Arti kata "99 red balloons" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata 99 red balloons bahasa

only the best song ever originally performed by nen -rerecorded by goldfinger


i like rocking out to 99 red balloons

Arti kata 99 red balloons bahasa

An adjective acting as a noun that describes a person in possession of pretty much every kind of STD. These include but are not limited to: bacterial vaginosis, chancroid, donovanosis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venereum, non-gonococchal urethritis, staph infection, syphilis, tinea cruris, yeast infection, adenovirus, viral hepatitis A B C D and E, Herpes simplex, HIV/AIDS, HTLV 1 and 2, genital warts, cervical cancer, anal cancer, molluscum contagiosum, mononucleosis, Kaposi's sarcoma, Crabs, Scabies, and trichomoniasis.


Alex: Hot damn bro...See that jailbait? I'd love to tap that. Micah: Don't be such a dumbass, she definitely has 99 red balloons. Alex: True. I wouldn't want my crabs to get herpes.

Arti kata 99 red balloons bahasa

Going down on a woman while she is menstrating and you blow bubbles.


I earned my red wings and made 99 red luft balloons.