Cara membuat halaman posting dengan php



$error   ='';

// default value bila tidak masuk dalam mode edit

$title   ='';


$button  = 'Publish';

$cats    =array();

$update  ='<input type="hidden" name="post-add" value="true"/>';

// Aksi Simpan ke database

if (isset($_POST['post-add'])){


     * $db adalah koneksi database. lihat admin-loader.php


    $posting= $db->escape_string($_POST['post']);

    $author  =$db->escape_string($_SESSION['user_ID']);

    $title   =$db->escape_string($_POST['title']);



    // check apakah menggunakan readmore atau tidak

    $pagebreak=$db->escape_string('<div style="page-break-after:always">');

    if(strpos($posting, $pagebreak)!==false){

        // ambil kalimat sebelum page-break

        $post    =explode($pagebreak, $posting);



        // ambil 50 kata awal paragraf

        $post    = strip_tags($posting);

        $excerpt=implode(' ',array_slice(explode(' ',$post),0, 50));


    // SQL Command To Insert

    $sql="INSERT INTO posting

                    (iduser, title, content, excerpt)


                    ('$author', '$title', '$posting', '$excerpt')";

    // Eksekusi Simpan

    $insert= $db->query($sql);


        // Get Last Id posting after insert

        $idposting= $db->insert_id;

        if(is_array($category)&& count($category) > 0) {

            $sqlcat = "INSERT INTO cat_post (idcat, id_post) VALUES ";

            // setup multiple insert di table cat_post


            for($i=0;$i< $cat_count;$i++){

                $sqlcat.="('{$category[$i]}', '{$idposting}'),";


            $sqlcat =rtrim($sqlcat,',');

            // execute insert onto database

            if($db->query($sqlcat)) {




                $error='Gagal insert category';





    } else{

        $error='Gagal Insert Posting';




* Eksekusi Update

* Eksekusi ini akan berjalan apabila ada ada $_POST dari mode Edit


if (isset($_POST['update-post'])){


     * $db adalah koneksi database. lihat admin-loader.php


    $id_post= $db->escape_string($_POST['update-post']);// id post yg hendak diupdate


    $author  =$db->escape_string($_SESSION['user_ID']);

    $title   =$db->escape_string($_POST['title']);



    // check apakah menggunakan readmore atau tidak

    $pagebreak=$db->escape_string('<div style="page-break-after:always">');

    if (strpos($posting,$pagebreak)!==false){

        // ambil kalimat sebelum page-break

        $post    = explode($pagebreak,$posting);



        // ambil 50 kata awal paragraf

        $post    =strip_tags($posting);

        $excerpt=implode(' ', array_slice(explode(' ',$post),0,50));










                id_post='$id_post' ";



        // jika ada kategori

        if(is_array($category)&& count($category) > 0) {

            $select = "DELETE FROM cat_post WHERE id_post='$id_post'";


                $cat_count= count($category);

                $sqlcat="INSERT INTO cat_post (idcat, id_post) VALUES ";

                for ($i=0;$i<$cat_count;$i++){

                    $sqlcat.="('{$category[$i]}', '{$id_post}'),";



                // execute insert onto database





                    $error ='Gagal UPDATE category';







* Eksekusi Edit

* Eksekusi ini akan berjalan saat masuk mode edit



    $idpost= $_GET['edit'];

    // mengambil post dari database

    $sql="SELECT title, content FROM posting WHERE id_post = '$idpost' LIMIT 1";




        $title   =$post['title'];


        $button  ='Update';

        $update  = '<input type="hidden" name="update-post" value="'.$idpost.'"/>';






     * Selection Categories untuk menyeleksi kategori yang sudah dipilih


    $sql= "SELECT



                cat_post Cp,

                categories Cs





    $categories =$db->query($sql);


        $cats= array();


            $cats[] =$cat['idcat'];





* Eksekusi DELETE

* apabila ada parameter (GET) ../posts.php?delete=ID di address bar


if (isset($_GET['delete'])&&

    !empty($_GET['delete']) &&


    ) {

    $id_post = $_GET['delete'];

    $posting ="DELETE FROM posting WHERE id_post='$id_post'";

    $select  ="DELETE FROM cat_post WHERE id_post='$id_post'";







<div class="row header">

    <div class="col-md-2 title-site "><h2>ONPanel</h2></div>

    <div class="col-md-8 title-page"><h2>Halaman Posting</h2></div>

    <div class="col-md-2 text-right author-shortcut">hi,<?=$_SESSION['user_login'];?></div>


<div class="row">


    <div class="col-md-7">

        <form method="post">




             * Report for Insert, success or error



            echo (isset($_GET['insert'])&& $_GET['insert'] == 'true') ? 'Sukses':'';


            <div class="form-group">

                <input type="text"class="form-control"name="title"value="<?=$title;?>" placeholder="Title..."/>


            <textarea name="post"id="post-1"rows="10" cols="80"><?=$posting;?></textarea>


                // Replace the <textarea id="editor1"> with a CKEditor

                // instance, using default configuration.


                    toolbar: [

                        {name:'basicstyles',items:['Format','FontSize', 'Source',












                                                        'PageBreak', 'Link','Unlink','Image']},





            <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"><?=$button;?></button>


    <div class="col-md-3">

        <h3 class="right-side-title">Categories</h3>


            // Tampilankan Category

            $sql="SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY idcat DESC";

            // $db -> lihat admin-loader.php

            $result =$db->query($sql);


                while ($row=$result->fetch_assoc()){

                    // selected

                    $checked =(in_array($row['idcat'],$cats))?'checked':'';

                    echo'<input type="checkbox" name="category[]" value="'.$row['idcat'].'" '.$checked.'/>  '.$row['category'];


            } else{

                echo'<i>Tambah category di halaman Categories</i>';







Postingan terbaru