Can mysql handle a billion rows?

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Yesterday Gary Gray, a friend of mine sent me the following screenshot. He's got a database table with 2 billion records he intends to use Magic on, and he wanted to show it to me, thinking I'd probably be like, "That's cool." Gary works for Dialtone in South Africa, and is used to handling a "monster amount of data". For the record, neither Gary nor I would want to encourage anyone to handle 2 billion records in MySQL, but as you can obviously, see it is possible.

This of course is a legacy system. If it was started today, Gary would obviously use ScyllaDB, Cassandra, or something similar. Simply counting the records in the table above requires 5 minutes of execution in MySQL workbench. Obviously, such sizes are not for those faint at heart. Such a database also implies a lot of inserts.  This makes it impossible to add indexes, resulting in every select query you do towards it having some sort of where clause in it that implies a full table scan. However, it is possible.

Another technique to use (if you can create database snapshots) is to import your huge database into a similar table structure to a "read-only database copy" without any indexes or foreign keys, and then add indexes and keys on your read-only copy after having imported your records. This allows you to do at least some selection into it afterward, resulting in query capacity into a read-only "copy" of your database. For the record, importing 2 billion records into MySQL took Gary 20 hours, even on a "monster machine" (as you can see literally was the name of his server in the above screenshot). I don't know how much time creating indexes would require, but I would assume something similar being 20+ hours for each index.

Once you have indexes on your read-only copy, you can actually do some basic CRUD read on it, with "where" statements resulting in filtering, and maybe even do some basic paging and sorting: which, of course, was Gary's point. Then the idea is to generate a Hyperlambda CRUD API, providing him with a backend allowing him to at least extract some meaningful data from it by adding filtering conditions, exposing these again to an automatically generated frontend.

For the record, handling 2 billion database records in MySQL is (probably) madness, but sometimes you have no choice, having inherited some legacy project that slowly built up over time. At the very least, the above provides you with a method to do some basic handling of your data. Interestingly, Magic allowed Gary to extract his data just as rapidly as he could with MySQL Workbench once he was done, which I think is pretty cool. So, yeah:

That's cool, Gary. ;)

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MySQL can easily handle many millions of rows, and fairly large rows at that.

How many records can MySQL hold?

In InnoDB, with a limit on table size of 64 terabytes and a MySQL row-size limit of 65,535 there can be 1,073,741,824 rows.


How does MySQL handle millions of data?

Use a good mysql engine like innodb which doesn’t lock the table while writes happening &amp, also crash-safe. Use proper technique for setting these values otherwise performance may be degrade. You can setup replication &amp, divide the load accordingly. , Using the internet since ARPANET.

Can MySQL handle billions of records?

Yes, MySQL can handle 10 billion rows. When you define ids on the largest tables, use a bigint .

Can MySQL handle big data?

MySQL is designed around full transactional semantics with support for long transactions and works with disk-based log durability. It is therefore not well suited for use with this kind of highly volatile data.

How many records can SQL handle?

&gt, What is the maximum records it can handle?? Up to 4 billion rows.

What is the maximum size of a SQL Server database?

Database Engine objects

SQL Server Database Engine objectMaximum sizes/numbers SQL Server (64-bit)
Database size 524,272 terabytes
Databases per instance of SQL Server 32,767
Filegroups per database 32,767
Filegroups per database for memory-optimized data 1

Which database is best for millions of records?

The NoSQL DB, such as Cassandra, DynamoDB, are best fit for huge amount of key-value records. They are very easy to scale. If one record is 512bytes, 1 million records are 0.5GB.

Can MySQL handle terabytes of data?

Speed wise, it can be handled. Size wise, the question is not the size of your data, but rather the size of your index as the indices must fit fully within memory.

What is the fastest way to search for millions of records in SQL Server?

When you load new data, check if any of the domain names are new – and insert those into the Domains table. Then in your big table, you just include the DomainID. Not only will this keep your 50 million row table much smaller, it will also make lookups like this much more efficient.

Can SQL Server handle billions of records?

