Contoh Recount Text tentang pengalaman di sekolah smk

6 kalimat bahasa Inggris 3 pakai kata kerja 3 tidak pakai kata kerja​

bantu jwb kak..mksi ​

garis bawahi expression of attention

Dijawab dengan arti 1. Have = 2. Has = 3. Does = 4. Not = 5. Do = 6. in = 7. Their = 8. Mempunyai = 9. Sebuah 10. Pita = 11. Mereka = 12. The = 13. … After = 14. Plus = 15. Minus = 16. Times = 17. Divided = 18. Friends = 19. Some = 20. Pens = 21. Doll = 22. Cabbages = 23. Make = 24. Need = 25. Crayons = 26. Thanks = 27. Draw = 28. She = 29. They = 30. Wooly = 31. Suka = 32. Sungai = 33. Siang hari = 34. Mendengarkan = 35. Like = 36. Dressing Table = 37. Wardrobe = 38. Bath = 39. Towel = 40. Shower = 41. Apron = 42. Shelf = 43. Rooms = 44. Except = 45. Small = 46. Clothes = 47. Thing = 48. Which = 49. Tidy = 50. Comfort = 51. Able = 52. Any = 53. Find = 54. His = 55. Buy = 56. Means =

______ the discovery of the fossilized remnants of tides in one-billion-year-old rocks.

_____ off the hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead.

__________ a beach down here. blank __________ four girls and two boys in my family. blank __________ a train to bandung yesterday? blank __________ a … new hospital in my city now. blank __________ a good restaurant in this street? blank __________ fifteen students in our new class. blank __________ a lot of children in the pool? blank __________ three families in that house. blank __________ five flat televisions in the this store last week? blank __________ a big grey loud over there. were therethere iswas thereis therethere arethere isare therethere arethere isthere are previous page

________ your friend ______ a letter for you twice a month? * 2 poin is send are send do send does send

_______is present in the body in greater amounts than any other mineral.

. emily __________ her best friends several letters last year

Being a super teacher is not easy. Sometimes some students misbehave and interrupt the teaching learning process. What are the causes of misbehavior i … n the classroom and what do you do to handle it?​

To reduce classroom problem and enhance the learning process is by making a strong relationship between teacher and students. List 10 activities which … can make it work.​

Explain what education is according to the experts below:1. Ki Hajar Dewantara 2. John Dewey​

Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviours, skills, values and attitudes. Give your best opinion the factors that c … an affect the learning process.​

In your opinion, what is the role of the teacher under the pillar of learning to live together?​

The story' is recorded by me. Kegiatan saya di pagi hari to play basketball dan di sore hari fishing di sungai. Di malam hari saya tidur dan tak lupa … beribadah merupakan hal yang utama dan sesudah itu saya bekerja untuk sehari-hari sesudahnya saya mandi dan makan sesudagnya saya belajar lagi Terjemahan bahasa inggrisnya kak bantu plis saya mau mau kumpul jam 8 pagi

Assalamualaikum selamat pagi ibu saya atas nama dio rahman The story' is recorded by me. Kegiatan saya di pagi hari to play basketball dan di sore har … i fishing di sungai. Di malam hari saya tidur dan tak lupa beribadah merupakan hal yang utama dan keesokan hari sesudah itu saya bekerja sehari hari saya dan sesudah itu siap"mandi untuk makan dan belajar lagi tolong terjemahan bahasa englishnya

PLISS bantuin besok di kumpul segera ya kak terimakasihbuat lah kalimat berikut menjadi positif,negatif,dan tanyaPLISS bantuin kak ​

1. ... she come late?2. ... you exeiting?3. ... they here yesterday?4. ... they walking slowly?5. ... father a docter?6. ... his wife a pantient woman … ?7. ... she lazy?8. ... they smart?9. ... i handsome?10. ... mother a wonder woman?11. ... the classes clean last week?12. ... you at home last night?13. ... there students in the classroom?14. ... your sisters beautiful?15. ... she always come on time?16. ... she well?17. ... she opened the door?18. ... you had breakfast?19. ... they wake up early?20. ... i right21. ... the food delicious?22. ... the flour slippery yesterday?23. ... you hungry today?24. ... the students mapping the floor?25. ... the box empty?26. ... i run slowly this morning?27. ... you help your mom?28. ... you bought the strawberry?29. ... you okay?30. ... the elephant big?​

