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Tips on Choosing the Best Download Manager for Mac

The first thing you need to consider when choosing a download manager for Mac is what kind of app you want to use. For instance, you can use an app like Folx, that’s actually downloadable software. The other option is to use torrent clients like Vuze, which are specifically aimed at torrenting. The third option is to check out cloud-based clients. For all of these things, there are lots of different factors worth taking into account.

Obviously, the basics such as download speed are important, as are the ways in which you can organize your downloads. Some of these things can be simplified with browser integration and Apple Music integration. Since you’re looking for a Mac downloader, it’s also essential that the option you pick has maximum compatibility with the latest macOS.

Finally, one of the most obvious questions is price. While some options are 100%, you’ll often find that you need to invest to get the maximum out of a program. In this case, you may want to prioritize a solution with a one-off payment over options that expect you to pay a monthly or annual subscription fee.

So what factors determine the best download manager for Mac?

There are a few things you need to take into account when deciding on the best download manager for Mac. A few factors are fairly obvious, like ensuring that it runs safely. But there are other ones that need to be considered, that you might not have thought of. The following are some of the main things to bear in mind?

Usability - an obvious factor is how easy the app is to use. A good download manager Mac solution will offer a straightforward interface that lets you get straight to the files and folders you need. In addition, the best managers let you search directly for files online, rather than searching through a browser and opening the file via the manager.

Websites - ideally, a downloader will let you get audio and video files from a wide range of websites. YouTube and Facebook are obvious ones but other file sharing and social media platforms should be included as well.

Features - the best downloaders offer a number of other features beyond simply downloading files. Some offer tools to convert to or edit video, rip to DVD, and a number of other useful features.

Speed - there’s no point using a downloader that takes forever. You’ll want to be able to get videos of reasonable quality at the kinds of speeds you can work with.

Compatibility - it’s essential that your downloader is compatible with the latest macOS, as well as older versions. Check that it works with Monterrey, Sierra, High Sierra, Catalina, Mojave and Big Sur.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is IDM available for Mac?

Currently, Internet Download Manager (IDM) isn't available for Mac, it works only on PCs. Fortunately, there are plenty of IDM for Mac alternatives like Folx. Being a download manager, it also serves the purpose of a torrent client and comes with the following features: multithreading, download acceleration, browser integration, proxy support, and more. Folx also knows how to schedule downloads for Mac, it enables scheduling downloads at a given time.

Why do I need a download manager for my Mac?

If you often download from the Internet, a download manager is a must. It comes with many useful features such as speed control and download scheduling that greatly streamline your workflow. Besides, the download manager makes downloads faster since it can initiate multiple connections to the same server.

Is Folx safe for Mac?

Yes, it is. There are no ads and malware, it doesn’t offer to install other bundled apps on your computer while installing. What’s more, it offers a plethora of features, it’s fully customizable, and provides high-speed downloading Mac by splitting the downloads into threads and fetching them from sources at a time.

What is the best download manager for Mac?

We believe that Folx is the best download manager for Mac, that’s why we have it listed as number one among our favorites. It's simple but pleasing to the eyes, the user interface is intuitive, it offers a plethora of features, it’s fully customizable, and it’s fast.

How do download managers speed up downloads?

To speed up downloads, you can refer to Folx. Here’s how it works:

  1. Add a download task to Folx. The download will be automatically split into threads.
  2. You can set up the number of threads manually by choosing between 2 and 20 in the "Split into" field.
  3. Click "OK".

How do I manage downloads on Mac?

All the downloaded material is saved in the Downloads folder, however, there can be a total mess. We recommend you do filtering View > As List to use the Finder’s column view, and sort items by size and kind. Alternatively, you can use Folx, as it helps you manage your downloads with ease.

Does Free Download Manager work with Safari?

This download manager also has Safari extension for Mac. Also Folx works perfectly well with Opera and Chrome by integrating with any of these browsers via its plugin. So here's why Folx add-on is so great: Folx can catch and resume all downloads you are about to start or only specific file types.

Does FDM work on Mac?

FDM does everything the best download manager Mac should do: resumes broken downloads, increases download speed, adjusts available bandwidth, schedules activity, and even supports BitTorrent protocol. All these features for zero price make FDM a solid choice. It is also compatible with the latest macOS version.

How do I integrate FOLX with Safari?

New extension for Safari The extension is installed automatically the first time you open Folx but is not activated until you do so. To activate the Folx extension go to Safari Preferences. In the Extensions tab check the Folx Extension box on your left.

Is FOLX free for Mac?

Folx is a free download manager for Mac that makes downloading as fast and convenient as it should be. With a wide range of useful settings and unique features, you get complete control over the download process. Folx is fully compatible with the latest version of macOS.

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