How do I fix NGINX 500 internal server error?

To start talking about the 500 internal server error Nginx, let's clarify some terms.

This is a term applicable to a kind of server, characterized by belonging to the open source classification, additionally, Nginx provides the possibility of very low memory consumption, and allow without problems high concurrences, higher than 10,000 simultaneous connections.

500 internal server error, meaning

They are the acronym used to notify irregularities, inconveniences in a server, and that due to these, it is not possible to carry out the requested action.

The errors like this one, are notified according to the browsers in which one works, to the technical variety, to the functional that exists between the servers, since all are different, as far as structure, architecture, and capacities, also to the websites, these count on characteristics that most of the time are not similar, all these considerations are the cause so that the mentioned errors are shown in a variety of ways.

Although all variations convey the existence of a problem, 500 internal server error Nginx will always be understood, as the message displayed is explicit.

In addition, they are complemented through fragments with text with detailed data of what happens with this server, and why it is not possible to execute the action you want to perform, these details, and the way they are displayed vary depending on the type of server, being able to be completely blank screens, others are displayed customized, as the case of some famous sites, YouTube is one of them, Airbnb, and so each brand uses its customization to identify this message differentiating itself from others.

500 internal server error Nginx, what causes it?

Among the situations that originate the appearance of an error of this type, can be cataloged from various sources, there are a variety that occur very frequently, and the chances that these are the origin of the error are usually high.

  • Problems that prevent the proper functioning of the browser's fastest storage layer.
  • Corruption problems, this occurs when trying to work with databases.
  • Some corrupted file, this occurs when requesting access to the website.
  • The server is not able at a given time.
  • With the login you try to access, this happens when you use it wrongly.
  • Folders and files with attributes different from the ones they have.
  • When it is on the PHP side, it happens directly because of trying to make use of a larger memory range than the established one.
  • Defective Htacces, these files in these conditions prevent the operation of the site.
  • Plugins, if they fail, the following error will appear

500 internal server error Nginx, Solutions for this error

They can appear in the part of the area corresponding to the user, or the part corresponding to the server, the important thing is to attack the problem quickly, so that the damages are minor, these can be some solutions:

Reload the page

You should start with an action that is recommended, and that in many cases is the fastest eliminating the problem, very simple, load the page again, just wait about 50 to 60 seconds, then proceed to the restart to display the page, just press F5, in some sites Ctrl followed by F5, the error will disappear if it was generated by the server not being protected against overload, after the action is done, it will be restored immediately.

Check where the problem is with a third party service

Downforeveryoneorjustme is an alternative to find an efficient way to eliminate this error, just copy the URL of the site where the error occurred, and you will get the information you need, the information you get will let you know which side is the problem, on yours, or if it is the server out of operation.

You can also check CloudFlare service status, as this very famous Cloud provider is protecting and redirecting most of the Internet traffic, as they act as a security layer between visitors browsers, like yourself experiencing this 500 Internal Server Error and the Web server to which you've requested a webpage.

If CloudFlare is actually not working and is experiencing a service issue, it will most likely be reflected by this issue on your browser - all you can do, is request a website that isn't using CloudFlare, or, if it is your website, you can temporarily bypass CloudFlare with your own server configuration, however you will be exposed to security issues.

Clear cache

A 500 internal server error, can also be solved by eliminating the information that is in the Cache of the browser on which you are working, and additionally in your CDN cache if you are using one – if not, starting using a CDN caching solution would probably spare you from experiencing this issue.

Check server logs

Verification of the Server Logs, there are tools in each host, if you do not find them, there are codes to verify these records.

Increase PHP memory

In the cPanel of the page, you have the alternative of modifying the limit of the PHP memory, increasing the value that you have established.

Deactive plugins

Another option is to deactivate the set of Plugins.

To do it fast, simply change the names of the Plugins folders if you are using  the WordPress   CMS and your website will directly be accessible without any plugin activated.

Change server host

In last resort, if the issue is related to your webserver, it might be a good solution to switch to a better web hosting that will offer better performances and save you the trouble of finding why you are getting this error.

Conclusion: Solve problems

Errors like these can cause many damaging problems, and it is best to act immediately to eliminate them urgently.

How do I get rid of 500 internal server error?

If the 500 Internal Server Error is on Your Own Website:.
Deactivate a plugin or theme. ... .
Use a plugin like WP Debugging to identify the issue. ... .
Ensure your PHP setup is configured correctly. ... .
Check the code for your site's .htaccess file. ... .
Ensure your new software is installed correctly..

What does 500 internal server error NGINX mean?

NGINX gives 500 Internal Server Error when there is a server-side error that prevents NGINX from returning a proper response. It can be due to many different reasons such as faulty script, missing files referenced by code, inadequate file permissions, etc.

Why do I keep getting 500 internal server error?

The HTTP status code 500 is a generic error response. It means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. This error is usually returned by the server when no other error code is suitable.

How do I fix an NGINX error?

To solve this issue you can try the following steps:.
Clear the web browser cache, with CTRL+F5..
Check the NGINX web server logs..
Check the redirect rules, in the NGINX confuguratuon of the website..
Set the right file and folder permissions..
Increase the webserver script timeout to be connected longer with NGINX..

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