Cara menggunakan get cookie python

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Tetap teratur dengan koleksi Simpan dan kategorikan konten berdasarkan preferensi Anda.

Firebase Auth menyediakan pengelolaan cookie sesi sisi server untuk situs tradisional yang bergantung pada cookie sesi. Solusi ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan token ID sisi klien yang berumur pendek, yang mungkin harus selalu memerlukan mekanisme pengalihan untuk memperbarui cookie sesi pada akhir masa berlakunya:

  • Peningkatan keamanan melalui token sesi berbasis JWT yang hanya dapat dibuat menggunakan akun layanan yang diotorisasi.
  • Cookie sesi stateless yang dilengkapi dengan semua manfaat penggunaan JWT untuk autentikasi. Cookie sesi tersebut memiliki klaim yang sama (termasuk klaim kustom) dengan token ID, sehingga pemeriksaan izin yang sama dapat diberlakukan pada cookie sesi tersebut.
  • Kemampuan untuk membuat cookie sesi dengan waktu habis masa berlaku kustom yang berkisar dari 5 menit hingga 2 minggu.
  • Fleksibilitas untuk menerapkan kebijakan cookie berdasarkan persyaratan aplikasi: domain, jalur, aman, httpOnly, dll.
  • Kemampuan untuk mencabut cookie sesi ketika diduga ada pencurian token menggunakan API pencabutan token refresh yang ada.
  • Kemampuan untuk mendeteksi pencabutan sesi pada perubahan akun yang besar.


Buat agar pengguna login di halaman login menggunakan SDK klien, dengan asumsi bahwa aplikasi menggunakan cookie sisi server httpOnly. Setelah token ID Firebase dibuat dan dikirim melalui HTTP POST ke endpoint login sesi, cookie sesi akan dibuat menggunakan Admin SDK. Setelah berhasil dibuat, statusnya harus dihapus dari penyimpanan sisi klien.

firebase.initializeApp({ apiKey: 'AIza…', authDomain: '<PROJECT_ID>' }); // As httpOnly cookies are to be used, do not persist any state client side. firebase.auth().setPersistence(firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.NONE); // When the user signs in with email and password. firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword('', 'password').then(user => { // Get the user's ID token as it is needed to exchange for a session cookie. return user.getIdToken().then(idToken = > { // Session login endpoint is queried and the session cookie is set. // CSRF protection should be taken into account. // ... const csrfToken = getCookie('csrfToken') return postIdTokenToSessionLogin('/sessionLogin', idToken, csrfToken); }); }).then(() => { // A page redirect would suffice as the persistence is set to NONE. return firebase.auth().signOut(); }).then(() => { window.location.assign('/profile'); });

Membuat cookie sesi

Endpoint HTTP diperlukan untuk membuat cookie sesi setelah token ID dibuat. Kirim token ke endpoint, dengan menetapkan waktu durasi sesi kustom menggunakan Firebase Admin SDK. Tindakan yang sepantasnya harus dilakukan untuk mencegah serangan pemalsuan permintaan lintas situs (CSRF).

Node.js'/sessionLogin', (req, res) => { // Get the ID token passed and the CSRF token. const idToken = req.body.idToken.toString(); const csrfToken = req.body.csrfToken.toString(); // Guard against CSRF attacks. if (csrfToken !== req.cookies.csrfToken) { res.status(401).send('UNAUTHORIZED REQUEST!'); return; } // Set session expiration to 5 days. const expiresIn = 60 * 60 * 24 * 5 * 1000; // Create the session cookie. This will also verify the ID token in the process. // The session cookie will have the same claims as the ID token. // To only allow session cookie setting on recent sign-in, auth_time in ID token // can be checked to ensure user was recently signed in before creating a session cookie. getAuth() .createSessionCookie(idToken, { expiresIn }) .then( (sessionCookie) => { // Set cookie policy for session cookie. const options = { maxAge: expiresIn, httpOnly: true, secure: true }; res.cookie('session', sessionCookie, options); res.end(JSON.stringify({ status: 'success' })); }, (error) => { res.status(401).send('UNAUTHORIZED REQUEST!'); } ); });


