Php read first line of csv

On 03-15-2015

articles, code

Command Line Options

If you are comfortable with the command line, or even if you aren’t and just need to quickly remove the first line of any file, here are a few one liners!

sed 1d readfile.csv > outputfile.csv awk 'NR>1' readfile.csv > outputfile.csv tail -n +2 readfile.csv > tmp.csv && mv tmp.csv outputfile.csv

Original Post*

Recently I needed to run  a script to remove the first line of a CSV file and was getting stumped (mostly on the encoding part)! Finally after some testing and trouble shooting and a little Google help I found a solution. And I am hoping this post will find it’s way to others with similar needs. And credit to stackoverflow.

This solution is in PHP.

Firs you need to read the document, store the data in memory and then manipulate it and finally rewrite the document. Code is below. This code edits a file on your local machine and of course you could incorporate it to a server file, but it is strictly for editing a file and not used for any database work.

//Read File $file = fopen('filewithfullpath.csv', 'r'); $data=array(); while (($data_tmp = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $data[] = $data_tmp; } fclose($file); //Remove first line array_shift($data); //Write File $file = fopen('filewithfullpath.csv', 'w'); //Set UT-8 fprintf($file, chr(0xEF).chr(0xBB).chr(0xBF)); foreach($data as $d){ fputcsv($file, $d, ','); } fclose($file);

Some trouble areas I had:

I also needed the final csv file to be in a UT-8 encoding, fputcsv function doesn’t do that for you so I found a nifty bit of code online that help achieve that (see Set UT-8 comment in code above) fprintf prints a encoding line before fputcsv writes the new data as csv.

The second thing I came across is I was pulling up the newly edited (remove first line from csv) document inside of notepad on a Windows machine and it wasn’t showing me any line breaks, and so I thought my code wasn’t working and turns out it was working I just needed to view it in a different editor, I pulled it up in my code editor and sure enough there were line breaks as it should of been. Something about notepad not reading CF breaks…something along those lines.

The PHP reading CSV file task can be accomplished by using the fopen(), fgetcsv(), and fclose() functions in the stated order. However, you can skip the loop around the fgetcsv() function to get only the first line of the CSV file. Therefore, here you’ll get to learn about the fgetcsv() function, the four-step reading process alongside some more useful information. Continue reading to get access to the working PHP scripts helping in reading the CSV files efficiently.


  • Reading CSV in PHP
    • – Using Fgetcsv() for PHP Parsing CSV
  • How to Read CSV Files in PHP?
    • – Coding Solution for Reading First Line of CSV File
  • How To Read CSV File Into Array?
    • – Coding Script for Reading CSV in PHP Into Array
  • How To Solve the Issue of Joined Fields?
    • – Coding Script for Solving the Issue of Joined Fields on Mac
  • How To Get an Associative Array?
    • – Coding Blockof Reading CSV Into an Associative Array
  • Conclusion

The fgetcsv() function allows you to PHP parse CSV files, one line at a time. The given function accepts five parameters including a stream, length, separator, enclosure, and escape. Here, only the first parameter is required while the other parameters are optional.

Consequently, the stated function returns an array consisting of the contents of a single row.

Here is the syntax of the fgetcsv() function: fgetcsv(stream, length, separator, enclosure, escape).

You can see the simplified descriptions of the given parameters along with their default values below:

  • Stream: It accepts a file pointer indicating an opened file
  • Length “null in PHP 8”: The length asks you to specify a number larger than the maximum number of characters that a single field will contain
  • Separator “,”: It indicates the field separator that can be any single-byte character
  • Enclosure ”””: It allows you to specify a single-byte enclosure character for the field
  • Escape “\”: The escape parameter specifies a single-byte escape character to escape the enclosure character

– Using Fgetcsv() for PHP Parsing CSV

The list of important details related to the fgetcsv() function has been shared below to assist you in PHP parsing CSV:

  • The fgetcsv function considers the locale settings before parsing the CSV files
  • The length parameter is required in PHP version < 5
  • If you set the length to zero or null, you will end up slowing down the performance
  • You can disable the proprietary escape mechanism in PHP 7.4.0 by setting an empty string as an escape character
  • The fgetcsv() function will return an array with a single null element as a result of parsing a blank line in the CSV file

How to Read CSV Files in PHP?

The three important steps that’ll help you in PHP read CSV files have been given below:

  1. Execute the openfile() function with the read “r” mode to open the CSV file
  2. Use the fgetcsv() function
  3. Run the fclose() function

– Coding Solution for Reading First Line of CSV File

For example, you have a CSV file containing the “customer_id”, “city”, and “country” as column headings and a few more rows of data. Now, you want to read only the headings of the given file. So, you’ll continue following the above steps without a second thought.

Here is the code block that will help you PHP read CSV file to get the headings present in the same file:

// open the Sample.csv file
$file1 = fopen(“Sample.csv”, “r”);
// use the fgetcsv() function
$headings = fgetcsv($file1, 100, “,”);
// close the CSV file
// print the array of CSV file headings

You’ll get the below array of headings on your screen:

Array ( [0] => Customer_id [1] => City [2] => Country )

How To Read CSV File Into Array?

The four essential steps helping you PHP read csv file into array have been stated below:

  1. Open the required CSV file by using the openfile() function with the read “r” mode
  2. Use the fgetcsv() function in a loop to read the required CSV file
  3. Save the content in an array
  4. Execute the fclose() function

You will get a multidimensional array in which each inner array will represent a single row of the given CSV file.

