How to create an author page on Facebook

Facebook was named one of the most popular social media platforms, making it a great place for authors to find and engage with readers.

So, in this article, we’re going to share how to create a Facebook Author Page in seven easy steps, why you should create a Facebook Author Page, and share some great tips on using it. We’ll also look at a few examples to help you draw some inspiration.

How to Create a Facebook Author Page in Seven Steps

You cannot create a Facebook page without first having a personal account. So, make sure you first create a personal Facebook account.

  1. Click the Menu button on the top right corner of your Facebook account. It’s the button with the nine dots located on the right of your profile name.
  2. Under the Create column, click the button labeled Page. It should have a flag symbol.
  3. You will be prompted to enter your page name, category, and description on the left side of the screen. For your page name, we recommend using your real name or a pen name. For the category, we suggest choosing Author.
  4. After you’ve entered all your information, click Create Page.
  5. Next, upload a profile photo for your page. We recommend using a professional headshot so readers know you’re a real person.
  6. Then, upload a cover photo. Usually, Authors use photos of their books or any image related to their books or genre.
  7. Finally, hit the Save button. Voila! Your page is ready. Fill out the About section and add links to your author website and books so readers can access them.

If you’re new to all this and have doubts about whether you should use Facebook to promote your work, we understand. So, we’ve listed some of the benefits of leveraging Facebook to connect with your readers.

1. It’s the best way to gather all your fans in one place

Starting a Facebook author page is the first step to growing your fan base on social media. Facebook makes it easy to invite friends and family to like your page; they, in turn, can invite theirs. It’s a great platform to share news with your fans—especially if you don’t have a website yet.

2. It’s the best place to announce new book releases and events and throw bread crumbs

Imagine having to push press releases on the internet every time you wanted to share upcoming news with your audience. Or even worse, spread news by word of mouth. Thanks to Facebook, you can not only post videos and messages but also live video feeds where you can interact with your fanbase in real-time.

3. You can find new readers through advertisements

Although it is possible to set up an ad campaign on Facebook without an account, you’ll have limited options. With an author page, you’ll have a broad range of ad options to choose from and reach a wider audience.

4. You can directly communicate with readers

Through your author page, you can communicate to your readers via posts and polls. And they can communicate right back at you in the comments section. You can also send them private messages.

5. It’s a convenient place to link all your coverage and articles

When you publish new blog posts, you can link them to your Facebook author page. Let’s say you get some great media coverage. You can post the link on your page for your readers to access. If you’re promoting a new book, you can link online retailers from your page. Your author page is the fastest way to get the word out.

What You Can Do With Your Facebook Author Page

Now that you understand the benefits of having a Facebook author page let’s look at some of the things you can use to connect with your readers.

Grow Your Subscribers

Having a strong email list will greatly help your outreach as an author. It enhances your power and flexibility to communicate with your fanbase. However, getting subscribers is a pain in the neck. Setting up your author page gives you the option of having a Sign Up button on your page. Fans can click this and land on your website, where they can subscribe to your material.

Use Facebook Live and Stories

Another great feature of Facebook is Facebook Live. This is where you can live broadcast yourself to your page. People can join the broadcast and comment in real-time as you speak. This is a great opportunity for a Q&A with your readers. Make sure you let them know that you’re doing a live video well in advance so they can show up.

Facebook stories are another great way to give your readers quick video or text updates on what you’re doing.

Help Out Fellow Authors

One way to promote your own content is by helping other authors promote theirs. If a fellow author has released a new book, you can share their posts and tag their name on your post. Who knows? They might do the same for you.

Good Examples of Facebook Author Pages

Here are some examples of Facebook author pages to help you get some ideas on how to create yours.

1.  Audrey Carlan

Notice how Audrey’s cover photo promotes her new book and the platforms on which they’re available. Also, her header immediately establishes her credentials.

2. Harlan Coben

Harlan’s page is an excellent example of how you can use your cover photo for advertising your book. He also has a Sign-Up link that takes you to his newsletter page.

Should You Get a Facebook Author Page?

Facebook can be an effective way to build your reputation as an author. Making a personal account and page is simple; the benefits are fantastic, and there is so much you can do to connect with your reader base.

It’s time for you to get started and connect!

Does an author need a Facebook page?

If you're trying to sell anything online, you need a Facebook page. If you're an author, you need it twice as bad because you're trying to build relationships with readers too.

How do I become an author on Facebook?

How to Create a Facebook Author Page.
Step 1: Ensure You Have Your Own Personal Facebook Page. In order to set up a dedicated author page, you must first have your very own personal page. ... .
Step 2: Create Your Author Page. ... .
Step 3: Upload Your Profile Picture. ... .
Step 4: Upload a Cover Picture. ... .
Step 5: Personalize your Page..

Can you create a Facebook page for a book?

With all of the connections you already have on Facebook, promoting your book to your Facebook Friends is easy, but you can also create a Facebook Page for your book (or yourself as an author if you have multiple books).

What is an author page?

Traditionally, an author page or author bio is usually at the end of a book. In digital publishing, you'll find an author page on sites like Amazon, Google, Goodreads, and Facebook. These pages are how readers find out more about you and your work.

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