@POST @Path("/sessionLogin") @Consumes("application/json") public Response createSessionCookie(LoginRequest request) { // Get the ID token sent by the client String idToken = request.getIdToken(); // Set session expiration to 5 days. long expiresIn = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(5); SessionCookieOptions options = SessionCookieOptions.builder() .setExpiresIn(expiresIn) .build(); try { // Create the session cookie. This will also verify the ID token in the process. // The session cookie will have the same claims as the ID token. String sessionCookie = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().createSessionCookie(idToken, options); // Set cookie policy parameters as required. NewCookie cookie = new NewCookie("session", sessionCookie /* ... other parameters */); return Response.ok().cookie(cookie).build(); } catch (FirebaseAuthException e) { return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).entity("Failed to create a session cookie") .build(); } }


@app.route('/sessionLogin', methods=['POST']) def session_login(): # Get the ID token sent by the client id_token = flask.request.json['idToken'] # Set session expiration to 5 days. expires_in = datetime.timedelta(days=5) try: # Create the session cookie. This will also verify the ID token in the process. # The session cookie will have the same claims as the ID token. session_cookie = auth.create_session_cookie(id_token, expires_in=expires_in) response = flask.jsonify({'status': 'success'}) # Set cookie policy for session cookie. expires = + expires_in response.set_cookie( 'session', session_cookie, expires=expires, httponly=True, secure=True) return response except exceptions.FirebaseError: return flask.abort(401, 'Failed to create a session cookie')


return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Get the ID token sent by the client defer r.Body.Close() idToken, err := getIDTokenFromBody(r) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } // Set session expiration to 5 days. expiresIn := time.Hour * 24 * 5 // Create the session cookie. This will also verify the ID token in the process. // The session cookie will have the same claims as the ID token. // To only allow session cookie setting on recent sign-in, auth_time in ID token // can be checked to ensure user was recently signed in before creating a session cookie. cookie, err := client.SessionCookie(r.Context(), idToken, expiresIn) if err != nil { http.Error(w, "Failed to create a session cookie", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // Set cookie policy for session cookie. http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{ Name: "session", Value: cookie, MaxAge: int(expiresIn.Seconds()), HttpOnly: true, Secure: true, }) w.Write([]byte(`{"status": "success"}`)) }


// POST: /sessionLogin [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult> Login([FromBody] LoginRequest request) { // Set session expiration to 5 days. var options = new SessionCookieOptions() { ExpiresIn = TimeSpan.FromDays(5), }; try { // Create the session cookie. This will also verify the ID token in the process. // The session cookie will have the same claims as the ID token. var sessionCookie = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance .CreateSessionCookieAsync(request.IdToken, options); // Set cookie policy parameters as required. var cookieOptions = new CookieOptions() { Expires = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(options.ExpiresIn), HttpOnly = true, Secure = true, }; this.Response.Cookies.Append("session", sessionCookie, cookieOptions); return this.Ok(); } catch (FirebaseAuthException) { return this.Unauthorized("Failed to create a session cookie"); } }

Untuk aplikasi yang sensitif, auth_time harus diperiksa sebelum mengeluarkan cookie sesi. Hal tersebut dapat meminimalkan jendela serangan jika token ID dicuri:


getAuth() .verifyIdToken(idToken) .then((decodedIdToken) => { // Only process if the user just signed in in the last 5 minutes. if (new Date().getTime() / 1000 - decodedIdToken.auth_time < 5 * 60) { // Create session cookie and set it. return getAuth().createSessionCookie(idToken, { expiresIn }); } // A user that was not recently signed in is trying to set a session cookie. // To guard against ID token theft, require re-authentication. res.status(401).send('Recent sign in required!'); });


