.Update(sql). It comes from the Greek words for “great.”
GetData(), which is also used to obtain data from the database, can also be used.
The product is labeled by its name. Get data from ajdbcConnection.

How To Connect Android App To Localhost Database

If you want to connect your Android app to a localhost database, you will need to first set up a web server to host the database. Once the web server is set up and running, you can then use the Android Emulator to connect to the localhost and access the database.

Connect Xampp Live Database

There are a few steps you need to take in order to connect a live database to your XAMPP installation. First, you need to make sure that the database server is running. If it is not, you can start it by going to the XAMPP Control Panel and clicking on the “Start” button next to the “MySQL” section.
Next, you need to open the “Config” button in the “MySQL” section. This will open the MySQL Configuration File in a text editor. Find the section labeled “[mysqld]” and add the following line to it:
bind-address =
Save the file and close the text editor.
Finally, you need to open the “Services” tab in the XAMPP Control Panel and restart the “MySQL” service. Once the service has been restarted, you should be able to connect to your live database from your XAMPP installation.

XAMPP is the solution to getting to the live database from local to live. Each of the 12 answers was viewed by one person (total of 12). Did you update your database name, username, password, and table_? What is a prefix in the wp-config.php file? Can I edit a website’s URL to connect to the database and open the website locally? Although I’m pretty sure I couldn’t install anything, I’m just so close to not doing so that I won’t. If you only want to load the production site on your local machine using XAMPP, you can do it right now for only 10 minutes. Should I migrate only on a migration tool, or only on a migration script?

Php Android Applications

There is a growing trend of PHP Android applications. This is because PHP is a very versatile and powerful language that can be used to create a wide variety of applications. Additionally, PHP Android applications tend to be very user-friendly and easy to use.

It is very simple for any Android app with account registration and login to use PHP as the back end. You will learn how to set up a local server as well as MyQSL DataBase, which will assist you with managing user registration and other information. XAMPP is available for use on almost any operating system. You can download an XAMPP installation file from their website by typing “XAMPP” into Google, and then choose from a list of available operating system files. The registration and sign-in functionality will be in place. Our original post on how to use PHP for Android is now available to download.

Can Php Be Used In Android App?

Developers can now write Android applications in PHP using a common language. Irontech has created a PHP port that can be run on Android, and you can use the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) to create PHP-based Android applications.

How To Open Php Files In Safari

PHP files can be accessed with a variety of applications, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. PHP files, while not supported by Safari, can be open using extensions.

Can Php Be Used For Mobile Applications?

PHP is primarily used to create dynamic websites, but it can be used to create Android and iOS apps as well. PHP, as a language, can be used to create dynamic websites, web applications, and all types of mobile applications.

Why Postgresql Is The Best Database For Android

There are several reasons why PostgreSQL is the best database for Android. As a first step, its features are specifically designed for mobile applications. It is easy to use because it supports mobile transactions, allows automatic indexation and query, and scales well. The second benefit of PostgreSQL is its open source nature, which allows you to customize it to meet your specific requirements. As a result, you can be certain that the PostgreSQL database will be secure and dependable.

Can we create Android app using PHP and MySQL?

Android App Development for Beginners MYSQL is used as a database at the webserver and PHP is used to fetch data from the database. Our application will communicate with the PHP page with necessary parameters and PHP will contact MYSQL database and will fetch the result and return the results to us.

Can Android Studio connect to MySQL?

This is when the user have registered..
Step 1 : Create a mySQL database in phpMyAdmin. ... .
Step 2 : Create 3 php files. ... .
Step 3 : Components should have in Android Studio. ... .
Step 4 : Design the activity_main.xml. ... .
Step 5 : Create a class named Design the. ... .
Step 6 : Write the code in ... .
Step 7 : You can test you app..

Can we use PHP in Android Studio?

So, let's explore how you can use PHP on your backend of the Android Application. Essentially we have to make a log-in and register interface for the android application so we will set up a local PHP server and MySQL database to build PHP Web Development.

Can we use PHP in Android app?

You can even write Android applications in PHP now. The folks at Irontech have created a PHP port to run on Android, and with the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A), you can build PHP Android applications.