Kegiatan sehari hari di sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris

tolong bantu jawabkan bahasa inggris inikarena akan bulan ramadhan hendaknya kita membantu sesama​

Dialog 5 9. What are the speakers talking about? 10. What did Fitrah do there?​

kak bantu aku dong,ada yang bisa ga?​

Apa bahasa Indonesia assistants​


Practic your English competicion 2 chapter 4 hal 108

1. guci - go - to - we - to - enjoy - scenery - beautiful - ajawab :2. tired - am - i - walking - through - after - Gerbang Mas Bahari Waterpark. jawa … b :3. Slamet - Mount - slope - the - cool - offers - air - ofjawab : tolong urutin yang bener kak:)mau ramadhan jgn di salah salahin yaa​

they are: menu button, home button and back Task 2 Fill the blanks with the words in the box! Mr. Tono's House Mr. Tono is my teacher. He (1) ........ … ....... in a house with his wife and two daughters. His house is (2) ............... in Merapi Street no: 5. He has lived in the house for little more ten years. He (3) ...... comfortable to live in the house. Mr. Tono's house is very big about 1200 meters (4) ....... and the height of it is about 50 meters high. It has white (5)............... with a high gate cover all around the house. It has two floors. In the first floor, there are a big living room, library, kitchen, and area for (6) ............... television and relaxing. Near the kitchen, there is a (7) ........... room where Mr. Tono usually has his breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In the up floor, there are four rooms. One main room belongs to Mr. Tono and the other ones are for his guests. Every bed room has bath room (8) ............... the room. There is a garden in front of the house. Mr. Tono likes planting (9) .... such as rose, jasmines, orchids, and sun flower. There are also trees. It makes the house look so (10) ..... a inside located colour large shady lives feels dining watching plants ​

kak tolong di jawab ​

2.Describe the physical appearance of Bill Gates !​

1. Wake up : bangun tidur

“Brother, come on, you need to wake up! You need to go to school”

2. Press the snooze button: tekan tombol snooze (tidur sebentar)

“My sister is so funny. Every morning, she always presses the snooze button on her alarm for at least an hour.”

3. Turn off the alarm : mematikan alarm

“Every time she doesn’t wake up by the alarm, I always am the one who turns off the alarm because it’s so annoying.”

4. Get up : bangun (dari tempat tidur)

“It’s Sunday! Why don’t you get up from your bed and do some dishes?”

5. Have a cup of coffee : menikmati kopi

“I want to join Papa to have a cup of coffee.”

6. Make breakfast : membuat sarapan pagi

“Mom, I will be the one who makes the breakfast tomorrow. Don’t worry.”

7. Read the newspaper : membaca Koran

“My father always tells us to read the newspaper every morning.”

8. Have breakfast : sarapan pagi

“No, you can’t go before you have your breakfast, Greg!”

9. Have a shower : mandi

“Ugh, you getting late! Why don’t you have a shower right now?”

10. Get dressed : berpakaian

“We are going to dinner, why don’t you get dressed right now so we don’t come late.”

11. Brush one's hair : keramas

“You should brush you hair, look at that! Uh so gross.”

12. Comb one's hair : menyisir rambut

“I have to comb Anna’s hair. Wait a moment.”

13. Brush one's teeth : menggosok gigi

“Tim, have you brush your teeth? Don’t you remember what Mom told you about those kids who doesn’t brush their teet?”

14. Put make-up on : berhias, dandan

“It’s been 2 hours for us waiting for Mom put some makeup on.”

15. Go home : pulang

“There are some unexpected thing happened. I think I will go home on the weekend. Is that okay?”

16. Cook dinner : memasak makan malam

“Hey dad, I’ve been wondering instead of us cooking dinner, how about we grab some burger at the café near my school?”

17. Make dinner : makan malam

“I’m so hungry, but Mom will be late. I think I will just make dinner by myself.”

18. Do one's homework : mengerjakan PR

“I can’t go out tonight. I need to help my brother do his homework. And I had a lot too.”

