Arti kata "olena" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata olena bahasa

the most beautiful girl in the history of the univers. known for breaking guys hearts and not telling them


Olena will soon be dating Ryan...fukmonkiez

Arti kata olena bahasa

The name 'Olena' is usually associated with a girl who is beautiful, strong, compassionate, and incredibly intellectual. She's a very loyal friend, one who will answer your SOS no matter the hour or emergency. Her quick wit and knowledge of the best things on the internet never ceases to amaze. She's also rather feisty, so you're really screwed when she's angry at you. She will never judge you even when you've done something stupid. The best part is she can listen and console better than any licensed professional. All in all, Olena is a girl who deserves a guy who will treat her right and will love her wholeheartedly. She's the kind of friend that make tv shows jealous.


Olena will soon be dating Ryan...fukmonkiez

Arti kata olena bahasa

The name 'Olena' is usually associated with a girl who is beautiful, strong, compassionate, and incredibly intellectual. She's a very loyal friend, one who will answer your SOS no matter the hour or emergency.


Olena will soon be dating Ryan...fukmonkiez

Arti kata olena bahasa

The name 'Olena' is usually associated with a girl who is beautiful, strong, compassionate, and incredibly intellectual. She's a very loyal friend, one who will answer your SOS no matter the hour or emergency. Her quick wit and knowledge of the best things on the internet never ceases to amaze. She's also rather feisty, so you're really screwed when she's angry at you.


Olena will soon be dating Ryan...fukmonkiez The name 'Olena' is usually associated with a girl who is beautiful, strong, compassionate, and incredibly intellectual. She's a very loyal friend, one who will answer your SOS no matter the hour or emergency. Her quick wit and knowledge of the best things on the internet never ceases to amaze. She's also rather feisty, so you're really screwed when she's angry at you. She will never judge you even when you've done something stupid. The best part is she can listen and console better than any licensed professional. All in all, Olena is a girl who deserves a guy who will treat her right and will love her wholeheartedly. She's the kind of friend that make tv shows jealous. Olena is my best friend. A pretty shy girl with some killer dance moves that she rarely shows. She’s super nice, has a great sense of humor and doesn’t seem to realize how awesome she is so she always underestimates herself and remains synical even though everyone can see that she is amazing. Olena is the most spectacular and amazing person you’ll ever meet. Someone who is socially awkward and does nonsensical things at random times. Any one who's self-centered, an only talks about themselfes the whole day. Contoh 1 olena: I want to go to college but i dont want to fail the sat's Sarah: then study olena: i will nevr understand the materiel.

Arti kata olena bahasa

sarah: you will


olena: i wont (this goes on for an hour) sarah: piss off already Contoh 2. Eric: who is that wierd girl sitting in front row of the math class, reading a science textbook under the table? Sarah: thats olena. stay away from her, shes weird. exampel 3 brianna is crying olena: hypothetecally the world will balance itself out, so go on with the future. ur life will be ok

Arti kata olena bahasa

brianna: ... okey thenn .... (too confused to cry any more) Olena is the best weird friend in the world, she is very brave and does both dumb and smart things. She likes everything were there is a bow and arrow in, for example hunger games. She knows everything (she thinks) ; ). She has her own sailing boat, but doesn't * about it. In the beginning she is very shy but when you get to know her better she is an amazing and loyal friend. Girl: You have that big sailing boat right?


Olena: yes, how do you know? I don't really tell people that. Girl: Duh, I am your friend. I saw it with my own eyes.