// To ensure that cookies are set only on recently signed in users, check auth_time in // ID token before creating a cookie. FirebaseToken decodedToken = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifyIdToken(idToken); long authTimeMillis = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( (long) decodedToken.getClaims().get("auth_time")); // Only process if the user signed in within the last 5 minutes. if (System.currentTimeMillis() - authTimeMillis < TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5)) { long expiresIn = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(5); SessionCookieOptions options = SessionCookieOptions.builder() .setExpiresIn(expiresIn) .build(); String sessionCookie = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().createSessionCookie(idToken, options); // Set cookie policy parameters as required. NewCookie cookie = new NewCookie("session", sessionCookie); return Response.ok().cookie(cookie).build(); } // User did not sign in recently. To guard against ID token theft, require // re-authentication. return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).entity("Recent sign in required").build();


# To ensure that cookies are set only on recently signed in users, check auth_time in # ID token before creating a cookie. try: decoded_claims = auth.verify_id_token(id_token) # Only process if the user signed in within the last 5 minutes. if time.time() - decoded_claims['auth_time'] < 5 * 60: expires_in = datetime.timedelta(days=5) expires = + expires_in session_cookie = auth.create_session_cookie(id_token, expires_in=expires_in) response = flask.jsonify({'status': 'success'}) response.set_cookie( 'session', session_cookie, expires=expires, httponly=True, secure=True) return response # User did not sign in recently. To guard against ID token theft, require # re-authentication. return flask.abort(401, 'Recent sign in required') except auth.InvalidIdTokenError: return flask.abort(401, 'Invalid ID token') except exceptions.FirebaseError: return flask.abort(401, 'Failed to create a session cookie')


return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Get the ID token sent by the client defer r.Body.Close() idToken, err := getIDTokenFromBody(r) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } decoded, err := client.VerifyIDToken(r.Context(), idToken) if err != nil { http.Error(w, "Invalid ID token", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } // Return error if the sign-in is older than 5 minutes. if time.Now().Unix()-decoded.Claims["auth_time"].(int64) > 5*60 { http.Error(w, "Recent sign-in required", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } expiresIn := time.Hour * 24 * 5 cookie, err := client.SessionCookie(r.Context(), idToken, expiresIn) if err != nil { http.Error(w, "Failed to create a session cookie", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{ Name: "session", Value: cookie, MaxAge: int(expiresIn.Seconds()), HttpOnly: true, Secure: true, }) w.Write([]byte(`{"status": "success"}`)) }


// To ensure that cookies are set only on recently signed in users, check auth_time in // ID token before creating a cookie. var decodedToken = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.VerifyIdTokenAsync(idToken); var authTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds( (long)decodedToken.Claims["auth_time"]); // Only process if the user signed in within the last 5 minutes. if (DateTime.UtcNow - authTime < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) { var options = new SessionCookieOptions() { ExpiresIn = TimeSpan.FromDays(5), }; var sessionCookie = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateSessionCookieAsync( idToken, options); // Set cookie policy parameters as required. this.Response.Cookies.Append("session", sessionCookie); return this.Ok(); } // User did not sign in recently. To guard against ID token theft, require // re-authentication. return this.Unauthorized("Recent sign in required");

Memverifikasi cookie sesi dan memeriksa izin

Setelah login, semua bagian situs yang dilindungi akses harus memeriksa cookie sesi dan memverifikasinya sebelum menyalurkan konten yang dibatasi berdasarkan beberapa aturan keamanan.


// Whenever a user is accessing restricted content that requires authentication.'/profile', (req, res) => { const sessionCookie = req.cookies.session || ''; // Verify the session cookie. In this case an additional check is added to detect // if the user's Firebase session was revoked, user deleted/disabled, etc. getAuth() .verifySessionCookie(sessionCookie, true /** checkRevoked */) .then((decodedClaims) => { serveContentForUser('/profile', req, res, decodedClaims); }) .catch((error) => { // Session cookie is unavailable or invalid. Force user to login. res.redirect('/login'); }); });


