Arti kata "guy friends" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

A guy that listens to his girl friend any time she needs an ear, no matter how bad it breaks his heart that she's crying over another guy when he knows she would be completely happy with him at whatever cost on his part. He's always there when no one else is, just to watch her go find another jerk to stomp on her self-esteem. But, nonetheless, he stays and waits to be the shoulder she cries on. Every girl claims she wants this kind of guy yet most go and find some kind of manwhore to make them cry. But eventually, at one point in time, they see it. They secretly fall for this guy, their best friend. But he may have already given up. Or they may think,"He's just being nice... He's like that to everyone." or,"I don't want to let out how I feel about him because then it could ruin our friendship." It seems that everyone else can see whats going on, but not the two people actually involved. You see, that friendship doesnt work. They end up liking each other, just maybe not at the same time. This kind of relationship kills people. Guys and girls can never be "friends".


Basically any guy friend and girl friend relationship you've ever seen.

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

A guy that you are "just friends with". More often than not they secretly like you. ;)


I have a friend who is a guy. I think he secretly likes me. I don't want him as a boyfriend. Therefore he is my guy friend.

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

Guy that you like and flirt with, also good for hugs and candy, and beating the crap out of your x. also potential boy friend or boy toy.


Ria:Hey Nick, Bill pissed me off today. Nick:where's the fucker. *10 min later* Nick: he is in the hospital, have some candy. *hug*

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

when you get sick of your bitchy friends, look to your best guy friend, he will always be there for you, and if he isn't then he's not your BEST GUY FRIEND. your best guy friend and you, should have a bond. not like you'd have with a girl , no matter what what you say, or make your self believe, YOU are in love with him ! you'll always love him, you'll always have feelings for him. and one, i guarantee has a sexual bond with him.


girl: FUUUCK YOU ! best guy friend: if you want ;)

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

The guy a girl always comes running back to with all her problems she's afraid her friends would judge her for. Best guy friends are different from your regular guy friends because you can talk to them them about anything and they tend to be very sympathetic and caring. Either the guy or the girl friend at one time or another complains about being in the friend zone but neither one of them actually does anything about it. Rumors often circle around that you and your best guy friend are dating and he'll often smile and respond with a shy "nah". There is often cute flirtatious tension between you and your best guy friend.


Girl: Period cramps make me look and feel like shit today. Best Guy Friend: Aww no, you look gorgeous. I wish I could make you feel better somehow :(

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

An endless argument between Canadians.


I'm not your friend, buddy! He's not your buddy, guy! Well, I'm not your guy, friend! I'm not your Buddy Guy Friend.

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

It is a painfull term when you are called that from the girl you like. It is the term she uses on you to keep you around while she drools over someone else. This is not just being a friend. It is like being a close friend to a girl, but never being able to advance to boy friend. She hugs every other guy except you, even guys she has never met before. It is a term that means you are good, but not good enough, yet she still wants you around. converse Yet it is painfull, it can mean your not enough of a manwhore. Depending on the girl and who you are, you may create a close relationship.


It seriously sucks to be called that (Guy Friend)

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

A best guy friend is the best to have, cause (no offense girls) there is less drama, if you do something stupid then they forget about it and move on, and you can tell them everything and they wont tell, when some of the other girls get on my nerves and i need to tell l someone something, he will always be there for you, and he's always up for a new inside joke! And if you hang with him a lot and people are convinced you are dating, my advice: IGNOR THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THOSE THINGS! They are jealous of you, cause they aren't close to people they only have enemies, if they do have friends then i bet they don't deserve them.


Snobby Girl:"You guys are going out!" you:"No we are not he's my best guy friend, so lay off!"

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

Males who conduct harmless heterosexual activities with one another that may be misconstrued as homosexual.


"What did you do last weekend?" "Oh, it was Guy Friends Weekend: We all had a blast drinking beers, smoking cigars, hooking up, and playing golf during our annual GFW." "Wait, what?"

Arti kata guy friends bahasa

One's boy friend in a monogamous homosexual relationship.


"Mike met James just last week, fell in love with him, and now Mike is James' guy friend."