Arti kata "kids theatre" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

Any high school aged kid who is involved with drama and or theatre at their high school. A true theatre kid will fit any of the following criteria: - Hangs out around the auditorium/chorus/band/drama room in school - Wears a shirt advertising their next production - Has an abnormal amount of inside jokes with other theatre kids - spells theater, theatre - Drinks some form of caffeine compulsively - Obsessed with with any of the following musicals; Spring Awakening, RENT, Title of Show or anything else that no one in the main stream would know of. - At school at odd times AKA late after school, weekends, early mornings - Has no sense of awkwards boundaries around fellow theatre kids - makes lots of sexual jokes towards other theatre kids - Too close to their theatre advisor - in choir or band - LOVES to perform to a fault


Hey are you a theatre kid? Naw, I don't like musicals or sexual advances from strangers back stage in the dark! Oh, okay!

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

you know youre a theatre kid when: -you practically live at the theatre -your most common excuse is you have rehearsal -you know to find your light and stay there -just because he dances, doesn't mean he likes men -you like to frolick around, sing show tunes, and get very touchy-feely with others -guys helping girls get dressed/undressed and vice versa isn't wierd -your second nature is to hug everyone and cry without worrying what others think -breaking legs is all in a days work -one word: caffine -getting home at midnight on a weeknight is normal -sleep? who needs sleep? -you carry around a tooth brush, sewing kit, and deoderant. just incase -an 8 hour rehearsal i heaven -...or hell -you see your cast mates more than your family -your cast mates become your family! -no matter how tempting, you don't touch other people's props -you don't get upstage and downstage confused -you know where every fast food restaurant, dunkin donuts, and starbucks is within 10 minutes away -you think singing is a sport because it works out your abs -you don't get in the way of the running crew because you know you will be sorry -you KNOW not to provoke your stage manager and director durring hell week -techies rule the world -you have felt up someone of the same gender but aren't gay -eating in costume? are you crazy?? -you have "crazy" warm ups -you have a preshow ritual. and it changes each show -you know the correct spelling is "theatRE"


theatre kids pretty much rule the world <3< div>

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

A theatre kid is much like a "drama kid", the only difference being that theatre kids are the EXTREME version of a "drama kid". They are the kids who can never watch a movie/play/tv show without picking out EXACTLY which role they would play, along with all the roles their friends would play as well. They are the ones that get PISSED when "theatre" is spelled "theater". You will usually find a Theatre Kid in their schools drama/choir rooms at school, with their fellow theatre friends. (it's a VERY tight pack they run in, only to be challenged by the coveted "Band Kid" group) working on audition monologues or competition pieces. There are 3 versions of a Theatre kid: 1. Musical Theatre Kid- These are the ones who have more showtunes on their ipods than regular music.They are the ones that idolize Broadway stars instead of MTV stars. They spend hours on YouTube looking up bootleg videos of their favorite Broadway Shows. These are the kids who cannot listen to a song without choreographing a number to it in their heads. They can also be found making up harmonies to various Broadway showtunes with their friends. 2. Straight Theatre Kid- There is only a VERY slight difference between the Straight Theatre Kid and the Musical Theatre Kid. The Straight Theatre Kid is much more focused on acting, where as the Musical Theatre kid thinks more of singing and dancing. A Straight Theatre kid is quite a snob about acting. They love Broadway shows just as much, but will only audition for Musicals if there is a strong acting part. No fluff roles for these kids. 3. A Mixture Of Both- a fierce breed. Let's just say, these kids are bound for fame, because if you are truely an all around Theatre Kid, your life is completely consumed with nothing but fine arts. FIERCE! :


", i just walked past the drama room and i heard two girls harmonizing a song from Spring Awakening while another guy was working on a monologue in the backround...what Theatre Kids..."

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

Anyone involved in a highschool production, this includes stage crew, costumes and techies and well as the actors. They are probly the most accepting group in the school and the easiest to be friends with. Yes they are wierd but they are a cool wierd that only theatre kids understand. Theatre kids also tend to not just cling to each other like the other groups, theatre kids, especially the actors, are way to out-going to be held back by those limitations, they are probly in other groups too, so odds are the theatre kids rule the school,and have the most connections (but dont tell those rich popular kids) and one more thing, not only are they they coolest nicest group of kids in the school but most of them are smart, and were not just talking about the techies.


(theatre kids randomly singing) Regular kid: what the heck? Theatre kid: what? Regular kid: you guys just started singing in the middle of our conversation!? Theatre kid: yes, and?

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

A person who: *Sings Defying Gravity while walking in the hallways *Dances in class randomly *Is probably a member of the Newsies fandom *Is not talking to themselves, but are actually rehearsing their monologue *Has strange inside jokes with their fellow theatre kids *Grabs other theatre kids food without even giving it a second thought *Is gender blind and changes in front of ALL *Probably obsessed with the current show they're in *Loves the spotlight to a fault


Girl 1: Did you see her? Girl 2: Yeah she just started singing out of nowhere... Girl 1: Oh, she's one of those theatre kids.

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

1. a highschooler involved in their school's theatre department. Often gives up the majority of his/her/its social life to take part in the many rehearsals after school. Must be able to be defined by the second definition of theatre kid as well. 2. A horny, highschool kid who treats life like a sexual innuendo and uses racism and sexism as daily tools of entertainment. Often joke about having sex, though few ever really ever have partaken in it. Often subject to drama caused by other theatre kids. Not to be mistaken with band kids, who are similar to theatre kids, but with more herpes. Often make fun of jocks and cheerleaders, unless of course, they too consider themselves theatre kids. Laughs at other people's judgments of them. Must also be able to be defined by the first definition of theatre kid as well.


Person 1: Should we stop that person from spooning his friend? That's just wrong. Person 2: No, they're theatre kids. Person 1: Oh... really? My mistake. I guess I didn't catch that... I thought theatre kids were more violent when they did that kind of stuff...

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

A theatre kid is someone who likes musical and/or performing theatre to the point where their life revolves around it. They usually appear really happy and energetic but end up crying themselves to sleep Oh, and they eat band kids for lunch


"im a theatre kid" "same" "dont you love being disappointments to our parents"

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

A high school student who identifies themselves with those who participate in the school play. A theatre kid is typically loud, energetic and boisterous, but no doubt one of the best types of people you could meet. Theatre kids also make tremendous friends and are people you’ll want to keep around.


My best friend is so nervous for the school play but I know they’re gonna do so well. They’re such a theatre kid.

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

A person of any age who loves theatre. It is their whole life. They live and breath it. Never say good luck to them before a performance and DON’T bother them during tech week. They like singing in public.


Omg did you see that group of Theatre Kids over there? They’re usually singing and laughing but they all look drained from tech week.

Arti kata kids theatre bahasa

A person who: *Sings Defying Gravity while walking in the hallways *Dances in class randomly *Is probably a member of the Newsies fandom *Is not talking to themselves, but are actually rehearsing their monologue *Has strange inside jokes with their fellow theatre kids *Grabs other theatre kids food without even giving it a second thought *Is gender blind and changes in front of ALL *Probably obsessed with the current show they're in *Loves the spotlight to a fault *Is usually named Jordan, Madison, Drake, or Josh * Is hated by all man kind


Girl 1: Did you see her? Girl 2: Yeah she just started singing out of nowhere... Girl 1: Oh, she's one of those theatre kids.