Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?

A while back, Facebook had natively supported the Select All Friends on Facebook option, later, it was discontinued as many page owners abused its use by inviting people on their friend list every now and then.

Its enormous user base and activity cannot be neglected even when some of the less-ardent Facebook users are unhappy about the new changes in Facebook.

But what if your friend list consists of a large number of people and you want to introduce (sounds better than ‘like’) your new Facebook page to your friends.

Another case could be that you are one of those early Facebook users who had created a page but at that point of time, there were hardly any people in your friend list to whom you could introduce your page. But now you have many friends and want to invite each one of them to your page.

So the solution to your problem is to either popularize your business/site/blog or to select all friends on Facebook and invite them to your brand’s Facebook page. The latter is invariably a popular Social Media strategy. This post is for those people who wish to choose the second option.

Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?
Automatically selected friends after the code, is executed

Facebook does offer the option to Invite friends to your page. But the key feature in the selecting process i.e. the Select All Friends function, is what is missing.

Now, if you choose to Select all your friends manually, then proceed ahead, but in the end, don’t repent on seeing (in fact feeling) the condition of your index finger.

Select All Friends on Facebook Tutorial and Code

Let’s look at the steps involved in Selecting all friends and inviting them to your Facebook page.

  1.  Go to your Facebook Page (Obvious, isn’t it ?). Click on the ‘Invite Friends‘ link located on the right sidebar of your page.
  2. Now you’ll see a small box that says Suggest your page to friends. Below that, you’ll find a button dropdown that, by default, highlights Recent Interactions. Click on that button and change it to Search All Friends.
  3. Paste this Javascript code in your browser’s(*) address bar javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};
  4. All those people whom you haven’t invited yet will be selected automatically. Now, you just have to hit the Submit button.
  5. After that, you’ll see a similar confirmation box on your screen.

Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?
Confirmation Box appears after you hit the submit button

* If you are using Chrome or browsers which use WebKit as their main engine, then javascript: will be automatically scrapped even if you directly Copy-paste the above code. In such a case, just add javascript: at the start.

Note: This code works perfectly on Chrome 21; as of 23rd August 2012. The post will be checked and updated on a monthly basis if there is any change in the Select all friends code.
Notify any error or difficulty you face when attempting this trick in the Comments section specifically.

A great way to help grow your Facebook Business Page is by actually inviting people to like your page. This can prove to be far more efficient than just hoping someone likes your Facebook page on their own without outside influence. There are two ways to do this which will depend on who it is you’re trying to invite to like your Facebook page.

1. How to Invite Your Friends to Like Your Facebook Page
2. How to Invite Non Friends to Like Your Facebook Page

How to Invite Your Friends to Like Your Facebook Page

  1. Click the 3 dots towards the top of your Facebook page
Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?

Towards the top of your Facebook page you should see dots. Depending on what device your on the placement might vary slightly.

2. Click “Invite Friends”

Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?

From the drop down menu click the last result that says Invite Friends.

3. Select which friends to invite to your Facebook page

Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?

Here you can select your friends individually or in bulk. You can even use the search bar to more easily find the friend you’re looking for.

(Optional) You can send up to 50 invites at a time using Messenger if you’d prefer. Simply click the checkbox in the lower left hand corner. By default the people you invite to your Facebook page will just receive a standard notification.

If you click the “All Friends” drop down menu at the top you can actually filter your friends by the Facebook groups you’re both a part of.

After you’ve selected your friends click “Send Invites” to complete the process of inviting your friends to like our Facebook page.

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How to Invite Non Friends to Like Your Facebook Page

  1. Click on the number of reactions on the Facebook post
Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?

From your Facebook page navigate to a post or image of yours that has received at least one reaction. In this example you can see 1.2k people reacted to this post.

Click on the number itself right next to the small reaction icons.

2. Click “Invite” next to each person

Can you invite all friends to like a Facebook business page?

Note: This only works until you have 100,000 Facebook page likes

After clicking the number it will bring up a list of every person that reacted to your post.

Next to their name you will see an “invite” button. Click that button to have that person receive a notification that say something like this:

“[Page Name] has invited you to like their page.”

You can invite these people manually or, what I prefer to do with larger accounts is use a chrome extension to invite them for me. This works with just one click of a button.

Once your page reaches a certain point, you’ll probably want to start looking toward other avenues to increase your following count. We’ve got a great blog post to do just that! Check out our article Social Media Advertising From Beginner To Expert to exceed your current limits!

Final Thoughts on Getting Friends to Like a Facebook Page

IMPORTANT: If you do decide to click “invite” manually DON’T do it as fast as you can. If you do this will trigger an alert to Facebook that will stop allowing you to invite people for a certain time.

To avoid this invite people to your page in smaller chunks of say 20 to 30 and then waiting a few minutes to do it again. If you’d like to invite non friends to your Facebook page that fastest way possible simply wait 2.1 seconds between each invite. This way you can invite as many as you want without taking a larger break like the first option. (This is why I use bots to do this part. They time the invites perfectly).

I don’t believe you need to be the admin of that page but if you do, here’s a guide on how to accept a Facebook admin invite.

If you haven’t already you should link your Instagram to your Facebook page. Linking these 2 accounts will allow you to run ads and posts across the platforms simultaneously. Not to mention once you have a verified Instagram account or at least 10,000 followers you’ll be able to add swipe up links to your Instagram stories.

How do I invite friends to my Facebook business page 2022?

Invite friends to follow your new Page.
Open your profile..
Search for your new Page and open it..
On the new Page, tap ... to open the Manage menu..
Tap Invite friends..
Check the box to select friends you would like to invite..
Tap Send invites..

How many friends can you invite to like a page on Facebook daily?

According to the Facebook Help Team, there is no set limit on how many people you can invite to like your Page from the posts. The system may only place a limit if there is a high number of people not responding to the invite. We recommend only inviting 200 people a day maximum just to be safe.

Should you invite all friends to like a Facebook page?

Mass inviting people to like a business page is not only a waste of time but how it could actually do more harm than good.