TOLONG BANTU TOLONG BANTUUHALO KAKAK KAKAK, YANG BISA TOLONG BANTU YA. JANGAN JAWAB ISENG, INI CUMAN BUAT YANG BISA AJAAMAKASI BANYAK ❤️❤️❤️1. ... she … come late?2. ... you exeiting?3. ... they here yesterday?4. ... they walking slowly?5. ... father a docter?6. ... his wife a pantient woman?7. ... she lazy?8. ... they smart?9. ... i handsome?10. ... mother a wonder woman?11. ... the classes clean last week?12. ... you at home last night?13. ... there students in the classroom?14. ... your sisters beautiful?15. ... she always come on time?16. ... she well?17. ... she opened the door?18. ... you had breakfast?19. ... they wake up early?20. ... i right21. ... the food delicious?22. ... the flour slippery yesterday?23. ... you hungry today?24. ... the students mapping the floor?25. ... the box empty?26. ... i run slowly this morning?27. ... you help your mom?28. ... you bought the strawberry?29. ... you okay?30. ... the elephant big?​

4 menit

Salah satu jenis tulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk menceritakan sebuah pengalaman adalah recount text. Yuk, pelajari sejumlah contoh recount text berikut ini!

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, dikenal 13 jenis teks untuk menceritakan sesuatu, salah satunya adalah recount text.

Recount text adalah sebuah teks untuk menceritkan peristiwa atau pengalaman di masa lalu.

Karena menceritakan kejadian yang sudah terlewat, kalimat dalam recount text menggunakan simple past tense, past countinous tense, past perfect, dan past perfect continous.

Untuk membuat recount text yang baik, kita harus menulisnya secara terstruktur.

Pada prinsipnya, teks ini dimulai dari orientation (pengenalan), event (peristiwa utama yang diceritakan), dan reorientation (kesimpulan).

Nah, kali ini Indonesia akan membagikan sejumlah contoh recount text  dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu pelajari.

Yuk, simak contoh di bawah ini!

5 Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

1. Contoh Recount Text Pengalaman Liburan ke Karimunjawa

Contoh Recount Text tentang pengalaman di sekolah smk

I spent my last holiday in Karimunjawa, Central Java with my friends.

On the first day, I arrived at Karimunjawa Harbor at 10.00 after a 12 hour trip with a bus and ferry boat.

After I arrived, I decided to take a shower and rest for a while.

Then, I followed a trip with our guide to explore a few islands around Karimunjawa.

On the next morning, we went snorkeling and explore more islands.

We had fun, we also ate good food.

On the last day, I went shopping for some souvenirs.

After that, I went to the harbor at 11.00.

We arrived in Bandung at 23.00.

I had a wonderful experience in Karimunjawa.

It was the best trip of my life.


Aku menghabiskan liburanku di Karimunjawa, Jawa Tengah bersama teman-teman.

Pada hari pertama, aku tiba di Pelabuhan Karimunjawa pada pukul 10.00 setelah 12 jam perjalanan menggunakan bus dan kapal feri.

Setelah tiba, aku memutuskan untuk mandi dan istirahat sejenak.

Kemudian, aku mengikuti perjalanan bersama pemandu kami untuk menjelajah sejumlah pulau sekitar Karimunjawa.

Keesokan paginya, kamu pergi melakukan snorkeling dan menjelajah lebih banyak pulau lagi.

Kami bersenang-senang dan memakan makanan yang enak.

Pada hari terakhir, aku pergi berbelanja beberapa cendera mata.

Kemudian, aku pergi ke pelabuhan pada pukul 11.00.

Kami tiba kembali di Bandung pada pukul 23.00.

Aku mendapat pengalaman yang menyenangkan di Karimunjawa.

Ini adalah perjalanan terbaik seumur hidupku.

2. Contoh Recount Text Pengalaman Berpartisipasi dalam Sebuah Acara

I had the best experience of my life in 2015

I participated in Asian-African Student Conference in Bandung.

I was interested in Asian-African Conference history and dreamed to be a part of it.

I prepared an essay and idea to be presented at that event.

The other participants also helped me and gave me some idea for our comittee discussion.

I didn’t talk too much, but it was a good experience for me.


Tahun 2015 adalah pengalaman terbaik yang pernah aku dapat.

Aku berpartisipasi dalam Konferensi Mahasiswa Asia-Afrika di Bandung.

Aku tertarik dengan sejarah Konferensi Asia-Afrika dan bermimpi untuk menjadi bagian dari perhelatan tersebut.

Aku menyiapkan esai dan sejumlah ide untuk dipresentasikan pada acara tersebut.

