Why cant I post to Facebook from my phone?

There is a satisfaction that comes with posting something on your Facebook page. Once you upload something, your Facebook audience can interact with it, and Facebook posts are great for sharing something with people.

Are you having trouble posting on your Facebook page? It is annoying when you try to post on Facebook but to no avail.

Quick Answer

Uploading to Facebook but to no avail is not a new issue. There are various causes of this, including network error, a technical glitch with Facebook, blocked Facebook account, cache or cookies error, incorrect photo format, and ad-blocking software. These issues can hinder your Facebook account and block you from posting.

This guide presents the various reasons why you can’t post on your Facebook page. We will discuss each post in detail and offer the solution for each to ensure you regain your posting functionality on Facebook. We will conclude by addressing commonly asked questions about issues with uploading Facebook posts.

Table of Contents

  1. Reasons Why You Can’t Post on Your Facebook Page
    • Reason #1: Facebook Glitch
    • Reason #2: Network Error
    • Reason #3: Blocked Facebook Account
    • Reason #4: Cache and Cookies Error
    • Reason #5: Ad-Blocking Software
    • Reason #6: Wrong Photo Format
    • Reason #7: Outdated Browser
  2. How To Fix It When You Can’t Post on Your Facebook Page
    • Method #1: Re-Login to Facebook
    • Method #2: Correct the Photo Format
    • Method #3: Check Your Account Status
    • Method #4: Turn Off Ad-Blocking
    • Method #5: Clear Your Browser’s Cache and Cookies
    • Method #6: Check Your Network
    • Method #7: Update Your Browser
  3. Conclusion

Reasons Why You Can’t Post on Your Facebook Page

Are you confused about why you can’t post on your Facebook page?

Facebook has become part of people’s lives, and when you can’t post anything, that is a big blow to any user, as uploading posts makes the platform fun. Besides, businesses rely on their posts to drive sales.

Let’s see why you cannot post on your Facebook page.

Reason #1: Facebook Glitch

Facebook is not perfect. It is a heavy platform, and it is no surprise when Facebook encounters various glitches causing it to freeze and deny users the ability to share posts.

Moreover, it could be a minor glitch with Facebook, or in some extreme cases, the Facebook servers could be down, paralyzing the platform.

Reason #2: Network Error

Network connectivity is needed when uploading a post on Facebook.

So, if you are unable to upload your post, chances are that maybe you lack a good internet connection.

Still, it could be your subscription is depleted, or there is an issue with your router or Wi-Fi connection.

Reason #3: Blocked Facebook Account

If you’ve been violating Facebook’s community guidelines repeatedly, it could be your account has been placed under a temporary block.

If that’s the case, Facebook limits your activities on the platform, including sharing posts.

Reason #4: Cache and Cookies Error

Facebook uses cache and cookies to function properly.

If there is an issue with your cache, such as it being full or a case of missing data, the issue will affect posting on the platform.

Cache quickly becomes problematic when full and can block the uploading of posts.

Reason #5: Ad-Blocking Software

If you use ad-blocking software on your device, it could be flagging Facebook and limiting its functionality.

The problem is true if everything works fine when you’ve turned off the ad-blocking software, but Facebook posts refuse to upload when turned on.

Reason #6: Wrong Photo Format

While most people focus on editing pictures before uploading, the photo format will likely change when you edit the photo.

If the new format doesn’t align with the required format by Facebook, the post won’t upload. Besides, the post size should be relatively small, preferably below 1 MB.

Reason #7: Outdated Browser

When you access your Facebook page from a browser, it could be that the browser is outdated.

If so, it may be a hindrance to uploading posts to Facebook.

How To Fix It When You Can’t Post on Your Facebook Page

Do any of the above causes sound familiar? It’s time we covered the various solutions you should use to fix the error and hopefully regain uploading of your posts normally.

Method #1: Re-Login to Facebook

Most minor glitches with Facebook can be fixed by logging out from the platform.

Once logged out, log in to the account again, then try uploading your posts to your page.

The trick is to allow the browser to reload your Facebook data fresh and create new connections with servers.

Method #2: Correct the Photo Format

What picture format are you trying to post? Facebook recommends using JPEG, PNG, BMP, or TIFF format.

Besides, the picture size should be kept below 1 MB for effortless uploading.

So, if your picture doesn’t match the format, consider converting it or using a different photo.

Method #3: Check Your Account Status

If you’ve received various warnings from Facebook about your account activities, it is likely that Facebook temporarily blocked your Facebook page.

Unfortunately, if that’s the case, you must wait till Facebook unblocks your account for you to upload posts.

Method #4: Turn Off Ad-Blocking

If you are using an ad-blocking software or extension on your browser, consider turning it off.

Most ad-blocking software may flag Facebook and hinder its normal operation.

So, turn off the ad-blocker and try re-uploading your post.

Method #5: Clear Your Browser’s Cache and Cookies

Most browsers store cache on your computer to increase the loading time of websites. When the cookies and cache get corrupted, the impact is negative. Besides, too much cache size can also lower the performance of Facebook.

Use the steps below to clear cache and cookies:

  1. On your browser, navigate to settings.
    For Chrome, click the three dots on the right to open the menu options.
  2. On the settings page, locate and click on “Privacy and security”.
  3. On the next page, tap the “Clear browsing data” option.
  4. Select a time range of when to clear the cache data.
  5. Lastly, click the “Clear data” button.

Method #6: Check Your Network

Ensure that you have an active subscription if using mobile data.

For Wi-Fi, try opening other tabs or configuring your router.

Also, consider checking with your ISP to ensure you are connected.

Method #7: Update Your Browser

Using the latest browser version has multiple benefits.

In this case, open your browser settings, and under the “about” section of the browser, ensure you are using the latest version. If not, update it.


There is fun in sharing Facebook posts. This guide discusses why your Facebook uploads may fail and offer various solutions to resolve the error.

Why can't I post anything on my Facebook?

There are various causes of this, including network error, a technical glitch with Facebook, blocked Facebook account, cache or cookies error, incorrect photo format, and ad-blocking software. These issues can hinder your Facebook account and block you from posting.

How do I post to Facebook from my phone?

Facebook.com on mobile browsers is in the process of being updated..
Tap in the top right of Facebook..
Search for the Page you'd like to post on, then select it from the dropdown menu..
Tap Posts, then tap Write something on the Page..
Write your post, then tap Publish..

Why will Facebook not let me share?

This happens when a post hasn't been made public. In other words, if the privacy settings on the original post are set to “Friends Only,” then that post will lack the Share button. Fortunately, adjusting the privacy settings to allow sharing on a Facebook post is easy, and we'll show you how below.

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