@POST @Path("/profile") public Response verifySessionCookie(@CookieParam("session") Cookie cookie) { String sessionCookie = cookie.getValue(); try { // Verify the session cookie. In this case an additional check is added to detect // if the user's Firebase session was revoked, user deleted/disabled, etc. final boolean checkRevoked = true; FirebaseToken decodedToken = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifySessionCookie( sessionCookie, checkRevoked); return serveContentForUser(decodedToken); } catch (FirebaseAuthException e) { // Session cookie is unavailable, invalid or revoked. Force user to login. return Response.temporaryRedirect(URI.create("/login")).build(); } }


@app.route('/profile', methods=['POST']) def access_restricted_content(): session_cookie = flask.request.cookies.get('session') if not session_cookie: # Session cookie is unavailable. Force user to login. return flask.redirect('/login') # Verify the session cookie. In this case an additional check is added to detect # if the user's Firebase session was revoked, user deleted/disabled, etc. try: decoded_claims = auth.verify_session_cookie(session_cookie, check_revoked=True) return serve_content_for_user(decoded_claims) except auth.InvalidSessionCookieError: # Session cookie is invalid, expired or revoked. Force user to login. return flask.redirect('/login')


return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Get the ID token sent by the client cookie, err := r.Cookie("session") if err != nil { // Session cookie is unavailable. Force user to login. http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) return } // Verify the session cookie. In this case an additional check is added to detect // if the user's Firebase session was revoked, user deleted/disabled, etc. decoded, err := client.VerifySessionCookieAndCheckRevoked(r.Context(), cookie.Value) if err != nil { // Session cookie is invalid. Force user to login. http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) return } serveContentForUser(w, r, decoded) }


// POST: /profile [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult> Profile() { var sessionCookie = this.Request.Cookies["session"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie)) { // Session cookie is not available. Force user to login. return this.Redirect("/login"); } try { // Verify the session cookie. In this case an additional check is added to detect // if the user's Firebase session was revoked, user deleted/disabled, etc. var checkRevoked = true; var decodedToken = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.VerifySessionCookieAsync( sessionCookie, checkRevoked); return ViewContentForUser(decodedToken); } catch (FirebaseAuthException) { // Session cookie is invalid or revoked. Force user to login. return this.Redirect("/login"); } }

Verifikasi cookie sesi menggunakan verifySessionCookie API Admin SDK. Ini adalah operasi dengan overhead rendah. Kueri sertifikat publik akan dibuat dan disimpan dalam cache sampai masa berlakunya habis. Verifikasi cookie sesi dapat dilakukan dengan sertifikat publik yang disimpan dalam cache tanpa permintaan jaringan tambahan.

Jika cookie tidak valid, pastikan cookie tersebut dihapus, dan minta pengguna untuk login kembali. Tersedia opsi tambahan untuk memeriksa pencabutan sesi. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa tindakan ini akan menambahkan permintaan jaringan tambahan setiap kali cookie sesi diverifikasi.

Untuk alasan keamanan, cookie sesi Firebase tidak dapat digunakan dengan layanan Firebase lainnya karena periode validitas khusus cookie tersebut, yang dapat disetel ke durasi maksimum yakni 2 minggu. Semua aplikasi yang menggunakan cookie sisi server diharapkan menerapkan pemeriksaan izin setelah memverifikasi cookie ini pada sisi server.


getAuth() .verifySessionCookie(sessionCookie, true) .then((decodedClaims) => { // Check custom claims to confirm user is an admin. if (decodedClaims.admin === true) { return serveContentForAdmin('/admin', req, res, decodedClaims); } res.status(401).send('UNAUTHORIZED REQUEST!'); }) .catch((error) => { // Session cookie is unavailable or invalid. Force user to login. res.redirect('/login'); });


try { final boolean checkRevoked = true; FirebaseToken decodedToken = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifySessionCookie( sessionCookie, checkRevoked); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(decodedToken.getClaims().get("admin"))) { return serveContentForAdmin(decodedToken); } return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).entity("Insufficient permissions").build(); } catch (FirebaseAuthException e) { // Session cookie is unavailable, invalid or revoked. Force user to login. return Response.temporaryRedirect(URI.create("/login")).build(); }