Partisipan yang lain juga membantuku dan memberi beberapa ide untuk diskusi komite kami.

Aku memang tidak berbicara banyak, tetapi acara tersebut adalah pengalaman bagus untukku.

3. Teks Pengalaman Mengalami Sakit

Contoh Recount Text tentang pengalaman di sekolah smk

Sometimes I eat late.

Until a week ago, I got very sick because of my bad eating habit.

During holiday, I played video game from afternoon until the sun set.

After spending hours and hours playing video game, my stomach ached and my heart was pounding.

I tried to eat but the pain was still there.

After a visit to the doctor, I realized that I am suffering from chronic gastritis.

I drank the medicines and promised to not skip meal time again.


Terkadang, aku terlambat makan.

Kemudian, pada pekan lalu aku merasakan sakit akibat pola makan yang buruk.

Ketika sedang hari libur, aku bermain gim dari siang hingga malam hari.

Setelah menghabiskan berjam-jam bermain gim, perutku menjadi sangat sakit dan jantungku berdebar kencang.

Aku mencoba makan tetapi rasa sakitnya tidak hilang.

Setelah menemui dokter, aku menyadari bahwa aku menderita maag kronis.

Kemudian, aku meminum obat dan berjanji untuk tidak melewatkan waktu makan.

4. Contoh Recount Text Pengalaman Terlambat Sekolah

Last week was the first day I was late to school.

I had never came late to school before.

Before sleeping, I set my alarm to 05.00.

But then, I woke up at 08.00 because the alarm didn’t ring.

After I woke up, I realized that my alarm was broken.

I panicked and rushed to bathroom and changed to my school uniform.

I grab my bike and rode it with full speed to school.

When I arrived, I was punished for being late.

The next day, I bought a new alarm to prevent me from doing the same mistake.


Pekan lalu adalah kali pertama aku datang terlambat ke sekolah.

Sebelumnya, aku tidak pernah datang terlambat ke sekolah.

Sebelum tidur, aku mengatur alarm agar berbunyi pada pukul 05.00.

Setelah itu, aku bangun pukul 08.00 karena jam alarm tidak berbunyi.

Saat bangun, aku baru sadar bahwa jam alarm rusak.

Aku panik dan buru-buru pergi ke kamar mandi, lalu mengenakan seragam.

Kemudian, aku mengambil sepedaku dan mengayuh dengan kecepatan penuh untuk pergi ke sekolah.

Ketika tiba, aku dihukum karena terlambat.

Keesokan harinya, aku membeli jam alarm baru untuk mencegahku melakukan kesalahan yang sama.

5. Teks Pengalaman Sehari-hari

Contoh Recount Text tentang pengalaman di sekolah smk

Last Friday was a tiring day.

I spent the whole day doing lot of activities and had no time to take a rest.

First, I went cycling to school in the morning.

Then, I studied until 14.00.

After school, I went to football practice in the field.

It was a hard training day and drained my energy.

After that, I went home and took a shower.

Before getting ready to sleep, I remembered that there were homeworks and some projects I still had to do.

I did my homework until 22.00 and finished some video editing for my project until 01.00.

Only until then, I could take a rest.

Those activities made me exhausted.

Perhaps I will reduce my activites in the future.


Jumat lalu adalah hari yang melelahkan.

Aku menghabiskan hariku dengan banyak aktivitas dan tidak ada waktu untuk beristirahat.

Pertama, pagi harinya, aku bersepeda ke sekolah.

Kemudian, aku belajar sampai pukul 14.00.

Setelah sekolah, aku pergi ke lapangan sepakbola untuk bergabung pada sesi latihan bersama klub sepakbolaku.

Hari itu adalah sesi latihan yang berat dan membuatku kelelahan.

Setelah itu, aku pulang dan mandi.

Saat aku bersiap untuk tidur, aku ingat bahwa masih ada pekerjaan rumah dan proyek yang harus aku kerjakan.

Aku mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah hingga pukul 22.00, kemudian menyelesaikan penyuntingan video untuk poryekku sampai pukul 01.00.

Setelahnya, aku baru bisa beristirahat.

Aktivitas itu membuatku sangat kelelahan.

Mungkin aku akan mengurangi aktivitasku di masa mendatang.


Itulah lima contoh recount text yang bisa kamu pelajari.

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat untuk Sahabat 99, ya!

Jangan lewatkan informasi menarik lainnya di portal Berita Indonesia.

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