Billions of rows of data really isn’t that big of a deal. Quite a few can handle billions of records and respond quickly. Some of these include SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Postgres and many more. Many RDBMS systems can and do handle billions and even trillions of rows in a table.

Is MySQL better than PostgreSQL?

Database Performance

In the past, Postgres performance was more balanced – reads were generally slower than MySQL, but it was capable of writing large amounts of data more efficiently, and it handled concurrency better. The performance differences between MySQL and Postgres have been largely erased in recent versions.

Why is MySQL more popular than PostgreSQL?

MySQL is more popular than PostgreSQL for historical reasons. These are the major ones (in retrospect): MySQL was more leaner and faster in some (widely used) use cases since it had less features. Even though it was not the best, MySQL’s replication system was very simple to setup and maintain.

What are the disadvantages of MySQL?

What are the disadvantages of MySQL?

  • MySQL does not support a very large database size as efficiently.
  • MySQL does not support ROLE, COMMIT, and Stored procedures in versions less than 5.0.
  • Transactions are not handled very efficiently.
  • There are a few stability issues.
  • It suffers from poor performance scaling.

Is MySQL a good database?

As the world’s most popular DBMS – with 39% of developers using it in 2019 – MySQL is a fast, reliable, general-purpose, relational database management system. Although it lacks the extensive features of PostgreSQL, it’s an excellent match for a wide range of applications – especially web applications.

How many maximum tables can you join in SQL?

Theoretically, there is no upper limit on the number of tables that can be joined using a SELECT statement. (One join condition always combines two tables!) However, the Database Engine has an implementation restriction: the maximum number of tables that can be joined in a SELECT statement is 64.

Does SQL have a row limit?

100,000 rows a day is not really that much of an enormous amount. (Depending on your server hardware). I have personally seen MSSQL handle up to 100M rows in a single table without any problems. As long as your keep your indexes in order it should be all good.

What is SQL limit?

What is SQL LIMIT? The SQL LIMIT clause restricts how many rows are returned from a query. The syntax for the LIMIT clause is: SELECT * FROM table LIMIT X,. X represents how many records you want to retrieve. For example, you can use the LIMIT clause to retrieve the top five players on a leaderboard.

How do I increase the size of MySQL database?

To increase the size of a database

Expand Databases, right-click the database to increase, and then click Properties. In Database Properties, select the Files page. To increase the size of an existing file, increase the value in the Initial Size (MB) column for the file.

How big is a large database?

The most common definition of VLDB is a database that occupies more than 1 terabyte or contains several billion rows, although naturally this definition changes over time.

What is the max length of Nvarchar in SQL Server?

4 Answers. The max size for a column of type NVARCHAR(MAX) is 2 GByte of storage. Since NVARCHAR uses 2 bytes per character, that’s approx. 1 billion characters.

Which database is better for big data?

NoSQL is a better choice for businesses whose data workloads are more geared toward the rapid processing and analyzing of vast amounts of varied and unstructured data, aka Big Data. Unlike relational databases, NoSQL databases are not bound by the confines of a fixed schema model.

Which database is fastest?

All three database engines run faster when they have indices to work with. But SQLite is still the fastest.

Test 7: 5000 SELECTs with an index.

MySQL: 1.270
SQLite 2.7.6: 1.121
SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): 1.162

Which database is best for storing data?

TOP 10 Open Source Big Data Databases

  • Cassandra. Originally developed by Facebook, this NoSQL database is now managed by the Apache Foundation. …
  • HBase. Another Apache project, HBase is the non-relational data store for Hadoop. …
  • MongoDB. …
  • Neo4j. …
  • CouchDB. …
  • OrientDB. …
  • Terrstore. …
  • FlockDB.

How big is too big MySQL database?

You can’t have more than 1000 columns. Your records can’t be bigger than 8k each. These limits change depending on database engine.

How increase MySQL speed?

