Cara menggunakan array diff php

Apa itu operasi selisih dalam suatu himpunan? operasi selisih dalam suatu himpunan adalah cara untuk mendapatkan isi satu himpunan yang tidak dimiliki oleh himpunan lain yang diselisihkan kepada himpunan yang pertama, atau secara sederhananya adalah mengurangi isi himpunan pertama dengan isi himpunan yang kedua sehingga isi himpunan yang pertama tidak ada yang sama dengan isi himpunan yang kedua, semua isi himpunan yang sama pada himpunan yang pertama dengan isi himpunan yang kedua dibuang.

Fungsi untuk melakukan operasi selisih ini adalah dengan array_diff(). Berikut contoh scriptnya, silakan di coding.



echo "Isi array \$array_a <br>";


echo "<br>";


echo "Isi array \$array_b <br>";


echo "<br>";

$selisih =array_diff($array_a, $array_b);

echo "Isi array \$selisih <br>";



Setelah script di atas dieksekusi maka berikut tampilan yang akan terlihat.

Cara menggunakan array diff php

Fungsi array_diff menghasilkan isi $array_a yang elemennya tidak terdapat pada array $array_b. Contoh di atas memperlihatkan isi dari $selisih adalah 12 dan 37 yang berasal dari elemen $array_a  index 1 dan 3.

Sekian dulu tutorial dari saya, kalau ada yang belum ngerti boleh ditanyakan kalau ada yang salah mohon untuk direvisi. Kritik dan sarannya serta komentarnya gan baik untuk tulisan ini atau blognya. Semoga tulisan yang sedikit ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua, salam blogger J

  1. HowTo
  2. PHP Howtos
  3. Compare Two Arrays in PHP

Created: June-07, 2022

Table of Contents

  • Use the == and != Operators to Compare Two Arrays in PHP
  • Use the === and !== Operators to Compare Two Arrays in PHP
  • Use the sort() Function to Compare Two Arrays When Order Is Not Important in PHP
  • Use the array_diff() Function to Compare Two Arrays and Return the Difference in PHP
  • Use the array_intersect() Function to Compare Two Arrays and Return the Matches in PHP
  • Related Article - PHP Array
  • How do I check if two arrays are equal in PHP?
  • How can I find matching values in two arrays PHP?
  • How do you compare values in an array?
  • What is difference between array and [] in PHP?

  1. Use the == and != Operators to Compare Two Arrays in PHP
  2. Use the === and !== Operators to Compare Two Arrays in PHP
  3. Use the sort() Function to Compare Two Arrays When Order Is Not Important in PHP
  4. Use the array_diff() Function to Compare Two Arrays and Return the Difference in PHP
  5. Use the array_intersect() Function to Compare Two Arrays and Return the Matches in PHP

All sorts of operations are done with arrays with different complexities, and comparison operations are no different. When we compare two values, we intend to understand how similar or dissimilar they are.

With numbers (integers and float), characters, and strings, it can be straightforward. However, with arrays, it can become a little bit complicated.

Don’t fret because it is easy, and there are different operators that we can use. Whether the comparison is strict or not, there is an operator.

This article will consider four operators and three functions that make comparing two arrays easy and how to make it happen with excellent examples.

Use the == and != Operators to Compare Two Arrays in PHP

The first operator is the == operator. It is the equality operator, and when we compare two arrays with this operator, we intend to know whether the first array is equal to the second array.

Comparison operations focus on finding the similarities or dissimilarities between two values. So, with the == operator, you obtain a Boolean response, where TRUE represents similarity and FALSE represents dissimilarity.

Here, the code uses the == operator to compare two arrays.


$arr1 = array(4, 5, 'hello', 2.45, 3.56);
$arr2 = array(5, 2.45, 'hello', 3.56, 4);

// Check for equality
if ($arr1 == $arr2)
    echo "Similar Arrays";
    echo "Not Similar Arrays";



Not Similar Arrays

You can use the != operator, an inequality operator. When we compare two arrays with this operator, we intend to know whether the first array is not equal to the second array.

It releases a Boolean response, where TRUE represents dissimilarity and FALSE represents similarity.


$arr1 = array(4, 5, 'hello', 2.45, 3.56);
$arr2 = array(5, 2.45, 'hello', 3.56, 4);

// Check for inequality
if ($arr1 != $arr2)
    echo "Not Similar Arrays";
    echo "Similar Arrays";



Not Similar Arrays

These two operators work with associative and multi-dimensional arrays and will only compare the values, not the keys.

Use the === and !== Operators to Compare Two Arrays in PHP

Similar to the == operators, the === operator allows for comparing two values for similarity. However, the == operator will return TRUE if the first array and second array, in the context of associative arrays, have the same key/value pairs.

