Arti kata "boondocking" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

Quite possibly the best and funniest show on Adult Swim. The show is alot more mature in humor than many other shows aired on Adult Swim. Mature as in the socio-political approach of the show. In my opinion the funniest show since the early Chapelle Days.


A sample of The Boondocks humor Granddad: Y'all need to start appreciating your Grandaddy! I went and spent your inheritance on this beautiful house in this neighborhood! And all I ask you to do is act like you got some class... Riley: Ay, what's "class"? Huey: It means don't act like niggas. Granddad: See! That's what I'm talking about right there! We don't use the n-word in this house! Riley: Granddad, you said the word "nigga" 46 times yesterday. I counted. Granddad: Nigga, hush!

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

Comic strip about a group of African-American city kids adjusting to life in white suburbia. Talentedly written by Aaron McGruder. New strip every weekday on


Small kid: I´ve got a question... Big kid: Is it a stupid question? SK: Auctually, it´s a science question. BK: Ok, shoot. SK: What kind of rims do you think they put on the Mars Rover?

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

a comic strip by Aaron Mcgruder featuring two black liberal politicly informed children. very funny.


the boondocks are exelent at bush-bashing

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

The coolest show with some of the best lines ever. Some think that just because it's leftist it's shit but no one cares bout them anyway.


Qoutes from The Boondocks: Huey: Whats good ya'll? You niggas is makin a whole lotta noise! Grandad: Where have you been? Huey: know *scratches fro* know Doin my lil TV-watchin thing, ya know Doin me Or perhaps the Best qoute ever: Black eye-witness man: OHHHHHHHHH SHIT!!!! AWWWW Nigga I seened the whole thang. NIGGA YOU SHOULDA SEENED IT!!! Huey: Awww great. Black eye-witness man. I hate black eye-witness man Riley: Nigga shush! shush

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

To live along way from town. Somewhere far from civilization.


John lives in the boondocks.

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

Comic strip and T.V show that highlights the finer point of being African American in modern society. It intellectually approaches problems that this race faces everyday


Nigga moments are the 3rd leading cause of black man's death after pork chops and FEMA. Many insightful quotes like this come from the boondocks

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

A hilarious show written by Aaron McGruder, an critic of the black community. The show is based off of a comic strip by Aaron McGruder. The main characters are Huey Freeman, the smart practical one, Riley Freeman, the extremist, Grandad Freeman (a.k.a. Robert Freeman), the funny one, and Uncle Ruckus, the black white supremacist. Some of the re-occurring characters are Tom, Apimpnamedslickback, Jasmine, Thugnificent, Sarah, Ed Wuncler, Gin Rummy, etc. While the show is very funny, it also draws attention to some of the real problems occurring in certain black communities.


I watched the Boondocks last night. It was hilarious.

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

When a guy shoots jizz in the finger paints of a kindergarten class and then video tapes the children finger painting.


Joe decided to go boondocking this weekend but he was disappointed because the school was closed.

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

A Boondocker is a person (or persons) who enjoy the outdoors away from modern society and whom visit National Forests and BLM land in their quest for freedom and solitude. They are typically Nature lovers and truly believe in "Pack it in, pack it out" and you will seldom be able to tell whether they have visited a location or not. The mode of travel can be anything on wheels and if so driven they may as well have solar panels to aid in off the grid traveling and visiting locations. Many people are surprised at the education levels found within this group as they range from Doctorates to high school graduates or simply a GED. Whatever their education level, they all seem to have a common thread: To travel freely and enjoy the great outdoors with as little impact on Mother Earth and Society as they can.


I'm a boondocker and very proud of it.

Arti kata boondocking bahasa

In addition to the "camping without hookups", or "out in the boonies boondocks" definitions, within the professional truck driver circles, it was understood to mean "bypassing the toll stations by taking smaller side roads". Often, if you knew you were hauling an overweight load without a permit, or otherwise not in compliance with DOT regulations, you reduced the likelihood of a citation, or worse, by avoiding the "chicken coops" (scales, weight stations), and Interstates, within so many miles of either side of a city or border with another state. It did not prevent a "bear" (state trooper, or other law-enforcement officer) from pulling you over and setting up a "portable chicken coop" (portable scales carried in the trunk of his car) and writing you up anyway. But, since it was a cat and mouse thing, you ran the gauntlet and took your chances. In some states, particularly in Southern US, it was as normal as speeding and using Black Mollies (amphetamines, to stay awake)... not me, of course... I meant those other guys.


"I heard on the radio there was a bear with a portable chicken coop at I-10 and I-65, so, I went boondocking around and back to US90.