Arti kata "sagittarius" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

the ninth starsign of the western zodiac. if you are born 23rd November-21 December then you are a sagittarius. OBVIOUSLY the BEST sign of the zodiac. sagittarians are often highly intelligent, adventurous and curious. They are cultural and often have a keen eye for fashion and trends. they are pretty clumsy and can seem blunt and insensitive at times, but really they are just speaking the truth, and are often very thoughtful and philosophical. Symbol: The Archer Element: Fire Quality: Mutable Ruling Planet: Jupiter Numbers: 6, 9 Colours: indigo, violet, deep pink


Celebs born on th sign of sagittarius Steven Speilberg Winston Churchhill Jane Austen Jimi hendrix Tyra Banks Christina Aguilera

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

best zodiac of all they're honest and have a great sense of humor and independent and allergic to bullshit aka don't got time for your pettiness


you're a wonderful person you must be a Sagittarius!

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

A Sagittarius is anyone with a birthdate from Nov 22-December 21. Sagittarius's are "late bloomers" so some people might be a little late catching up to others. But a Sagittarius is a really pretty girl with a sense of good style, and super smart. The sign of a Sagittarius is the Archer ♐️. Sagittarius is open-minded and is born with more common sense. A special trait they can have is their humor, they are super hysterical. A Sagittarius is also really fun to be around😝 Go find a Sagittarius!!


A Sagittarius is a classy, stylish person

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

Sagittarius are risk takers and hate rules and being under pressure. Sagittarius also hate being lied to and taken for granted. They have a hard time controlling there mood swings when they are mad. Sagittarius get into a lot of fight and arguments because of their bluntattitudes. Overall they are good people, friendly, kind, and have a lit personality. Sagittarius receives a lot of attention from others. You can spot them out of a big group because they stand out from everybody else of their beauty and personality. Sagittarius are UNFORGETTABLE. Last but not least, Sagittarius tends to fall in love or get along well with other air signs. (For Example : Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.)


The girl that i currently was dating was a Sagittarius and i took her for granted and she left me. Now i can't get her off my mind .

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

the best zodiac sign but given a bad name by people like britney spooge


blah im ugly

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

MOST outgoing down to earth girl or guy, they like fashion they're kinda cocky not all are. End up daiting a Capricorn cause they both get along so swell. They're good kissers, they have dimples, have the best smile, proably the most prettiest girls when they're with their niggas or friends you just notice her out of the whole group same with the guys they're so cute and have a good adittude, they laugh a lot people sometimes think they're annoying when really they're not, they like to go out and have it their way, are INDEPENDENT and make you laugh even if you're sad you should get to know one(:


Bryan aka (Capricorn) : yo she's cute, she laughs a lot and i like her she has a cute smile, imma make her mine she's a sagittarius Jenny (CApricorn) : Awwh he said i'm pretty and made me laugh i like him A LOT, i wanna date him, he's a sagittarius

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

Sagittarius are adventurous people, they are most likely positive and outgoing, but can be shy with new people. Female Sagittarius are beautiful, kind, sexy. They love to travel around the world and will most likely have a bright future in life, they also will learn many new things in life and very difficult things in life, but always work their way through it. The female Sagittarius are fun and will laugh easily, they will stay positive throughout ther whole life, they are brave and will always be truthful towards others. They also will keep secretive things to themselves, they will not make a big scene and spread drama and secrets. They will always be respectful towards the people who are real with them, Sagittarius females with find someone trust worthy in there life and that will be true love. Sagittarius will always be there for you when you need it.


“Kevin- I heard Jasmine is a Sagittarius.” “Jaylen- You’ve heard right and they are sexy, beautiful, brave and trust worthy, this is your chance.”

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

9th zodiac sign, sagittarius is a lot of a things, ruling the 9th house rules over knowledge and higher education, wisdom and overall formation of the being. Sagittarius are in search of wisdom through books and experience mostly, they like to be involved with other cultures apart from their own. Sagittarius loves to explore and expand limits (their own and the limits of others lol), this can go very well or result in chaos but its okay, because everything is viewed as a learning experience. You can have your low developed sagittarius like bald Britney or rebellious Miley but once they past that phase they become almost enlightened, both Miley and Britney are now smarter, wiser, and just pretty much balanced. Another example is Taylor Swift, re-recording almost her entire discography and delivering it like a queen, having the determination to do such a thing, only a sagittarius could. There's a reason because the Centaur reperesents Sagittarius (not horses per se), the half human half animal, the mixture is a symbolism of the dualism and capacity of Sagittarius to put the mind over the body.


- wow you are like a walking encyclopedia - well i have sagittarius sun and mercury so - sagittarius as vines - dope

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

they are ruthless mean and fake. they lie cheat and are unfaithful


hi sagittarius. sagittarius: “fuck you

Arti kata sagittarius bahasa

sagittarius men has the fattest cock of all. their penis so fat that they dont have to get circumcised cuz their foreskin get rip when the get a boner


oh! he’s a sagittarius? i bet he has a fat girthy thick dick 😋