Can we use html tag inside the javascript?

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    JavaScript in body or head: Scripts can be placed inside the body or the head section of an HTML page or inside both head and body.

    JavaScript in head: A JavaScript function is placed inside the head section of an HTML page and the function is invoked when a button is clicked.


    <!DOCTYPE html>




             function gfg() {

               document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Geeks For Geeks";





          <h2>JavaScript in Head</h2>

          <p id="demo" style="color:green;">geeksforgeeks.</p>

          <button type="button" onclick="gfg()">click it</button>



    Before clicking the button

    Can we use html tag inside the javascript?

    After clicking the button
    Can we use html tag inside the javascript?

    JavaScript in body: A JavaScript function is placed inside the body section of an HTML page and the function is invoked when a button is clicked.

    <!DOCTYPE html>




             <h2>JavaScript in Body</h2>

             <p id="demo">geeksforgeeks.</p>

             <button type="button" onclick="gfg()">Try it</button>


                function gfg() {

                  document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Geeks For Geeks";






    Before clicking the button

    Can we use html tag inside the javascript?

    After click on button
    Can we use html tag inside the javascript?

    External JavaScript: JavaScript can also be used as external files. JavaScript files have file extension .js . To use an external script put the name of the script file in the src attribute of a script tag. External scripts cannot contain script tags.

    <!DOCTYPE html>




          <h2>External JavaScript</h2>

          <p id="demo">Geeks For Geeks.</p>

          <button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

          <script src="myScript.js"></script>




    Output before clicking:

    Can we use html tag inside the javascript?

    Output after clicking:
    Can we use html tag inside the javascript?

    Advantages of External JavaScript:

    • Cached JavaScript files can speed up page loading
    • It makes JavaScript and HTML easier to read and maintain
    • It separates the HTML and JavaScript code
    • It focuses on code re usability that is one JavaScript Code can run in various HTML files.

    Can I use HTML tags in JavaScript?

    The HTML <script> tag is used to define a client-side script (JavaScript). The <script> element either contains script statements, or it points to an external script file through the src attribute. Common uses for JavaScript are image manipulation, form validation, and dynamic changes of content.

    Can you put HTML inside script?

    You can't do that. But you can use templates.