However, === will return TRUE if the first array and second array have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types.

Using the same codes in the previous section, we will make some type changes and use both the == and === operators.


$arr1 = array(4, 5, 'hello', 2.45, 3.56);
$arr2 = array('4', '5', 'hello', '2.45', '3.56');

// Check for equality
if ($arr1 == $arr2)
    echo "Similar Arrays";
    echo "Not Similar Arrays";



Similar Arrays

When we use the === operator


$arr1 = array(4, 5, 'hello', 2.45, 3.56);
$arr2 = array('4', '5', 'hello', '2.45', '3.56');

// Check for equality
if ($arr1 === $arr2)
    echo "Similar Arrays";
    echo "Not Similar Arrays";


When we use it with associative arrays, we see the same behavior. In the code below, we will compare the two arrays in terms of their value and not keys.


$arr1 = array("first" => 4, "second" => 5, "type" => 'hello');
$arr2 = array("one" => '4', "two" => '5', "third" => 'hello', );

// Check for equality
if ($arr1 === $arr2)
    echo "Similar Arrays";
    echo "Not Similar Arrays";



Not Similar Arrays

Use the sort() Function to Compare Two Arrays When Order Is Not Important in PHP

For cases where the order of the element isn’t important, you can use the sort() function and compare the two arrays. Therefore, you apply the sort() function to both arrays and then compare the sorted arrays for equality.


$arr1 = array(4, 5, 'hello', 2.45, 3.56);
$arr2 = array(5, 2.45, 'hello', 3.56, 4);

// Sort the array elements

// Check for equality
if ($arr1 == $arr2)
    echo "Both arrays are same, when sorted";
    echo "Both arrays are not same, even when sorted";



Both arrays are same, when sorted

Use the array_diff() Function to Compare Two Arrays and Return the Difference in PHP

We can compare two arrays and return the difference between the two arrays, and do so, we use the array_diff() function. With this function, we can compare two arrays and expect a return array that contains elements in the first array that are not in the second array.


$first = array("12", 34, true, 45, 67);
$second = array("12", 21, 89, 45);

print_r(array_diff($first, $second));



    [1]    34
    [2]    1
    [4]    67

You have to know the order you place the arrays in the array_diff() functions impacts that return an array. With the same code, if we change the order of the arrays, the output below is the result.

    [1]    21
    [2]    89

And if there is no difference, the code will return an empty array.

Use the array_intersect() Function to Compare Two Arrays and Return the Matches in PHP

With the array_intersect() function, you can compare two arrays and return the elements that are present in both elements. Using the same two arrays in the previous section, you will find 12 and 45 in the return array.


$first = array("12", 34, true, 45, 67);
$second = array("12", 21, 89, 45);

print_r(array_intersect($first, $second));



    [0]    12
    [3]    45

Related Article - PHP Array

  • Determine the First and Last Iteration in a Foreach Loop in PHP
  • Convert an Array to a String in PHP
  • Get the First Element of an Array in PHP
  • Echo or Print an Array in PHP
  • How do I check if two arrays are equal in PHP?

    Use the sort() function to sort an array element and then use the equality operator. Use array operator ( == ) in case of Associative array.

    How can I find matching values in two arrays PHP?

    The array_intersect() function compares the values of two (or more) arrays, and returns the matches. This function compares the values of two or more arrays, and return an array that contains the entries from array1 that are present in array2, array3, etc.

    How do you compare values in an array?

    Using Arrays. equals(array1, array2) methods − This method iterates over each value of an array and compare using equals method. Using Arrays. deepEquals(array1, array2) methods − This method iterates over each value of an array and deep compare using any overridden equals method.

    What is difference between array and [] in PHP?

    Note: Only the difference in using [] or array() is with the version of PHP you are using. In PHP 5.4 you can also use the short array syntax, which replaces array() with [].

    Apa itu Array_diff?

    Fungsi array_diff() berguna untuk membandingkan nilai dari dua (atau lebih) array dan mengembalikan perbedaannya. Fungsi ini membandingkan nilai dari dua (atau lebih) larik dan mengembalikan larik yang berisi entri dari larik1 yang tidak ada dalam larik2 atau larik3, dll.

    Apa itu array Function PHP?

    Array dalam PHP adalah jenis struktur data yang memungkinkan kita untuk menyimpan beberapa elemen dari tipe data yang sama di bawah satu variabel tunggal. Sehingga menghemat upaya kita menciptakan variabel yang berbeda untuk setiap data. Array dibuat menggunakan array () function dalam PHP.