Can i use laravel with bootstrap?

Compared to the previous version of Laravel where Bootstrap Framework was the default pre-installed frontend option. In the latest version there have been a lot of changes in the Laravel Framework wherein you have to perform certain steps to use Bootstrap as the frontend framework.

Following are the steps to use Bootstrap 4 with latest version of Larvael

Install Laravel / ui package

Run the following command to install Laravel's laravel/ui package

composer require laravel/ui

Install Bootstrap

Once you have installed the laravel / ui package, you can now install the Bootstrap framework by running the following comand

php artisan ui bootstrap

If you are looking to generate auth scaffolding as well, then you should run the following command instead

php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

Install and Run NPM

Now that we have generated the Bootstrap scaffolding, next up we need to install and run the NPM so that the bootstrap library is compiled

Run the following command to install NPM

npm install

Run the following command to compile the resources

npm run dev

Now you can use Bootstrap's compiled JS and CSS in your application.

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <!-- Scripts --> <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script> <!-- Styles --> <link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <h2>This is example Bootstrap page</h2> </body> </html>

1. LARAVEL 9 - Introduction

Since version 8 Laravel uses Tailwind CSS as its main CSS framework. Allthough being a first class CSS framework, developing using Tailwind CSS requires a lot of work because you’ll have to develop every reusable component from scratch yourself.

In the past a lot of developers, like myself, used Bootstrap. Laravel has dropped Bootstrap support since version 8. The easiest way to keep using Bootstrap in Laravel 8 is by creating a new Laravel project and then using the two commands :

composer require laravel/ui php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

This installs the previous version Bootstrap 4.6.x and adds some scaffolding in case you use the – – auth option. 

For those of us who want to keep using Bootstrap, there’s a simple way to create a new Laravel project using the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.

Tip :

If you’re looking for an excellent Local Web Development Server to develop your PHP based applications in a Microsoft Windows environment, please read my posts regarding Laragon.

2. LARAVEL 9 - Build the application manually from scratch

a. Create a new Laravel project

Start by creating a new Laravel project :

composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name

Then cd into the newly created project folder and install the Laravel UI package :

composer require laravel/ui

This legacy package is a very simple authentication scaffolding built on the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework.

Generate the Bootstrap scaffolding :

php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

This installs Bootstap 4.6 and generates the files needed for authentification.

b. Install Bootstrap 5

Now let’s install Bootstrap 5 :  

npm install bootstrap@latest bootstrap-icons @popperjs/core --save-dev

This updates Bootstrap 4.6.x to version 5.x and adds the Bootstrap Icons and popper.js version 2.
Do not remove popper.js version 1!

c. Configure the .env file

Now open your project in your favorite code editor. I use Visual Studio Code.

Check and addapt all settings, especially the database connection and the mail settings.

d. Import Bootstrap Icons

Inside your project, open the file resources\sass\app.scss and add : 

@import '~bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons';

e. Replace the scaffolding files

Inside your project, replace the Bootstrap 4 scaffolding files by the ones you can download here.

So replace the content of your projects /resources/views/ folder by the folder in the downloaded ZIP archive.

f. Finalize the application

Now create the database tables : 

php artisan migrate

Then let’s finalize the setup :

npm install npm run dev

Tip :

If the npm run dev command throws errors concerning missing dependencies, just run the command a second time.

Normaly all should be OK now and you can start developing your own Laravel 8 Bootstrap 5 application.

2. LARAVEL 9 - Build the application by cloning the GitHub repository

An empty demo Laravel 9 project containing Bootstrap 5 is available on GitHub.

a. Clone the GitHub repository

Inside the root folder of your local web development environment, open a new terminal window.
Enter the command :

git clone //

Change directory into the newly created project folder.

b. Install Composer Dependencies

Enter the command : 

composer install

c. Install NPM Dependencies

Enter the commands : 

npm install npm run dev

d. Create your copy of the .env file

Enter the command :

cp .env.example .env

e. Generate an App Encryption Key

Enter the command :

php artisan key:generate

f. Create an empty database for our application

Use your favorite database management tool to create an empty database.
Configure a username and password.

g. Configure the .env file

Open the .env file for editing :


Adjust the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD options to match your situation. Also adjust the mail settings:



h. Migrate the database

Enter the command : :

php artisan migrate

i. Open the application

You now have a working Laravel 8 application using the Bootstrap 5  framework.

Open a browser and go to the url of your application.

Use the Register button to register yourself.

3. LARAVEL 9 - Extend the application with DataTables

Does Laravel 8 support bootstrap?

Does Laravel Use bootstrap? Laravel 8 provide easy way to work with bootstrap, vue and react, The bootstrap directory contains the app. php file which bootstraps the framework.

How does bootstrap 5 integrate with Laravel?

Step 1: Install Laravel Project. ... .
Step 2: Install Laravel UI For Bootstrap 5. ... .
Step 3: Setup Auth Scaffolding with Bootstrap 5. ... .
Step 4: Install NPM Dependencies. ... .
Step 5: Import vite. ... .
Step 6: Update bootstrap.js. ... .
Step 7: Import Bootstrap 5 SCSS in JS Folder. ... .
Step 8: Replace mix() with @vite Blade directive..

Can I use bootstrap and vue in Laravel?

Install Bootstrap and Vue If you are using Laravel, first install the Laravel composer package- laravel/ui that is already built for you. To do that, just open a terminal from your project root directory, and run: composer require laravel/ui. php artisan ui vue --auth.

Can I use Laravel breeze with bootstrap?

Work in progress. Breeze provides a minimal and simple starting point for building a Laravel application with authentication. Styled with Bootstrap, Breeze publishes authentication controllers and views to your application that can be easily customized based on your own application's needs.

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