try: decoded_claims = auth.verify_session_cookie(session_cookie, check_revoked=True) # Check custom claims to confirm user is an admin. if decoded_claims.get('admin') is True: return serve_content_for_admin(decoded_claims) return flask.abort(401, 'Insufficient permissions') except auth.InvalidSessionCookieError: # Session cookie is invalid, expired or revoked. Force user to login. return flask.redirect('/login')


return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { cookie, err := r.Cookie("session") if err != nil { // Session cookie is unavailable. Force user to login. http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) return } decoded, err := client.VerifySessionCookieAndCheckRevoked(r.Context(), cookie.Value) if err != nil { // Session cookie is invalid. Force user to login. http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) return } // Check custom claims to confirm user is an admin. if decoded.Claims["admin"] != true { http.Error(w, "Insufficient permissions", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } serveContentForAdmin(w, r, decoded) }


try { var checkRevoked = true; var decodedToken = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.VerifySessionCookieAsync( sessionCookie, checkRevoked); object isAdmin; if (decodedToken.Claims.TryGetValue("admin", out isAdmin) && (bool)isAdmin) { return ViewContentForAdmin(decodedToken); } return this.Unauthorized("Insufficient permissions"); } catch (FirebaseAuthException) { // Session cookie is invalid or revoked. Force user to login. return this.Redirect("/login"); }



Ketika pengguna logout dari sisi klien, tangani hal tersebut di sisi server melalui endpoint. Permintaan POST/GET akan menyebabkan cookie sesi dihapus. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa meskipun dihapus, cookie sesi akan tetap aktif hingga masa berlakunya habis.

Node.js'/sessionLogout', (req, res) => { res.clearCookie('session'); res.redirect('/login'); });


@POST @Path("/sessionLogout") public Response clearSessionCookie(@CookieParam("session") Cookie cookie) { final int maxAge = 0; NewCookie newCookie = new NewCookie(cookie, null, maxAge, true); return Response.temporaryRedirect(URI.create("/login")).cookie(newCookie).build(); }


@app.route('/sessionLogout', methods=['POST']) def session_logout(): response = flask.make_response(flask.redirect('/login')) response.set_cookie('session', expires=0) return response


return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{ Name: "session", Value: "", MaxAge: 0, }) http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) }


// POST: /sessionLogout [HttpPost] public ActionResult ClearSessionCookie() { this.Response.Cookies.Delete("session"); return this.Redirect("/login"); }

Jika API pencabutan dipanggil, sesi akan dicabut, begitu juga dengan semua sesi lain pengguna tersebut. Dengan begitu, proses login baru harus dilakukan. Untuk aplikasi yang sensitif, sebaiknya gunakan durasi sesi yang lebih pendek.

Node.js'/sessionLogout', (req, res) => { const sessionCookie = req.cookies.session || ''; res.clearCookie('session'); getAuth() .verifySessionCookie(sessionCookie) .then((decodedClaims) => { return getAuth().revokeRefreshTokens(decodedClaims.sub); }) .then(() => { res.redirect('/login'); }) .catch((error) => { res.redirect('/login'); }); });


@POST @Path("/sessionLogout") public Response clearSessionCookieAndRevoke(@CookieParam("session") Cookie cookie) { String sessionCookie = cookie.getValue(); try { FirebaseToken decodedToken = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifySessionCookie(sessionCookie); FirebaseAuth.getInstance().revokeRefreshTokens(decodedToken.getUid()); final int maxAge = 0; NewCookie newCookie = new NewCookie(cookie, null, maxAge, true); return Response.temporaryRedirect(URI.create("/login")).cookie(newCookie).build(); } catch (FirebaseAuthException e) { return Response.temporaryRedirect(URI.create("/login")).build(); } }


