Arti kata "rednecks" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

n. (Rhed-nek-cs) A person who defies the common English language with slang that makes 'ghetto black men and women' sound like something Harvard would crap out. An obsession with NASCAR and deer hunting, some southern people think it's "cool" to be a redneck, so they wear Dixie Outfitter and other bizarrely imbecillic things. The favorite combination is the dixie flag shirt and belt buckle, leather boots, jeans, and a flannel shirt or a cowboy hat. I live with these wannabes. Their IQ rivals the numerical scale on such a large factor, California's earthquakes pray at night they can be as big. It's become a challenge to the english language to fathom their conversation techniques. They consist of three subjects: 1) Things that rhyme with beer 2) Cars without AC or radio 3) Blacks, mexicans, and educated peoples. While they do defy all human logic on a galactic scale (Which they might think of as a fancy breakfast cereal), they deserve pity.


"Yous an idgit, you durn wetback!" Myself: "I'm clearly white. Also, my accent cues my british decent" "Deer! Beer! Fear!... Treer" Myself: "You just rhymed Fear with Tree" "Yous and yer fancy 'edjukayshin'" Myself: "I'm sorry, that last sentance destroyed the remnants of my brain cells. Could you have someone translate from dumbass to understandable, for you sir are clearly fitted under the category of rednecks"

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

1. A group of people that are generally from the south, though can be found throughout the US (upstate New York has an incredible amount of rednecks) That are generally uncivilized**, uneducated**, rascist**, enjoys the outdoor* sports (ie. hunting or fishing), enjoys country music*, knows how to work on a farm*, can fix their own vehicles*, laid back*, and knows how to make moonshine* **. Tends to be those who live in the backwoods, and does not necessarily apply to all rednecks *. applys to most rednecks, and almost all country boys


(Country Boy) Wooee brother, thems some real rascist rednecks over in Carter. (Redneck) Amen man, them there rednecks real rascist, shoot ya even if ya white.

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

Highly underestimited people. yes we may like NASCAR, hunting, and fishing and things of that sort, but we are also some of the most dependable people to count on in a tough place. Mainly because since we were raised in the South we have what you call "Southern Hospititaly" which means if someone needs help you help them as they would do the same for you if you needed it. Yes we may scrutinize against yankees and some African Americans because we don't see they're acting proper. The so-called "dumbass rednecks" most talk about are the poorly raised and uncivilized sorta that we care to catorgize as "Hillbillys". And just to let you know a redneck wrote this so this proves that sterotyping us as dumb adn unintelligent is unjust because I have just contridicted that.


Please try to get to know a person before you sterotype them as rednecks!!!!

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

stoopid, ignorant, rascist, inscest bastards of the south. usually, theyre fat, missin half thur teef, dirty, smelly, stoopid, cant reed ur rite wurth shit,and married to thur sister. theyre the peeple that er mad at black people for being dumb, and lazy, when theire dumberer and lazier. and their mad at minoritees for takin their jobs. maybe thier gettin dem jobs cause thery can actually reed n rite. der.


redneck: my muthers my sister me: what the fuck redneck: i hate naggurs. me: everyone hates you redneck: i just git dun doin wit the thing there and the watchacallit over ther at the place in the widgit me: what the fuck did you just say? redneck: y'all come back now. me: quit changing the subject, you retard. redneck: shut up naggur me: im not even black, fuckin moron redneck: shutup u dern idgit

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

The people living in Fowlerville, MI.


Wow, people who live in Fowlerville are such rednecks.

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

conotation with a class or group of people who are prejudiced or racist either secretly or overtly. Mainly rednecks come from the south but they are everywhere nowadays.


For example: They are all rednecks in that part of town, that is why minorities don't live there.

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

People who fuck there sisters, farm, like G W Bush, watch nascar they love the dead dude earnhardt and his rednack ass son, they speak like there retarded, they like driving gas guzzling chevy pickup trucks and make stupid fucking saying like git r don and watch walker texas ranger and wave rebel flags all over and make fun of people who have real jobs not being someone who picks up shit at a rodeo. Thats a goddamn redneck.


that damned rednecks he's fucking his sister while drinking busch beer and watching nascar.

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

Rednecks are people who love the south and yea maby we do like NASCAR and hunting and fishing but that dose not make us bad people we dont all hate others for being black or something else and yeah most of us dont like yankees but thats it so ya know what think about it befor you put us down


Rednecks ain't bad people

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

they have rednecks and gop to nascar races with their sisters who are also there wives


NASCAR races are fun for them cause theyre poor

Arti kata rednecks bahasa

A person from Kentucky who is inbreed. They are sometimes racist, or they might just like the Confederate Flag and not be racist. They watch TV shows like the Dukes of Hazzard and Have over 10 Junk Cars in their pasture. And Chews tobacco, Flunked out of pre-school and always has a pick-up truck. They always have a fishin pole or shut gun with them and wears camo all the time.


I just saw a bunch of rednecks in the back of a truck try to chase a deer down. I aint no redneck I am a hick. I aint no redneck i am a hillbilly.