19. Watch Television : menonton TV

“It’s late, and I can’t sleep. I’m not too scared even though it’s so dark right here because Dad still watching television down floor so I know I’m not alone.”

20. Watch the News : nonton berita

“He’s been watching the news every day hoping his family would survive from the typhoon.”

21. Take the rubbish out : membuang sampah

“Every Sunday, I and my brother take turns to take the rubbish out. And he usually the one who lost”

22. Wash the dishes : mencuci piring (kotor)

“Mom always nagging at us because of none of us willing to wash the dishes for her.”

23. Feed the dog and cat : memberi makan anjing dan kucing

“I always love every time I need to feed our dog and cat. They are so different, but they can live together in harmony. Beautiful isn’t it?”

24. Go to bed : (Siap-siap) tidur

“Why are you calling me at this hour? I’m already on my bed ready to sleep. You have to go to your bed right now.”

25. Go to the bathroom : Pergi ke kamar mandi

“Can you wait for me here? I need to go to the bathroom.”

26. Take one's medication : Minum obat

“Don’t you miss all your friends at school? Don’t you miss home? Come one, take your medication so that you can come home.”

27. Get into one's pajamas : memakai baju tidur

“Look! Arnold has already got into his pajamas. Come on, why don’t you follow him to do the same?”

28. Set the alarm : mengatur waktu alarm

“Have you set the alarm at 5 AM tomorrow? We need to get up early so we not late.”

29. Lock the door : mengunci pintu

“Mom and Dad will come home late. Don’t forget to lock everything, okay? Lock the windows, lock the door, and stay together.”

30. Turn off the lights : mematikan lampu

“Are you ready to go? Don’t forget to turn off the light.”

Itulah beberapa kosakata kegiatan sehari-hari di rumah dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat kamu contoh.

Kegiatan sehari-hari di sekolah menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Kita menggunakan grammar simple present tense karena ini adalah kegiatan rutin. Rumusnya S + V1. Agar lebih komunikatif contoh kalimat berikut ditambahi kata keterangan dan objek.

  • I arrive at school at 06.45 a.m.
  • The first lesson begins at 7 a.m.
  • Before the lesson starts we pray together.
  • On Monday I have flag ceremony.
  • I have English lesson from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
  • I have a break around 20 minutes.
  • After break time I have math.
  • I have the second break at 10.40 a.m.
  • After the second break I have Social Science.
  • We go home at 12.20 p.m.

Daily activity adalah aktivitas sehari-hari yang biasa dilakukan secara rutin oleh seseorang. Biasanya aktivitas ini dilakukan berulang pada waktu yang sama hampir setiap harinya. Terutama bagi pelajar yang memiliki jadwal yang sudah ditetapkan untuk masuk sekolah dan mengikuti kegiatan hariannya.

Pembahasan kali ini akan memberikan contoh daily activity pelajar dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta artinya. Langsung saja simak contohnya dibawah ini, ya!

Contoh Daily Activity Pelajar SMP

My mother always wakes me up at 5 am. It’s still hard for me to wake up by myself, so my mother makes sure that I get up on the specific time. After wake up, I pray Subuh with my family. We pray together for the health and wellness of our activities through the day.

After that, I tidy up my bed. As a middle school student, I prepare the books based on the schedule that day. Then in 5.30 am, I take a bath and eat the breakfast. My mother always tells us to eat the breakfast whatever happens, because it’s the most important meal in the day.

I go to school at 6.15 am. It takes fifteen minutes to get to my school from home. The bell will ring on 6.45 am, so I have about fifteen minutes more to chat with my friends before class start. I will study in the class until 1 pm. Then I go home.

In the evening, I do my homework from school. I also resume the lesson learned that day to get the better understanding. At 9 pm, my mother will tell me to go to the bed and sleep. But I actually play with my smartphone until 10 pm. After that, I sleep.


