Max min primes in an array in php

2.5.2. Using foreach Loops with Arrays

As we discussed earlier, the easiest way to iterate through—or traverse—an array is using the foreach statement.The foreach statement was specifically introduced in PHP4 to make working with arrays easier.

The foreach statement has two forms:

foreach(array_expression as $value) statement foreach(array_expression as $key => $value) statement

Both iterate through an array expression, executing the body of the loop for each element in the array. The first form assigns the value from the element to a variable identified with the as keyword; the second form assigns both the key and the value to a pair of variables.

The following example shows the first form in which the array expression is the variable $lengths, and each value is assigned to the variable $cm:

// Construct an array of integers $lengths = array(0, 107, 202, 400, 475); // Convert an array of centimeter lengths to inches foreach($lengths as $cm) { $inch = $cm / 2.54; echo "$cm centimeters = $inch inches\n"; }

The example iterates through the array in the same order it was created:

0 centimeters = 0 inches 107 centimeters = 42.125984251969 inches 202 centimeters = 79.527559055118 inches 400 centimeters = 157.48031496063 inches 475 centimeters = 193.87755102041 inches

The first form of the foreach statement can also iterate through the values of an associative array, however the second form assigns both the key and the value to variables identified as $key => $value. The next example shows how the key is assigned to $animal, and the value is assigned to $sound to generate verses of "Old MacDonald":

// Old MacDonald $sounds = array("cow"=>"moo", "dog"=>"woof", "pig"=>"oink", "duck"=>"quack"); foreach ($sounds as $animal => $sound) { echo "<p>Old MacDonald had a farm EIEIO"; echo "<br>And on that farm he had a $animal EIEIO"; echo "<br>With a $sound-$sound here"; echo "<br>And a $sound-$sound there"; echo "<br>Here a $sound, there a $sound"; echo "<br>Everywhere a $sound-$sound"; }

This prints a verse for each $animal/$sound pair in the $sounds array:

Old MacDonald had a farm EIEIO And on that farm he had a cow EIEIO With a moo-moo here And a moo-moo there Here a moo, there a moo Everywhere a moo-moo Old MacDonald had a farm EIEIO And on that farm he had a dog EIEIO With a woof-woof here And a woof-woof there Here a woof, there a woof Everywhere a woof-woof

When the second form of the foreach statement is used with a nonassociative array, the index is assigned to the key variable and the value to the value variable. The following example uses the index to number each line of output:

// Construct an array of integers $lengths = array(0, 107, 202, 400, 475); // Convert an array of centimeter lengths to inches foreach($lengths as $index => $cm) { $inch = $cm / 2.54; $item = $index + 1; echo $index + 1 . ". $cm centimeters = $inch inches\n"; }

The foreach statement is used throughout Chapter 4 to Chapter 13.

Java Array Exercises: Get the difference between the largest and smallest values in an array of integers

Last update on August 19 2022 21:50:33 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

Java Array: Exercise-28 with Solution

Write a Java program to get the difference between the largest and smallest values in an array of integers. The length of the array must be 1 and above.

Pictorial Presentation:

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

import java.util.Arrays; public class Exercise28 { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] array_nums = {5, 7, 2, 4, 9}; System.out.println("Original Array: "+Arrays.toString(array_nums)); int max_val = array_nums[0]; int min = array_nums[0]; for(int i = 1; i < array_nums.length; i++) { if(array_nums[i] > max_val) max_val = array_nums[i]; else if(array_nums[i] < min) min = array_nums[i]; } System.out.println("Difference between the largest and smallest values of the said array: "+(max_val-min)); } }

Sample Output:

Original Array: [5, 7, 2, 4, 9] Difference between the largest and smallest values of the said array: 7


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Previous: Write a Java program to find the number of even and odd integers in a given array of integers.
Next: Write a Java program to compute the average value of an array of integers except the largest and smallest values.

What is the difficulty level of this exercise?

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Java: Tips of the Day

Avoiding Memory leaks by simple tricks:

Memory leaks often cause performance degradation of software. Since, Java manages memory automatically, the developers do not have much control. But there are still some standard practices which can be used to protect from memory leakages.

  • Always release database connections when querying is complete.
  • Try to use Finally block as often possible.
  • Release instances stored in Static Tables.

Ref: //

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How do you find the maximum and minimum of an array in PHP?

"min()" function returns the lowest value from that array. If at least two parameters are provided, min() returns the smallest of these values. The max() function returns highest value from that array in php. You will find maximum value in array.

How do you find the maximum and minimum value in PHP?

Approach 2 (Using Library Functions) : We use library functions to find minimum and maximum..
Max():max() returns the parameter value considered “highest” according to standard comparisons. ... .
Min():min() returns the parameter value considered “lowest” according to standard comparisons..

How do you find the maximum and minimum of an array?

// Naive solution to find the minimum and maximum number in an array. public static void findMinAndMax(int[] nums) ... .
int max = nums[0]; int min = nums[0];.
// do for each array element. for (int i = 1; i < nums. ... .
if (nums[i] > max) { ... .
else if (nums[i] < min) { ... .
System. ... .
{ ... .
// find the minimum and maximum element, respectively..

What is the maximum size of an array in PHP?

There is no max on the limit of an array. There is a limit on the amount of memory your script can use. This can be changed in the 'memory_limit' in your php. ini configuration.

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