– Coding Script for Reading CSV in PHP Into Array

For instance: You have a CSV file with headings in the first row, a few rows of data, and a single blank row. Now, you want to read csv file into array. So, you’ll follow the above-stated steps as an ultimate solution.

Please don’t hesitate in using the below code snippet for reading CSV in PHP:

// opening the Sample.csv file
$myFile = fopen(“Sample.csv”, “r”);
// using the while loop to read till the end of the file
while(($content = fgetcsv($myFile, 100, “,”)) !== FALSE)
// saving the content in an array
$arr[] = $content;
// closing the CSV file
// printing the array of CSV contents

Here is the output that you’ll receive:

Array (
[0] => Array ( [0] => Customer_id [1] => City [2] => Country )
[1] => Array ( [0] => 23499 [1] => city1 [2] => country1 )
[2] => Array ( [0] => 34455 [1] => city2 [2] => country1 )
[3] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => )
[4] => Array ( [0] => 43298 [1] => city1 [2] => country1 )
[5] => Array ( [0] => 78932 [1] => city2 [2] => country1 )

How To Solve the Issue of Joined Fields?

The auto_detect_line_endings configuration setting can be used to solve the issue of joined fields. You’ll need to use the ini_set() function to set the given setting before opening the required CSV file. Eventually, the stated setting will help the fgetcsv() function in detecting the line endings.

So, if you are facing such a kind of issue that often arises on Macintosh computers then go with the above solution. But don’t forget to turn off the auto_detect_line_endings once you’ve read CSV in PHP.

– Coding Script for Solving the Issue of Joined Fields on Mac

Suppose you are trying to PHP read CSV files on your Macintosh PC. But unfortunately, you are getting strange results as the data of the fields is not being parsed properly. Therefore, you’ll turn on the auto_detect_line_endings settings by using the ini_set() function and continue with the same regular steps. In the end, you’ll turn off the same setting again.

Please feel free to follow the steps shown in the below code fragment:

// turn on auto detection
// open the Sample.csv file
$file1 = fopen(“Sample.csv”, “r”);
// use the fgetcsv() function
$headings = fgetcsv($file1, 100, “,”);
// close the CSV file
// print the array of CSV file headings
// turn off auto detection

How To Get an Associative Array?

The combination of functions consisting of the array_map(), str_getcsv(), file(), array_shift(), and array_combine() functions can help you PHP parse CSV file into an associative array.

The overall process begins with executing the array_map() function by passing the str_getcsv and file(CSV_file).

Note that here, the array_map() function replaces the while loop used with the fgetcsv() function in the above example. Well, the stated process continues with using the array_shift() function to get the array of only the headings. Lastly, the array_combine() function is executed to combine the headings and the data as key-value pairs forming a multidimensional associative array.

– Coding Blockof Reading CSV Into an Associative Array

Imagine that your CSV file contains the student ID, attendance, and marks of the students. Now, you want to PHP parse CSV into an associative array. In that case, you’ll follow the above steps consisting of different functions to get your desired array.

Here is the block of code that shows how to implement all the given functions for PHP parsing CSV into an associative array:

// using the array_map, str_getcsv, and file functions
$data = array_map(‘str_getcsv’, file(‘Student.csv’));
// getting the headings of the CSV file
$headings = array_shift($data);
// creating an empty array
$assoc_arr = array();
// iterating through the array containing the parsed CSV data without
// the headings row
foreach($data as $single_row){
// using the array_combine function to create an associative array
// by combining the headings and the rows of the CSV file
$assoc_arr[] = array_combine($headings, $single_row);
// printing the final associative array

The result of PHP parsing CSV into an associative array will be similar to the one shared here:

Array (
[0] => Array ( [student_id] => std012 [Attendance] => 89 [Marks] => 97 )
[1] => Array ( [student_id] => std023 [Attendance] => 49 [Marks] => 45 )
[2] => Array ( [student_id] => std045 [Attendance] => 23 [Marks] => 39 )
[3] => Array ( [student_id] => std055 [Attendance] => 100 [Marks] => 99 )
[4] => Array ( [student_id] => std024 [Attendance] => 98 [Marks] => 78 )
[5] => Array ( [student_id] => std066 [Attendance] => 34 [Marks] => 60 )


Ending the topic of PHP reading CSV files, you observed that the accurate conversion of CSV into PHP array is dependent on the fgetcsv() function. Also, the str_getcsv() function plays its role wherever necessary. Now, the list of critical points has been penned down to make the CSV to array conversion quicker and easier for you:

  • The fgetcsv() function enables PHP read CSV file, one line at a time
  • The fgetcsv() function accepts an opened file and a number larger than the maximum length of the longest CSV field
  • The fgetcsv() function returns an indexed array of the CSV file fields
  • You can call the fgetcsv() function in a while loop to PHP read CSV file till the end
  • The array_shift() and array_combine() functions help in PHP reading CSV file into an associative array

So, now whatever data you have saved in your CSV file, you can start using the same in your PHP program with ease.

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How do I read the first line of a CSV file in php?

“php read csv file line by line” Code Answer's.
$file = fopen('file.csv', 'r');.
while (($line = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE) {.

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You can open the file using fopen() as usual, get each line by using fgets() and then simply explode it on each comma like this: <? php $handle = @fopen("/tmp/inputfile. txt", "r"); if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle)) !==

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The fgetcsv() function parses a line from an open file, checking for CSV fields.

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PHP empty() Function The empty() function checks whether a variable is empty or not. This function returns false if the variable exists and is not empty, otherwise it returns true.

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