MySQL Performance Tuning and Optimization Tips

  1. Balance the Four Main Hardware Resources.
  2. Use InnoDB, Not MyISAM.
  3. Use the Latest Version of MySQL. …
  4. Consider Using an Automatic Performance Improvement Tool.
  5. Optimize Queries.
  6. Use Indexes Where Appropriate.
  7. Functions in Predicates.
  8. Avoid % Wildcard in a Predicate.

How do you handle a large amount of data in a database?

Keep the facts in simple flat files until you want to do SQL-style reporting. Don’t create and back up a database. Create and back up files, load a data base only for the reports you must do from SQL.

How do you optimize select query timing for million records?

1:- Check Indexes. 2:- There should be indexes on all fields used in the WHERE and JOIN portions of the SQL statement 3:- Limit Size of Your Working Data Set. 4:- Only Select Fields You select as Need. 5:- Remove Unnecessary Table and index 6:- Remove OUTER JOINS.

How can I make my database search faster?

Try these five tips to boost the speed of your database:

  1. Make sure all of your tables have primary keys. Running a table without a primary key is like running a four-cylinder engine with only two active pistons. …
  2. Optimize by adding secondary indexes. …
  3. Be like an atom and split. …
  4. Use Compact and Repair. …
  5. Load only what you need.

What is the quickest way to fetch the data from a table?

Fetch by rowid is the fastest query method for a table. The “table fetch by rowid” Oracle metric occurs when rows are fetched using a ROWID (usually recovered from an index), each row returned increments this counter.

What is MongoDB vs MySQL?

MongoDB is a document-based non-relational database management system. It’s also called an object-based system. It was designed to supplant the MySQL structure as an easier way to work with data. On the other hand, MySQL is a table-based system (or open-source relational database).

How do you manage billions of data?

Querying 100 Billion Rows using SQL, 7 TB in a single table – YouTube

What is the database for billions of records?

If you need schemaless data, you’d want to go with a document-oriented database such as MongoDB or CouchDB. The loose schema is the main draw of these, I personally like MongoDB and use it in a few custom reporting systems. I find it very useful when the data requirements are constantly changing.

Is MariaDB better than MySQL?

Generally speaking, MariaDB shows improved speed when compared to MySQL. In particular, MariaDB offers better performance when it comes to views and handling flash storage through its RocksDB engine. MariaDB also outperforms MySQL when it comes to replication.

Is MySQL fast?

The number of records does of course affect the performance: MySQL can be slow with large tables. If you hit one million records you will get performance problems if the indices are not set right (for example no indices for fields in “WHERE statements” or “ON conditions” in joins).

What database does Facebook use?

MySQL is the primary database used by Facebook for storing all the social data.

Can MySQL handle 1 billion records?

Can MySQL handle 100 million records? Yeah, it can handle billions of records. If you properly index tables, they fit in memory and your queries are written properly then it shouldn't be an issue.

How many rows is too much for MySQL?

The MySQL maximum row size limit of 65,535 bytes is demonstrated in the following InnoDB and MyISAM examples. The limit is enforced regardless of storage engine, even though the storage engine may be capable of supporting larger rows.

Can MySQL handle big data?

MySQL was not designed for running complicated queries against massive data volumes which requires crunching through a lot of data on a huge scale. MySQL optimizer is quite limited, executing a single query at a time using a single thread.

Which database is best for billions of records?

TOP 10 Open Source Big Data Databases.
Cassandra. Originally developed by Facebook, this NoSQL database is now managed by the Apache Foundation. ... .
HBase. Another Apache project, HBase is the non-relational data store for Hadoop. ... .
MongoDB. ... .
Neo4j. ... .
CouchDB. ... .
OrientDB. ... .
Terrstore. ... .

How does MySQL handle millions of data?

Show activity on this post. As already mentioned, fetching 2.5 mio entries requires loads of memory / cpu power. Try fetching the records in batches. If that's not solving your problem, you should consider finding a better way to not loop through such an amount of records each time.

Is there a limit to MySQL database?

MySQL has no limit on the number of tables. The underlying file system may have a limit on the number of files that represent tables. Individual storage engines may impose engine-specific constraints. InnoDB permits up to 4 billion tables.

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