Is json an array mysql?

I have a problem extracting data in the JSON column. I'm new to this JSON method, unlike relation tables.

Sample Table: every minute/second all websites activity will be saved in 1 column alongside timestamp.

Expected Table: I wanted to produce is to extract the object details of a specific id, so I can have a full table of that objects.

SELECT dtime,, activity.ssl,, activity.cert FROM logs WHERE = 3



asked Feb 2 at 19:01


411 silver badge6 bronze badges


Finally, I found the problem.

  1. Make sure you check the version if JSON functions are supported.
  • MySQL8+
  • MariaDB 10.6.0+

In my case, this was easily fixed by JSON_TABLE just like this post "read json array on mysql query"

SELECT dtime, get_activity.* FROM logs, JSON_TABLE( activity, '$[*]' COLUMNS ( `id` int(11) PATH '$.ID', `ssl` int(1) PATH '$.SSL', `online` int(1) PATH '$.Online', `cert` text PATH '$.Cert' ) ) get_activity WHERE = 3;

All Result:

Result using WHERE filter:


answered Feb 3 at 18:10


411 silver badge6 bronze badges

Mysql introduces many features to work and manipulate JSON since version 5.7.8.

We will simulate the options to search empty arrays.
For that, we use MYSQL 8.

We have this table and data below:

CREATE TABLE `courses` (
`data` json NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO `courses` (`data`) VALUES
('{"name": "Medicine", "codes": ["3064", "3065"]}'),
('{"name": "Dentistry", "codes": ["3070"]}'),
('{"name": "Pharmacology", "codes": []}'),
('{"name": "Toxicology", "codes": []}');


SELECT data FROM courses WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$.codes') = '[]';

This supposes to return the Pharmacology and Toxicology courses, in fact, return empty results.

There is a trick to using JSON_EXTRACT to cast the comparable the object JSON_ARRAY

SELECT data FROM courses WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$.codes') = JSON_ARRAY();

Bingo! The result was as expected!

| data |
| {"name": "Pharmacology", "codes": []} |
| {"name": "Toxicology", "codes": []} |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


SELECT data FROM courses WHERE JSON_LENGTH(data, '$.codes') = 0;

The result as expected, only return records with empty codes

| data |
| {"name": "Pharmacology", "codes": []} |
| {"name": "Toxicology", "codes": []} |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Inline path operator ->>

SELECT data FROM courses WHERE data->>"$.codes" = '[]';

The result as expected, only return records with empty codes

| data |
| {"name": "Pharmacology", "codes": []} |
| {"name": "Toxicology", "codes": []} |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


JSON type is a really welcome feature that missing at Mysql, also there are some tricks to use correctly the filters and common functions.
Also, keep in mind to search for documents with the good performance you may need to create a virtual index.


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Is JSON same as array?

Arrays in JSON are almost the same as arrays in JavaScript. In JSON, array values must be of type string, number, object, array, boolean or null.

Can a JSON value be an array?

JSON array can store values of type string, array, boolean, number, object, or null. In JSON array, values are separated by commas.

What is JSON data type in MySQL?

MySQL supports a native JSON data type defined by RFC 7159 that enables efficient access to data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents. The JSON data type provides these advantages over storing JSON-format strings in a string column: Automatic validation of JSON documents stored in JSON columns.

Can JSON be stored in MySQL?

MySQL supports the native JSON data type since version 5.7. 8. The native JSON data type allows you to store JSON documents more efficiently than the JSON text format in the previous versions. MySQL stores JSON documents in an internal format that allows quick read access to document elements.

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