Arti kata "beautiful people" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

People who have a face/body that is generally very pleasing to the eye, although they tend to have rotten personalities because they have grown up spoilt and excessively complimented just for looking the way they do, often resulting in their ego being a thousand times greater than that of a normal person. This enlarged state of ego often breeds arrogance and disregard for others as the individual views themself as social superior. Can be interpreted as a positive or negative term.


1) We'll never be one of the beautiful people - THANK GOD! 2) Damn, look at those beautiful people!

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

1) "Beautiful People" is a phrase used by "hippies" in the 1960's counterculture to describe other people in their sub-society. Basically a synonym for "hippie", but "Hippies" was, for many, a somewhat derogatory term; "Beautiful People" is still considered by many "hippie"-like people to be one of the highest compliments. This title became more widely known after the publication of "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe. 2) Originated from the "Beautiful People Letter", a form letter sent home by many "hippies" to their worrying middle-class mothers. 3) Can be derogatory in and of itself, considering that a lot of so-called "Beautiful People" are actually rich hypocrites trying to be cool.


1) Square - "Where were you last weekend?" Beautiful Person - "Oh, I was hanging out with some Beautiful People up at Yasgur's Farm." 2) "Dear Mother, I meant to write you before this and I hope you haven’t been worried, I am in (San Francisco / Los Angeles / New York / Arizona / a Hopi Indian Reservation!!!! / Ajijic / San Miguel de Allende / Mazatlan, Mexico!!!!) and it is really Beautiful here. It is a Beautiful scene. Beautiful People doing Beautiful Things." 3) How does it feel to be / One of the Beautiful People? ... Baby, You're a Rich Man. --Baby You're a Rich Man, The Beatles

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

Of or relating to a black person. Coming from the cliche "black is beautiful." In no way meant to be derrogatroy.


I went to a "beautiful" neighbor hood and kicked it with some "beautiful people."

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

A Marilyn Manson fan.


"how dose it feel to be one of the beautiful people!?"-Marilyn Manson.

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

There are still some wonderful people left in this world! They are diamonds in the rough, but they’re around! You’ll find them when you fall down– they’re the ones who pick you up, who don’t judge, and you had to fall down to see them! When you get up again, remember who your true friends are!”


P1: MY JAM beautiful people !

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

Tall, Gorgeous and know it, mostly air-heads who get paid 20 bucks an hour to wear super tight tops, and say, "yo wats up?" and then glare at you if you haven't bought more than five things, and spritz you in the eyes with gross men's colone if you haven't bought anything on your way out. normal girl: hey, can you help me find my size in this? beautiful person: haha! sure! oh, look at that! we don't have any left! XXL is out of stock! but you should buy this cami, it like totally goes with your eyes, and then buy a matching one for your boyfriend. And then howabout these leather leggings? normal girl: well um...that looks nice? I didn't know I was XXL... usually I'm an M. whatever... oh yeah sorry I only have 10 dollars... beautiful person: *turning sinister* well...there's a wall mart down the street. and if you really want to buy something, well then have this breathmint. it's on me. you kinda need it... normal girl: umm yeah no thanks... bye... beautiful person: Oh wait! try our new men's fragrance! *sprits gross mens colone in eyes* normal girl: aaah my eyes! I'm blind! beautiful person: *looking smug* oh, gosh I'm sorry! beautiful person 2: *walks up to beautiful person 1* *whispering* what's going on? beautiful person 1: she didn't buy anything :/ beautiful person 2: ooooh.


person 1: that beautiful person in abercrombie was totally giving me the hairy eyeball when I only bought 5 things! Person 2: your lucky she didn't make you blind! it's actually not colone she has in that bottle, it's rat poison! Person 1: seriously? person 2: NO! abercrombie beautiful people

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

People watching in a location or neighborhood where only beautiful people hang out, such as a Whole Foods market. Comparable to observing exotic birds at a zoo.


Let's go to Whole Foods - I'm in the mood for some beautiful-people-watching. H: Ooh, look at that dude pick out his protein-rich drinks. I bet his name is Nate and he's going kayaking after this. Z: Hmm, do you think that girl with the shiny hair is his girlfriend or his sister? H: I'm gonna say that's his mom. She has very nice skin for her age, though.

Arti kata beautiful people bahasa

The group of subculture kids who always have the smallest pants and the blackest hair that hides the most of their face. Often adorned with bandanas, carrabiner and white studded belts. Tend to flock together and think they are awesome.


The beautiful always hang out in D-hall before 6th block.