Ibuku selalu membangunkanku jam 5 pagi. Aku masih susah bangun sendiri, jadi ibuku memastikan kalau aku bangun di waktu yang spesifik. Setelah bangun, aku shalat Subuh bersama keluargaku. Kami berdoa bersama untuk kesehatan dan kelancaran aktivitas kami hari itu.

Setelah itu, aku merapikan tempat tidurku. Sebagai siswa SMP, aku menyiapkan buku-buku pelajaran sesuai dengan jadwal hari itu. Lalu di jam 5.30 pagi, aku mandi dan sarapan. Ibuku selalu menyuruh kami sarapan apapun yang terjadi, karena itu makan terpenting dalam sehari.

Aku berangkat sekolah jam 6.15. Perjalanan dari rumah ke sekolahku butuh lima belas menit. Bel akan berbunyi jam 6.45, jadi aku punya waktu sekitar lima belas menit untuk ngobrol sama teman-teman sebelum kelas dimulai. Aku akan belajar di kelas sampai jam 1 siang. Lalu aku pulang.

Malam hari, aku mengerjakan PR dari sekolah. Aku juga mengulang pelajaran yang dipelajari hari itu untuk lebih paham. Jam 9 malam, ibuku akan nyuruh aku ke kamar dan tidur. Tapi aku main HP dulu sampai jam 10 malam. Setelah itu, aku tidur.

Contoh Daily Activity Pelajar SMA

I wake up at 4.45 at morning everyday. That’s become my habit since my elementary school days, and now I can get up by myself as high school student. I tidy up my bed and room once I wake up. I don’t like messy things, so I always make sure that my surrounding is neat and clean.

I will be ready to go to the school at 6 am. My school only five minutes away from home, and I can go there by walking. I like to go to the school early because the air is so fresh. At 6.05 am, I arrive at school. The school will start at 6.45 every Monday to Friday, and 7.00 am on Saturdays.

My school will end at 2 pm. But I’m not going home immediately. I have extra activities such student council and English class at the academy. I usually go home around 5 or 6 pm. Then I will prepare for lesson tomorrow at 7 pm until 9 pm. Do my homework and prepare the books for tomorrow.

After that, I watch television with my family. My older sister, frequently. We watch shows from TV cable, mostly American and Korean shows. Our parents don’t really like that kind of shows, so they didn’t join us. At 10 pm or 10.30 pm, I go to bed and sleep.


Aku bangun setiap hari jam 4.45 pagi. Itu menjadi kebiasaanku sejak SD, sekarang aku sudah SMA dan bisa bangun sendiri. Aku merapikan kasur dan kamarku begitu bangun. Aku tidak suka berantakan, jadi aku selalu memastikan sekelilingku rapi dan bersih.

Aku akan siap berangkat ke sekolah jam 6 pagi. Sekolahku cuma berjarak lima menit dari rumah, dan aku bisa kesana jalan kaki. Aku suka berangkat sekolah pagi karena udaranya sangat segar. Jam 6.05, aku sampai di sekolah. Sekolah akan dimulai jam 6.45 di hari Senin sampai Jumat, dan jam 7 di hari Sabtu.

Sekolah akan selesai jam 2 siang. Tapi aku tidak langsung pulang. Aku punya aktivitas tambahan seperti OSIS dan les Bahasa Inggris. Aku biasanya pulang ke rumah jam 5 atau 6 sore. Lalu aku akan menyiapkan untuk pelajaran besok dari jam 7 sampai 9 malam. Mengerjakan PR dan menyiapkan buku untuk besok.

Setelah itu, aku nonton TV bersama keluargaku. Seringnya sih kakakku. Kami menonton acara TV kabel, biasanya acara Amerika atau Korea. Orangtua kami tidak terlalu suka acara seperti itu, jadi mereka tidak ikut nonton. Jam 10 atau 10.30 malam, aku tidur.

Demikianlah pembahasan mengenai contoh daily activities pelajar dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta artinya. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat!

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