Why are tweets not showing on my timeline?

  • What Is Twitter Timeline?
  • Common Twitter Timeline Problems
  • Why Isn’t Twitter Timeline Updating Properly?
  • Solutions & Conclusion on Why Twitter’s Timeline Isn’t Updating Properly

If you are one of those who say, “Twitter’s timeline isn’t updating properly,” we will explain the solutions to this problem in our article.

Twitter, one of the largest social media sites globally, has recently developed a timeline, with the option to allow users to interact more. Twitter timeline is an add-on that allows you to show more content to people who track you in your account.

For example, people who follow you can instantly see all the content you share through the Timeline. But there may be a small number of users who experience timeline problems.

What Is Twitter Timeline?

Twitter timeline is a feature that lets you quickly forward your content to your followers. This feature has been active for the last 1-2 years, allowing users to share more frequently on Twitter.

timeline isn’t updating properly

In the Timeline, you can instantly see all the content that people you follow share. So without having to look at that person’s account, you’ll see what he’s sharing in the timeline field.

Common Twitter Timeline Problems

In some cases, you may experience the Twitter timeline problem. One of the most common problems is the “Twitter timeline isn’t updating properly “problem.

People who have this problem cannot see up-to-date Twitter shares in the timeline area. They always see old shares, and even when refreshing the page, they see past shares.

A few reasons for this, and of course, there are solutions. This is an issue that is temporary and easy to resolve. You don’t have to rush right away.

With a few simple steps, you can solve any problem. Below is the detailed information about Twitter’s Timeline isn’t updating the solution properly.

There may be several reasons for this.

When the internet connection you are using is weak, you are likely to experience this problem if you do not clear your cookies or problems with the settings of the mobile device you are using.


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Although the solution is simple, it is a frustrating problem. Constantly seeing old tweets and failing to reach the current tweets is annoying.

Solutions & Conclusion on Why Twitter’s Timeline Isn’t Updating Properly

If you are experiencing Twitter’s Timeline Isn’t Updating problem, first try the solutions outlined below. If none is effective, consult technical support as the last option.

  • The first thing you need to do is delete your mobile device’s cookies. After you delete cookies, close and reopen the Twitter application, the problem will probably be solved.
  • Another Twitter timeline Problem Solution is to delete the Twitter app and reinstall it again. This option is one of the most effective solutions.
  • If both options do not work, you should contact Twitter customer service. If it is a technical problem with your mobile device, you may need to change it.

The Twitter timeline issue is not a problem with your account. There is a problem with the device you are using. Do not distort another setting other than this. Or you can cause bigger problems.

If you liked this article, please share your comments below and take a look at our other articles about Twitter. You may like our article about how to clear Twitter history as well.

Twitter is one of the most popular social platforms in the world.

Although Twitter shares multiple features with other social networks, there are other characteristics that make it unique. Its main differentiating element is the character limit in the posts.

In the past, Twitter posts were limited to 140 characters. Later, in response to user feedback, the company extended this limit to 280 characters.

Twitter also offers the ‘topics’ feature, which adds tweets related to topics of interest to you on your timeline. However, it seems that many users are facing issues with this option.

Currently, Twitter timeline is not showing tweets from topics or tweets liked by other followed profiles to many users.

Twitter timeline not showing suggested tweets from topics or tweets liked by others

According to multiple reports, tweets from topics are missing from Twitter user timelines. Currently, the user timeline is only showing the latest tweets from the profiles you follow.


PLS HELP! i think my twitter acc is broken

for some odd reason, my twitter acc is not working like it did yesterday. i keep refreshing to see new posts (tweets based from my likes and the topics I follow) and yet, when I opened my twitter today, I could only see my following’s tweets and retweets. my timeline now feels so empty without the suggested tweets based from likes and follows.

timeline doesn’t show topic tweets

so for some reason my timeline just stopped showing me tweets from topic i follow on my timeline today. idk what caused it cause i can still go into the “topics” tab and see the tweets there under each topic but they don’t pop up on my timeline anymore. is this a bug or what? anyone know any fixes?

The issue is not only affecting topic-related tweets, but also tweets liked by people you follow. Normally, the Twitter timeline should show some tweets liked by others.


In addition, it seems that the issue is affecting accounts randomly since some users haven’t been affected by this issue.

i have another account on twitter and it’s working normally. i never did anything suspicious or against community guidelines. i just liked a lot of posts regarding my interests (books, kpop, etc.)


Issue acknowledged

The Twitter team is aware of the issue and is investigating, but there is no ETA for a fix yet.

Sorry for the frustration. Our team is aware, and they’re looking into this. We’ll reach out if we need more info from you.

We will update this story as events unfold.

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Why are my tweets not showing up on my timeline?

We may limit a Tweet's reach if it violates an applicable law. Technical limitations. At times, product bugs may prevent Tweets from being shown. Additionally, when there is an overwhelming volume of replies to a Tweet, our platform may be unable to show all replies.

How do I see all tweets on my timeline?

To see all your old tweets, click Tweets. You'll see a list of all your old tweets, in reverse chronological order. You can use the search box and filters on the right of the page to narrow your search, or use the tabs across the top to specifically see your replies and retweets.

How do you get Twitter to show recent tweets?

Step 1: Open the Twitter app on your mobile device. Step 2: On the main timeline screen, select the Three star sparkle icon at the top of your screen. Step 3: From the menu that appears, choose the Switch to latest Tweets option. This menu option is also marked with a Double arrows icon.

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