Is throws a reserved word in javascript?

The throw keyword[edit | edit source]

The throw keyword is used to be sure that an exception is caught when it occurs. It has the obligatory catch clause, and the optional finally clause. If the code inside the try block does not cause an exception, the code inside the finally block will execute, if it exists. If an error occurs, the comments inside the catch clause will execute, the finally block will execute, if it exists.

Examples[edit | edit source]

The code

var result; try { result = log(-12.05); alert("Executed comment successfully."); } catch(err) { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = err.message; throw("An error occurred, and result could not be calculated!"); } finally { alert("result = " + result); // This line will execute anyway }

(An exception with the text "An error occurred, and result could not be calculated!" will be thrown.

result = undefined

See also[edit | edit source]

  • catch
  • finally
  • try

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    In JavaScript you cannot use these reserved words as variables names, labels names or function names.

    Reserved Words:

    abstract arguments boolean break byte
    case catch char const continue
    debugger default delete do double
    else eval false final finally
    float for function goto if
    implements in instanceof int interface
    long native new null package
    private protected public return short
    static switch synchronized this throw
    throws transient true try typeof
    var void volatile while with

    Reserved Words added in ECMAScript 5 and 6.

    awaits class enum export
    extends import let super

    Removed Reserved Words

    Following reserved words has been removed from ECMAScript 5 and 6.

    abstract boolean byte char
    double final float goto
    int long native short
    synchronized throws transient volatile

    This section contains a list of all keywords that are reserved in JavaScript.

    What are Reserved Keywords?

    JavaScript has a number of reserved keywords. These are the words that you cannot use as identifiers (variable names, function names, and loop labels) in your JavaScript programs.

    Reserved Keywords in ECMAScript 5 (ES5)

    The following list shows the keywords that are reserved in ECMAScript 5. It also includes keywords that are reserved for future as well as keywords that are disallowed in strict mode.

    arguments sm break case catch class fr const fr continue debugger default delete do else enum fr eval sm export fr extends fr false finally for function if implements sm import fr in instanceof interface sm let sm new null package sm private sm protected sm public sm return static sm super fr switch this throw true try typeof var void while with yield sm

    Note: The keywords arguments and eval are not strictly reserved keywords, but they are treated like keywords in strict mode, so they cannot be used as identifiers. Additionally, the keywords null, true, and false cannot be used as identifiers in ECMAScript.

    Reserved Keywords in ECMAScript 6 (ES6)

    The following list shows the keywords that are reserved in ECMAScript 6. It also includes keywords that are reserved for future as well as keywords that are disallowed in strict mode.

    arguments sm await break case catch class const continue debugger default delete do else enum fr eval sm export extends false finally for function if implements sm import in instanceof interface sm let sm new null package sm private sm protected sm public sm return static sm super switch this throw true try typeof var void while with yield

    Future Reserved Keywords in Older Standards

    The following list shows the keywords that were reserved as future keywords by the older ECMAScript specifications (before ECMAScript 5 or ES5).

    abstract boolean byte char double final float goto int long native short synchronized throws transient volatile

    Note: For optimal backwards compatibility, you should better avoid using all the keywords shown on this page as variable names or property names in your JavaScript code.

    What are the reserved words in JavaScript?

    JavaScript Reserved Words.

    Which is not a reserved word in JavaScript?

    The NaN , Infinity , and undefined are not reserved keywords in JavaScript But you must avoid using them. They are properties of the global object and have special meanings. Although they are immutable & read-only properties, JavaScript does not throw any errors if you declare them in the global scope.

    Is array a reserved word in JavaScript?

    Some SPECIAL words such as Object , Array , Function , Method , Number etc are not belong to keywords in Javascrpt: Reserved Keywords in Javascript.

    Is callback a reserved word in JavaScript?

    For your top function, callback is the name of the third argument; it expects this to be a function, and it is provided when the method is called. It's not a language keyword - if you did a "find/replace all" of the word "callback" with "batmanvsuperman", it would still work.

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