Arti kata "djent" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata djent bahasa

Djent is used to describe a certain kind of guitar tone characterized by medium-high gain, a quick-release noise gate to emphasize staccato playing, a cut of most bass below 200Hz for a tight low end, a slight boost around 800hz for clarity, and a noticeable boost around 1.6Khz to emphasize pick attack. When a two-octave power chord is palm-muted with this tone, a "djent" sound is created rather than the typical chunkier sound. Djent also refers to repeated staccato playing of the lowest-pitch string on a detuned 6 string or 7 string guitar with a powerful attack such that the string goes very slightly sharp upon the pick's release from the string. Lower-gauge strings are used to facilitate this. Djent tone is many times created using a Line 6 amp modeling product such as the Pod series or the Axe-Fx. When possible, an amp model such as the Big Bottom or Modern High Gain on these devices is used in conjunction with a modeled Tube Screamer in front. Engl and Mesa amplifiers are typically used when tube amplification is preferred. Djent is widely acknowledged to have come first from Meshuggah, but Misha 'Bulb' Mansoor has arguably popularized the sound. Djent's typical uses give rise to a "genre" of djent that is characterized by hi-fi compressed production, polyrhythmic/staccato distorted riffs and ambient clean passages which make liberal use of 9 and other "jazzy" chords. Electronica influences such as glitchy percussion and synthesizers are also incorporated.


I saw Periphery live, they were djenty as HELL!

Arti kata djent bahasa

Pronunciation: DUH-jent Origin: THALL Meaning: Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-buh Bam-bukah Bam-buh Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-buh Bam-buh BUH NUH Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-buh Bam-bukah Bam-buh Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-bukah Bam-buh Bam-buh BUH NUH Pickuh-pukah Puckah Puckah Uh-pick-up-a-pancake I-pick-up-a-pancake Uh picka picka Pickuh-pukah Puckah PWAHHH Up-a-pancake I-pick-up-a-pancake Chigga CHIGGA Ba-na-na Ba-na-na Ba-nana BA-NA-NA BA-NA-NA BA-NANA! Djent D-Djent D-D-D-jent D-D-jent D-D-D Djent Djent D-D-D-jent Duh Djent D-Djent D-D-D Djent D D-D-jent D-D-D Djent Djent D-D-D-jent Duh DJENT D-jent D-D-D Djent D D DJENT D-D-D DJENT DJENT D-D-D-JENT DUH DJENT P-keng-keng-keng P-keng-keng-keng Keng K Keng P-keng-keng-keng P Keng Keng Keng Keng K KENG P-KENG-KENG-KENG P KENG KENG KENG KENG K KENG P-KENG-KENG-KENG P KENG KENG KENG KENG K BRKRKRKRKRKRKR BRKRKRKRKRKRKR BRKRKRKRKRKRKR BRKRKRKRKRKRKR BRK BRKRKR BRKRKRKRKRKRKR BRKRKRKRK BRKRKRKRK BRKRKRKRKRK BRK BRKRKRK Buh-puh-puh-kah Buh-puh-puh-kah Buh-puh Puh-kah Buh-puh-puh Buh-puh Ta-tickah Ta Buh-puh-puh-kah Bah Puh Kah Tick-a Tick-a TICK-A-TI-KA-KA TA TICK A TA BAHHHHHHHHHHHH


Example 1: Person1: Yo man, you gonna Djent with that Strat Person2: Dude you kidding? You can't Djent with a 6 string strat. Dummy. Person1: Hey man, what kind of music do you play? Person2: Yeah I play Djent, but I dabble in Tambourinecore from time to time.

Arti kata djent bahasa

Guitar noise onomatopoetia. The sound you get when you palm mute with razor tight, high gain tone. "DJENT! DJEN-DJENT!" Not to be mixed up with the ordinary "chugga-chugga" or "dun! dun-dun!".


Metalhead #1: Dude, did you hear Peripherys new tunes? Metalhead #2: Yeah, what a great djent on the guitars!

Arti kata djent bahasa

Hitting the low string on a 6-7 or even an 8 string guitar, but then palm muting the string straight after it has been hit. Tunings used with 'djents' are usually Drop C# right down to low F's. Artists such as Meshuggah, Periphery, Textures, Xerath and Midnight Realm use Djents in their music.


my god bulb did a Djent.... he is so cool at Djenting

Arti kata djent bahasa

An over used word for Prog Metal, for bands like Meshuggah and The no talent band Periphery. Its not a genre, its a onomonopia for the sound the guitar makes when palm muted through high gain overdriven amplification. Its nothing new, just rehash of something thats been around and people are trying to reinvent something that doesn't need reinventing. And its an excuse to Detune your Guitar as low as you can, turn the volume and gain up and just "CHUG" on the lowest note on your guitar endlessly and call it music and talent. Most of these bands use 8 strings and sometimes 7 but detuned like 8. And like most clamoring genres like this they try to say that other bands like Animals as Leaders are Djent too for using an 8 string but they are nothing alike and actually play music and are the definition of original which Djentards aren't. Animals as Leaders is considered Prog metal but are also Jazz Fusion Metal as well. They never claimed to be Djent or apart of it. Sadly they use all 8 strings on their guitars , Djent bands usually stick with the 3 lowest strings, really they should just play bass guitar through there muddy line 6 amps instead and save peoples time of reinventing metal and extended range guitars that aren't used correctly.


Meshuggah and Periphery and a bunch of other bands no one ever heard of but yet are so great for "originality" of Djent and Djenting.

Arti kata djent bahasa

A word commonly used when the abilities of an electric guitar are being questioned. Guitars with 7 strings or less are usually not classified as djentable


Fred: 'That's a nice guitar!' Bob: 'Yeah, but will it djent?' Fred: 'Don't think so, it only has 7 strings'

Arti kata djent bahasa

A style of music in the metal world. Djent, unlike most music, is not a genre. It is a style of playing guitar. This music style has an intricate picking technique. This style has no rhythm nor does it have any timing. This style has a very small fan-base. The fan-base is so small that it is an unrecognized category of music. For something to be music it needs a recognizable fan-base. Therefore, the "djent" category of music is not a genre or musical in any way what so ever.


That "djent" band is so band i believe my ears threw up blood and promptly cut themselves off.

Arti kata djent bahasa

Djent is slang for rent in the north east of the West Midlands (England). It comes from the mis pronunciation of rent by the early French immigrants who settled in the area in the late 1800's. It has since become common place especially with the advance or modern slang and ever changing vernacular of the youth of England.


"I is well late with djent." "You owes us djent mate."

Arti kata djent bahasa

A mediocre, boring subgenre of metal enjoyed by posers and Jared Dines's army of 14 year old fans. Djent fans will often make fun of actually talented metal bands for using 6 string guitars, which is often just to deflect from the fact that djent guitarists don't know how to play guitar and that the entire subgenre is just a contest to see who can make the most boring cover of Bleed by Meshuggah.


Person 1: *playing guitar* Person 2: BRO BRO BRO DOES IT DJENT BRO DOES IT DJENT BRO BRO BRO DOES IT DJENT THO Person 1: no because I know how to play guitar

Arti kata djent bahasa

Heavy Metal subgenre that recently grew out of Djent, originally pioneered by 3 members of the band Tesseract. Characteristics include the use of open chords, often with no rhythm.


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