@app.route('/sessionLogout', methods=['POST']) def session_logout(): session_cookie = flask.request.cookies.get('session') try: decoded_claims = auth.verify_session_cookie(session_cookie) auth.revoke_refresh_tokens(decoded_claims['sub']) response = flask.make_response(flask.redirect('/login')) response.set_cookie('session', expires=0) return response except auth.InvalidSessionCookieError: return flask.redirect('/login')


return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { cookie, err := r.Cookie("session") if err != nil { // Session cookie is unavailable. Force user to login. http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) return } decoded, err := client.VerifySessionCookie(r.Context(), cookie.Value) if err != nil { // Session cookie is invalid. Force user to login. http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) return } if err := client.RevokeRefreshTokens(r.Context(), decoded.UID); err != nil { http.Error(w, "Failed to revoke refresh token", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{ Name: "session", Value: "", MaxAge: 0, }) http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound) }


// POST: /sessionLogout [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult> ClearSessionCookieAndRevoke() { var sessionCookie = this.Request.Cookies["session"]; try { var decodedToken = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance .VerifySessionCookieAsync(sessionCookie); await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.RevokeRefreshTokensAsync(decodedToken.Uid); this.Response.Cookies.Delete("session"); return this.Redirect("/login"); } catch (FirebaseAuthException) { return this.Redirect("/login"); } }

Memverifikasi cookie sesi menggunakan library JWT pihak ketiga

Jika backend Anda menggunakan bahasa yang tidak didukung Firebase Admin SDK, Anda masih dapat memverifikasi cookie sesi. Pertama-tama, temukan library JWT pihak ketiga untuk bahasa Anda. Kemudian, verifikasi header, payload, dan tanda tangan cookie sesi.

Verifikasikan bahwa header cookie sesi sesuai dengan batasan berikut:

Klaim Header Cookie Sesi Firebase
alg Algoritme "RS256"
kid ID Kunci Harus sesuai dengan salah satu kunci publik yang tercantum di //

Verifikasikan bahwa payload cookie sesi sesuai dengan batasan berikut:

Klaim Payload Cookie Sesi Firebase
exp Waktu habis masa berlaku Harus di masa depan. Waktu diukur dalam hitungan detik sejak epoch UNIX. Akhir masa berlaku disetel berdasarkan durasi khusus yang diberikan saat cookie dibuat.
iat Waktu penerbitan Harus di masa lalu. Waktu diukur dalam hitungan detik sejak epoch UNIX.
aud Audience Harus berupa project ID Firebase Anda, pengenal unik untuk project Firebase Anda, yang dapat ditemukan di URL pada konsol project tersebut.
iss Penerbit Harus berupa "//<projectId>", dengan <projectId> merupakan project ID yang sama untuk aud di atas.
sub Subjek Harus berupa string yang tidak kosong dan harus berupa uid pengguna atau perangkat.
auth_time Waktu autentikasi Harus di masa lalu. Waktu ketika pengguna diautentikasi. Harus cocok dengan auth_time token ID yang digunakan untuk membuat cookie sesi.

Terakhir, pastikan cookie sesi telah ditandatangani dengan kunci pribadi yang sesuai dengan klaim kid token. Dapatkan kunci publik dari // dan gunakan library JWT untuk memverifikasi tanda tangan. Gunakan nilai batas umur maksimum di header Cache-Control milik respons dari endpoint tersebut untuk menentukan kapan harus memperbarui kunci publik.

Jika semua verifikasi di atas berhasil, Anda dapat menggunakan subjek (sub) dari cookie sesi sebagai uid pengguna atau perangkat yang sesuai.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2022-08-06 UTC.

[{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "missingTheInformationINeed", "label":"Informasi yang saya butuhkan tidak ada" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "tooComplicatedTooManySteps", "label":"Terlalu rumit/langkahnya terlalu banyak" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "outOfDate", "label":"Sudah usang" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "translationIssue", "label":"Masalah terjemahan" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "samplesCodeIssue", "label":"Masalah kode / contoh" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "otherDown", "label":"Lainnya" }] [{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "easyToUnderstand", "label":"Mudah dipahami" },{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "solvedMyProblem", "label":"Memecahkan masalah saya" },{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "otherUp", "label":"Lainnya" }]

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