Persamaan garis yang melalui titik (2 7) dan sejajar garis 4x - 3y + 8 = 0 adalah

Dinot05 @Dinot05

September 2018 2 501 Report

Persamaan garis yg melalui titik (2,-7)dan tegak lurus garis 4x-3y+8=0 adalah

Tomtom 4x-3y+8=0

m1.m2 = -1
4/3 . m2 = -1
m2 = -3/4

3x+4y+22 atau 3x+4y = -22

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dianags Mari mencari m1 dulu:
4x - 3y = -8
4x + 8 = 3y
4/3x +8/3 = y
maka m1 = koefisien x = 4/3
Karena tegak lurus menggunakan m2, maka:
m1 * m2 = -1
4/3 * m2 = -1
m2 = -1/4/3
m2 =-1/4 * 3 = -3/4

titik (2, -7)
x1 = 2 dan y1 = -7, maka:
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - (-7) = -3/4(x - 2)
y + 7 = -3/4x + 6/4(kedua ruas dikalikan 4 untuk menghilangkan penyebut)
4y + 28 = -3x + 6
4y + 3x = -28 + 6
3x + 4y = -22

1 votes Thanks 1

melviaaj makasihhh

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Dinot05 September 2018 | 0 Replies

Persamaan garis yg memiliki titik (-5,3)dan sejajar garis y=4x+9 adalah a.y=-5x+2 b.y=x+8 c.y=4x+17 d.y=4x+23 Answer

Dinot05 September 2018 | 0 Replies

Gradien dari garis yg memiliki persamaan 3(5-2x)-4(y+2)=0 adalah a.-3/2 b. -2/3 c.2/3 d.3/2 Answer

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Bandsaw by South Bend Mannequin SB1080


The current resurrection of the South Bend model of machines brings a famend title again to {the marketplace}, and the SB1080 16-in. bandsaw is a worthy a part of the corporate’s lineage. I made a bunch of sawdust with numerous gentle and laborious woods and was impressed with the noticed’s easy energy and vibration-free operation. This large bandsaw ought to serve any woodworker effectively.

The noticed’s a beast, with a 3-hp motor (230 volt/12 amp), heavy cast-iron wheels, and an general weight exceeding 475 lb. The wheels are very effectively balanced. Their weight supplies numerous inertia, serving to the blade preserve a relentless velocity so it cuts at its best charge—an vital issue for a machine with 14 in. of resaw capability. A really efficient foot brake can simply and shortly deliver the rotating mass to a halt.

The massive desk, measuring 20-7⁄8 in. by 25-5⁄8 in., is a really heavy casting that’s supported on stout trunnions. Angling it for bevel cuts isn’t any problem because of a rack-and-pinion system. The 2-position aluminum fence slides easily and locks precisely. The space from the guides to the noticed body is 13 in. with the fence and 15-3⁄4 in. with out.

Two mud ports (picture left). Mud assortment is sufficiently dealt with via two 4-in. ports. One is positioned instantly beneath the decrease blade guides and the opposite is on the backside of the decrease wheelhouse. Angling the desk is straightforward and correct (picture proper). The heavy desk tilts utilizing a rack-and-pinion system, making changes for bevel cuts very correct with little frustration.

Clean-running curler guides preserve the blade monitoring and require an Allen wrench for changes. The decrease information set has the thrust bearing mounted beneath the aspect curler guides; that creates additional house between the higher and decrease thrust bearings, however it didn’t detract from the noticed’s efficiency.

A small cupboard space beneath the decrease wheel is separated from the mud and has its personal door to supply a spot for additional blades or equipment.

—Roland Johnson is a contributing editor. 

From Nice Woodworking #294

From smarter push sticks to auxiliary fences to specialty sleds, the following pointers will enable you get much more out of your bandsaw.

Furnishings maker Mike Farrington exhibits off just a few of the creature comforts that make the bandsaw his favourite instrument.

Furnishings maker Michael Fortune exhibits you find out how to correctly arrange your bandsaw for flawless cuts, each time.

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