Is there a way to block Facebook on my phone?

How do I block Facebook from this phone?

How to block Facebook apps?.
Go to settings of your mobile..
Click on General Settings..
Scroll down to Restrictions..
On clicking on "Restrictions", you will be prompted to give a 4 digit passcode..
If you are accessing this setting for the 1st time, create a passcode, or use the passcode created earlier..

How do I block access to Facebook?

Add "" to the large text field in the middle of the Options window..
Click the "When to block" tab and set your block schedule. ... .
Click the "How to block" tab to select what happens when you visit a blocked site. ... .
Click the Advanced tab to set your advanced options. ... .
Add a password..

Is there an app to block Facebook?

Freedom works on Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, and Chrome devices. Freedom can block any website, or the entire internet. Over 2,000,000 people use Freedom to block distractions.

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