How do you refresh a web page automatically after a few seconds in php?

Javascript Refresh Page Every 30 Seconds With Code Examples

In this session, we’ll try our hand at solving the Javascript Refresh Page Every 30 Seconds puzzle by using the computer language. The code that is displayed below illustrates this point.

<script> window.setInterval('refresh()', 10000); // Call a function every 10000 milliseconds // (OR 10 seconds). // Refresh or reload page. function refresh() { window .location.reload(); } </script>

The various approaches to solving the Javascript Refresh Page Every 30 Seconds problem are summarised in the following code.

setTimeout(function() { location.reload(); }, 30000);

By studying a variety of various examples, we were able to figure out how to fix the Javascript Refresh Page Every 30 Seconds.

How do you refresh a page using JavaScript?

You can use the location. reload() JavaScript method to reload the current URL. This method functions similarly to the browser’s Refresh button. The reload() method is the main method responsible for page reloading.27-Jun-2022

How do you refresh a page every 5 seconds?

setTimeout(function () { location. reload(1); }, 5000);

How do you automatically refresh a page after a given period of inactivity?

Auto Refresh You can also use JavaScript to refresh the page automatically after a given time period. Here setTimeout() is a built-in JavaScript function which can be used to execute another function after a given time interval.

How do I refresh a web page automatically after a few seconds?

How to Automatically Reload a Web Page at a Certain Time

  • Launch your browser.
  • Go to app/extension store (Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-Ons, Microsoft Edge Add-ons Store, etc.).
  • Enter “auto-refresh” in the search bar.
  • Choose an extension.
  • Follow the prompts to download and install the extension onto your browser toolbar.

How do you refresh a page every 5 minutes?

“refresh page javascript every 5 minutes” Code Answer

  • setTimeout(function() {
  • location. reload();
  • }, 30000);

How do you refresh a page?

While holding, press refresh ⟳. Using Chrome on mobile, go to ⋮ (Android) or … (iOS) > Settings > Privacy > Clear Browsing Data > Clear Browsing Data (iOS) or Clear Data (Android).26-Aug-2022

Which HTML tag will you use to refresh a web page every 2 minutes?

How do you refresh a page in HTML?

Most people know it can be done by hand by holding the shift key and clicking the “Refresh” (on IE) or “Reload” (on Navigator) buttons.04-Jan-2005

How do you refresh page only once in react JS?

“how to reload page only once in react” Code Answer

  • window. onload = function() {
  • if(! window. location. hash) {
  • window. location = window. location + ‘#loaded’;
  • window. location. reload();

Which is required to refresh after a certain time interval?

Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) It is a type of semiconductor memory that is typically used for the data or program code needed by a computer processor to function.

The JavaScript setInterval() method calls a function or executes a code repeatedly at specified time intervals. Here in this post, I’ll show you a simple example on how to refresh or reload a web page every 10 Seconds using the JavaScript setInterval() method.

Syntax of setInterval() Method

window.setInterval(code, delay)

Create a Simple Digital Clock in JavaScript using setInterval() Method

The method setInterval() takes two parameters. The code to execute and a delay in milliseconds (to execute the code) . The code can also be a function. In the example below, I am calling a function (a user defined function).

The Script

<script> window.setInterval('refresh()', 10000); function refresh() { window .location.reload(); } </script>

Note: You can ignore the window prefix with the method.

Create a Countdown using setInterval() Method

You can create a countdown using the setInterval() method, which will show the seconds left before the page will automatically load. The method will update a <span> element every second. Use this countdown example to notify users for upcoming events or a deal that is going end very soon, etc.

The Markup

<div>This page will reload in <span id="cnt" style="color:red;">10</span> Seconds</div>

The Script

<script> var counter = 10; window.setInterval(function () { counter--; if (counter >= 0) { var span; span = document.getElementById("cnt"); span.innerHTML = counter; } if (counter === 0) { clearInterval(counter); } }, 1000); window.setInterval('refresh()', 10000); function refresh() { window .location.reload(); } </script>

Refresh DIV element with XML Data Automatically without Reloading the Entire Page


The JavaScript setInterval() method can be used for a variety of purpose, using various execution methods, such as a button click. I have just showed two simple examples on how to use the method to execute a function automatically and repeatedly.

Tip: You can Auto Refresh a page using the <meta> tag. This in case you do not want to use JavaScript or jQuery for this purpose. Add the below tag inside the <head> tag.

<meta https-equiv="refresh" content="10">

The content attribute has a value in seconds. The period it will wait before refreshing the page automatically.

However, the JavaScript method that I have explained has many other benefits. For example, you can explicitly invoke the auto refresh procedure, when every necessary.

That’s it. Thanks for reading.

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How do I refresh a web page every 5 seconds?

setTimeout(function () { location. reload(1); }, 5000);

How do you refresh a page after 2 seconds?

A page can be reloaded after a specific number of seconds in jQuery using two approaches. Using location. reload() Method: This method is used to reload the current page imitating the action of the refresh button of the browser.

How do I get my web page to refresh automatically?

How to Automatically Reload a Web Page at a Certain Time.
Launch your browser..
Go to app/extension store (Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-Ons, Microsoft Edge Add-ons Store, etc.)..
Enter “auto-refresh” in the search bar..
Choose an extension..
Follow the prompts to download and install the extension onto your browser toolbar..

How can I refresh the page in PHP?

Use header() function to refresh a web page in PHP. The HTTP functions are those functions which manipulate information sent to the client or browser by the Web server before any other output has been sent. The PHP header() function sends an HTTP header to a client or browser in raw form.

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