How do i copy and paste from mysql command line?

1.19.1 Problem

You want to take advantage of your graphical user interface (GUI) to make mysql easier to use.

1.19.2 Solution

Use copy and paste to supply mysql with queries to execute. In this way, you can take advantage of your GUI's capabilities to augment the terminal interface presented by mysql.

1.19.3 Discussion

Copy and paste is useful in a windowing environment that allows you to run multiple programs at once and transfer information between them. If you have a document containing queries open in a window, you can just copy the queries from there and paste them into the window in which you're running mysql. This is equivalent to typing the queries yourself, but often quicker. For queries that you issue frequently, keeping them visible in a separate window can be a good way to make sure they're always at your fingertips and easily accessible.

Questions : Copy and paste MySQL query into command line does not work

2022-09-12T18:47:38+00:00 2022-09-12T18:47:38+00:00


The title says it all. I have absolutely no anycodings_mysql idea why copy and paste MySQL query into anycodings_mysql command line does not work. I tried very anycodings_mysql simple query like select * from table so I anycodings_mysql am certain it has something to do with MySQL anycodings_mysql (or the copy and paste step), not the syntax anycodings_mysql error. I wonder how I could fix this anycodings_mysql problem.

The error message I get is

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near...

Total Answers 1


Answers 1 : of Copy and paste MySQL query into command line does not work

So i guess you already open MYSQL shell anycodings_mysql using cmd so you can type your query.

first of all you need to select a db anycodings_mysql from which you can select your tables.

SHOW DATABASES; -- this will show database list available in MYSQL USE DB_NAME; -- it will select the database SHOW TABLES; -- list of tables SELECT * FROM table; -- here you can write your query

For reference see the following : anycodings_mysql //


2022-09-12T18:47:38+00:00 2022-09-12T18:47:38+00:00Answer Link


  • How do I paste into MySQL command line?
  • How do I upload a text file to MySQL?
  • How do I paste into a command line?
  • How do I import a file into a database?
  • How to add data to MySQL tables from command line?
  • How to import and export databases in MySQL?

First you start by selecting the window with the command line. This can be done by alt + tab . Then when the command line windows is active you can paste the content of your clipboard with: alt + space Then go trough the menu with e and then p . The letters will dependent on the language from your windows OS.

How do I upload a text file to MySQL?

  1. if it’s tab delimited txt file: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘D:/MySQL/event.txt’ INTO TABLE event. LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’;
  2. otherwise: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘D:/MySQL/event.txt’ INTO TABLE event. FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘x’ (here x could be comma ‘,’, tab ‘\t’, semicolon ‘;’, space ‘ ‘) LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’;

Can we use MySQL in command prompt?

Select the option to run MySQL as a service. Launch the MySQL Command-Line Client. To launch the client, enter the following command in a Command Prompt window: mysql -u root -p . The -p option is needed only if a root password is defined for MySQL.

Can we store a file in MySQL?

In general, the contents of a file are stored under Clob (TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGTEXT) datatype in MySQL database. JDBC provides support for the Clob datatype, to store the contents of a file in to a table in a database. Whenever you need to send very large text value you can use this method.

How do I paste into a command line?

Press CTRL + C to copy it, and press CTRL + V to paste it in the window. You can also easily paste text you’ve copied from another program into the command prompt using the same shortcut.

How do I import a file into a database?

Import or restore a database or table

  1. Log into phpMyAdmin.
  2. Select the destination database on the left pane.
  3. Click on the Import tab in the top center pane.
  4. Under the File to import section, click Browse and locate the file with the .
  5. Check or uncheck the boxes for ‘Partial import’ and ‘Other options’.

What is the data type for file in MySQL?

Binary Large Object
A Binary Large Object ( BLOB ) is a MySQL data type that can store binary data such as images, multimedia, and PDF files.

How to import sql file using the command line in MySQL?

If you already have the database, use the following to import the dump or the sql file: if you don’t you need to create the relevant database (empty) in MySQL, for that first log on to the MySQL console by running the following command in terminal or in cmd And when prompted provide the password. Next, create a database and use it:

How to add data to MySQL tables from command line?

Now we’re going to create a new user (named tr) and give that user permission to the new database. This is done with the command: where PASSWORD is a strong password. Next, we give tr permission to use the TECHREPUBLIC database with the command: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TECHREPUBLIC.* TO ‘tr’@’localhost’ identified by ‘PASSWORD’;

How to import and export databases in MySQL?

From the normal command line, you can import the dump file with the following command: mysql -u username -p new_database < data-dump.sql username is the username you can log in to the database with newdatabase is the name of the freshly created database

How to import an existing dump file into MySQL?

If any errors happen during the export process, mysqldump will print them clearly to the screen instead. To import an existing dump file into MySQL or MariaDB, you will have to create the new database. This is where the contents of the dump file will be imported.

How do I copy and paste from command prompt?

The Windows command line can also be copied/pasted directly using Command / Ctrl + C / V.

What is the command to copy and paste in SQL?

The graphical user interface can be started from the Windows menus, or from a Windows command prompt. ... Using the Command Keys..

How copy MySQL database from command line?

We need to follow these steps to copy a database to another database:.
First, use the CREATE DATABASE statement to create a new database..
Second, store the data to an SQL file. ... .
Third, export all the database objects along with its data to copy using the mysqldump tool and then import this file into the new database..

How do I copy and paste in Windows Terminal?

Can I copy and paste in Windows Terminal? Yes. The Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V shortcuts are enabled by default in the Windows Terminal, which is really a more advanced version of the command prompt and Powershell applications.

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