Add attribute to list python

Python list is a collection of arbitrary objects, ordered, dynamic, mutable, somewhat similar to an array in other programming languages but more flexible. The list has many attributes and methods that we can use.

  1. Python lists are dynamic.
  2. Lists in Python are mutable.
  3. Lists are ordered.
  4. Lists can be nested to arbitrary depth.
  5. Lists can contain any arbitrary objects.
  6. List elements can be accessed by index.

To find the length of the list, use the len() method.

list = [11, 18, 19, 21, 46, 29] print(len(list))



To calculate the total occurrence of a given List element, use the count() method.

list = [11, 18, 19, 21, 46, 29, 19] print(list.count(19))



To calculate the minimum of all the list elements, use the min() function.

list = [11, 18, 19, 21, 46, 29, 19] print(min(list))



To calculate the maximum of all the list elements, use the max() function.

list = [11, 18, 19, 21, 46, 29, 19] print(max(list))



Python list methods


To append or add a list in Python, use the append() method.

listA = ['PS5', 'XboxSeriesX'] listA.append('Nintendo Switch') print(listA)


['PS5', 'XboxSeriesX', 'Nintendo Switch']


To add the content of one list to another list, use the extend() method.

listA = ['PS5', 'XboxSeriesX'] listB = ["Returnal", "Halo Infinite"] listA.extend(listB) print(listA)


['PS5', 'XboxSeriesX', 'Returnal', 'Halo Infinite']


To remove an element from the list, use the pop() method.

list = [11, 18, 19, 21, 46, 29, 19] print(list.pop())



That is it for Python list attributes.

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2021/06/05 — Edit:

I wrote this article last year, and since have learned more about how python works internally. The solution below indeed works, but is rather inefficient.

The getattr, setattr, hasattr, functions are great and have a time and place to be used, but they require a lookup of that object before accessing/checking for an attribute.

You can add other attribute names to the Area, Height, Length, and Width lists on the Attributes tab. Once added, the attributes populate with the area, height, length, and width values for features, as appropriate. For example, if you add the ARA_ attribute to the Area list on the Attributes tab, it can populate using the Buildings tool.

Below is a list of the different tools that calculate attribute values and the types of attributes they populate. When you add fields to the lists on the Attributes tab, those attributes can be used in addition to the default values in each list.

Defense Mapping tools and the attributes they calculate:Tool nameAngleAreaHeightLengthWidth






Calculate Height


Calc Metrics




  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
  3. On the Defense Mapping toolbar, click Defense Mapping > Options.

    The Property Configuration dialog box appears.

  4. If necessary, click the Configuration File drop-down arrow and choose the file that has the configuration settings you want to modify.
  5. Click the Attributes tab.

  6. Right-click in the list to which you want to add a new attribute name and click Add new attribute.

    A text box appears in the list.

  7. Type the name of the attribute in the text box.
  8. Press the TAB key.
  9. Repeat steps 6–8 as needed.
  10. Click OK.

How do I add attributes to a list in Python?

Use the append() or insert() methods to add an element to a list. If you have a list of set objects, access the list at a specific index before calling add() .

How do I add attributes to a list?

Click the Attributes tab. Right-click in the list to which you want to add a new attribute name and click Add new attribute.

Can I add object to list in Python?

There are four methods to add elements to a List in Python. append() : append the element to the end of the list. insert() : inserts the element before the given index. extend() : extends the list by appending elements from the iterable.

What is list attribute in Python?

The important characteristics of Python lists are as follows: Lists are ordered. Lists can contain any arbitrary objects. List elements can be accessed by index. Lists can be nested to arbitrary depth.

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