Reverse last name, first name in excel with comma

Today’s blog post was actually a question from one of my colleagues at work earlier this week, they had a list of first and surnames of employees, separated by a comma, with the surname first and the first names last and they needed to switch them around for example ,from “Green, John” to” John Green”.

So let’s look at two of the ways we could easily do this in Excel.

The first method involves 2 steps.

Method 1. Text To Column & TextJoin

First we can use Text To Columns to split the First Name and Last Name.

  • Select the column that contains your data
  • Data Tab – Data Tools – Text To Columns
  • In Step 1 of the Wizard select Delimited
  • We can use comma as the delimiter
  • Hit Next, Then confirm to Finish
  • Your data will now be split, having used the comma as the delimiter

Once we have our two names separated, we can then join them together again using TEXTJOIN. This is one of the new formulas that cam with Excel 2016. If you don’t have TEXTJOIN then you can use CONCATENATE which works in previous versions of Excel prior to 2016. You can read my blog posts below, if you want to use CONCATENATE.

How To Concatenate Numbers And Percentages

Formula Friday – Let’s Use TEXTJOIN To Join Text Strings Without The CONCATENATE Complexity

Understand The Power Of Concatenation Of Cell Formulas

I have Excel 2016 so I’m going to jump right in and use TEXTJOIN, the updated and more simplified relative of CONCATENATE.

TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], …)


delimiter – this is required this is what you want in between the cells that you are joining, for example- a comma, or a space.

ignore_empty – this is so you can choose to ignore and empty cells in your selected range. This can be important if you are using a space " " as your delimter and if you do not want extra spaces in between your joined text strings due to blank spaces in your selected cells.

text1,-is required, which can be a single text string or an array of strings like a range of cells

[text2] – this is an optional argument; use this additional text strings to be added to text1

So, in our example we want the delimeter to be a space, to separate the two names, we want to ignore any extra spaces so we set the ignore_empty to TRUE and select text1 as our First Name (cell C2) and text2 as B2 to populate our Second Name.

Hit Ok and we have our names switched to the correct way around.

Method 2. Use A One Stop Shop Formula

Ok so we have seen a two step approach to reversing the names, let do it all all together with one formula.

The formula uses the functions MID, FIND and LEN.

MID – this returns the middle characters from a text string given a starting and end position.

FIND – this finds the starting position of one text string within another text string.

LEN – returns the number of characters in a text string

Once we put all of these together as one formula, we can easily switch the positions of the two names,

This is a great formula…..if we break it down we can see the way it works.

Excel uses the MID function, which as we know returns the middle characters from a text string given a start number and length. So, we generate the Text piece by joining B2 and B2 again separated by a space, this gives us the following ‘Green,John Green,John’

=MID(B2&” “&B2

We find the start number by finding the position of the comma, then adding +1

=MID(B2&” “&B2,FIND(“,”,B2)+1

We find the number of characters to then return is the number of characters in cell B2

=MID(B2&” “&B2,FIND(“,”,B2)+1,LEN(B2))

Clever huh?. We can then simply drag our formula down the column of data to correctly fill the rest of our names.

So there are two ways to flip the cell contents in Excel. Which would you use????

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How do you reverse first and last name with commas?

In the Replace With control, enter the following characters \2, \1, with a space character before the second slash character. Click Replace All. Word will transpose the first and last names and separate them with a comma character.

How do you flip last name and first name in Excel?

How to flip first and last names in Excel using the Mid function.
We want to reverse this name and put out input in the D column..
The syntax for this will be. =MID(A2& &A2,FIND( ,A2)+1,LEN(A2)).
The result we get is the name getting flipped..

How do I rearrange names in Excel with a comma?

Text to Columns.
Highlight the column that contains your list..
Go to Data > Text to Columns..
Choose Delimited. Click Next..
Choose Comma. Click Next..
Choose General or Text, whichever you prefer..
Leave Destination as is, or choose another column. Click Finish..

How do you reverse a comma in Excel?

Make the following table in Excel:.
Add column headings..
Select headings, and press the Table icon on the Insert ribbon tab..
Copy formula 1 & 2 below into the appropriate columns Original | # | Reversed ---------+-----+----------- | {1} | {2}.
Place the string you would like to reverse in the first column..

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