Cara menggunakan entity framework mysql c#

In this article, we will create a simple ASP .NET Core MVC Web application with MySQL as the database instead of SQL Server.

Table of Contents

  • Prerequisites
  • Create A New Project
  • Install Required Packages
  • Required Imports
  • Create a Model Class
  • Create DBContext
  • Add a Connection String
  • Configure App To Use MySQL
  • Can I use Entity Framework with MySQL?
  • How does Entity Framework connect to database?
  • How do I connect MySQL to dotnet?
  • How does Visual Studio 2019 MVC connect to database?

MySQL is one of the most widely used databases and it even has an open-source fork called MariaDB. Fortunately, with different database providers for Entity Framework Core, we can easily configure EF to work with databases including MySQL and MariaDB.


  1. MySQL - In this tutorial, I'll be using XAMPP.
  2. Visual Studio 2022 with Web development templates installed.
  3. .NET Core 6 or .NET Core 5.

Create A New Project

Open Visual Studio -> Create New Project -> Select > Web Application (Model View Controller).

Select .NET 5 or 6 as the target framework.

As we won't be dealing with authentication and authorization in this project, the Authentication type should be set as No Authentication.

Install Required Packages

Next, we are going to install some packages, including Entity Framework Core, to connect with MySQL.

Open the NuGet Package Manager console and run the following commands to install the required packages.

Entity Framework Core:

Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -Version 6.0.0

Entity Framework Core Tools:

Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools -Version 6.0.0

Pomelo MySQL provider for Entity Framework:

Install-Package Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql -Version 6.0.0

Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql is the most popular Entity Framework Core provider for MySQL-compatible databases.

Required Imports

Next, we have to create a model class, create a migration and create the table in the database. Before creating the model, I'll create a new C# class and a few namespaces as global imports.


If you are not using .Net 6 or a newer version, you have to write these imports in the appropriate class files. Global using statements are only available in C# 10 or .NET 6 and newer versions.

global using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; global using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; global using DotNetCoreMySQL.Models; global using DotNetCoreMySQL.Data;


Visual Studio will show some errors now because we have not yet created some classes and namespaces that we have used in this code. Also, don't forget to replace DotNetCoreMySQL with the name of your project.

Create a Model Class

Create a new class called Employee.cs in the Models folder and add the following code to it.

namespace DotNetCoreMySQL.Models { [Index(nameof(Email), IsUnique = true)] public class Employee { public int Id { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Name field is required.")] [StringLength(maximumLength: 100, MinimumLength = 2)] public string Name { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Email field is required.")] [StringLength(maximumLength: 100, MinimumLength = 2)] [EmailAddress] public string Email { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Phone field is required.")] [StringLength(maximumLength: 15, MinimumLength = 10)] public string Phone { get; set; } [StringLength(maximumLength: 250)] public string? Address { get; set; } } }

This is a simple model to hold employee details like name, email, phone, and address. The email field is unique.

Create DBContext

Next, we should create a database context class and our employee model to the context.

Create a new folder named Data and add a new class called ApplicationDbContext with the following code.

namespace DotNetCoreMySQL.Data { public class ApplicationDbContext:DbContext { public ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> options): base(options) { } public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set; } } }


Notice that I haven't added any using statements here. That is because they are already imported in the global using file.

Add a Connection String

Open the appsettings.json file and add a new connection string with the credentials needed to connect with your MySQL database as shown below.

{ "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning" } }, "AllowedHosts": "*", "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Database=DotNetCoreMySql;User=root;Password=;" } }

You should make appropriate changes to the connection string.

Configure App To Use MySQL

The last and final step is to configure our application and Entity Framework Core to use the MySQL database.

If you are new to .NET 6, you will see significant changes in the application startup file. But you can use the same code in older versions Core without any issues.

If you are using .NET 6, add this code to Program.cs.

var connectionString = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); builder.Services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options => { options.UseMySql(connectionString, ServerVersion.AutoDetect(connectionString)); });

In older versions of .NET Core, this code should be added to the configure services method of the startup class.


If you haven't installed my SQL on your computer, you can either download and install MySQL from its official website or you can install it with XAMPP.

After installing XAMPP, open the control panel and start MySQL.


I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you have any questions let me know in the comments below.

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Can I use Entity Framework with MySQL?

MySQL Connector/NET integrates support for Entity Framework 6 (EF6), which now includes support for cross-platform application deployment with the EF 6.4 version.

How does Entity Framework connect to database?

Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model.

Right click Models Folder-> Add-> Class-> Visual C#-> Data-> ADO.NET Entity data Model-> Entry Name-> ADD..

Entity Data Model Wizard dialog. Select EF Designer from the database-> Next->New Connection..

How do I connect MySQL to dotnet?

How to Connect to MySQL from ..

Install MySqlConnector. First, install the MySqlConnector NuGet package. ... .

Connection String. A typical connection string for MySQL is: Server=YOURSERVER;User ID=YOURUSERID;Password=YOURPASSWORD;Database=YOURDATABASE. ... .

Configure Service (ASP.NET Core) ... .

Open and Use the Connection..

How does Visual Studio 2019 MVC connect to database?

To add a database Controller follows the following steps,.

Right click on Controller folder of the ASP.NET MVC web application project, click Add then click the Controller option. ... .

Now from the Add Scaffold window select MVC 5 Controller with views, using Entity Framework and press the Add button..

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