Can i make my own website using html?

<!DOCTYPE html>




        Simple web Development Template




    <nav class="navbar background">

        <ul class="nav-list">

            <div class="logo">

                <img src="logo.png">


            <li><a href="#web">Web Technology</a></li>

            <li><a href="#program">C Programming</a></li>

            <li><a href="#course">Courses</a></li>


        <div class="rightNav">

            <input type="text" name="search" id="search">

            <button class="btn btn-sm">Search</button>



    <section class="firstsection">

        <div class="box-main">

            <div class="firstHalf">

                <h2 class="text-big" id="web">

                    Web Technology


                <p class="text-small">

                    HTML stands for HyperText Markup

                    Language. It is used to design

                    web pages using a markup language.

                    HTML is the combination of Hypertext

                    and Markup language. Hypertext

                    defines the link between the web

                    pages. A markup language is used

                    to define the text document within

                    tag which defines the structure of

                    web pages. HTML is a markup language

                    that is used by the browser to

                    manipulate text, images, and other

                    content to display it in the required






    <section class="secondsection">

        <div class="box-main">

            <div class="secondHalf">

                <h2 class="text-big" id="program">

                    C Programming


                <p class="text-small">

                    C is a procedural programming language.

                    It was initially developed by Dennis

                    Ritchie as a system programming

                    language to write operating system.

                    The main features of C language include

                    low-level access to memory, simple set

                    of keywords, and clean style, these

                    features make C language suitable for

                    system programming like operating system

                    or compiler development.





    <section class="section">

        <div class="paras">

            <h2 class="sectionTag text-big">Java</h2>

            <p class="sectionSubTag text-small">

                Java has been one of the most

                popular programming language

                for many years. Java is Object

                Oriented. However it is not

                considered as pure object oriented

                as it provides support for primitive

                data types (like int, char, etc) The

                Java codes are first compiled into byte

                code (machine independent code). Then

                the byte code is run on Java Virtual

                Machine (JVM) regardless of the

                underlying architecture.



        <div class="thumbnail">

            <img src="img.png" alt="laptop image">



    <footer class="background">

        <p class="text-footer">

            Copyright ©-All rights are reserved





Is it hard to make a website with HTML?

HTML and CSS come off as quite easy to learn programming languages, but they have a lot of depth to them, making them time-consuming to get good at. After you get good with the programming, you'd have to learn some design. Most likely, you'd have to wireframe your website to begin the design process.

Can I create a website by myself?

If all you need is a basic one-page website with an email address, phone number and maybe your business address, you can absolutely do that yourself. There are many website builders and one-page templates you can use to get up and running quickly.

Can I use my own HTML on Google sites?

You can embed CSS, HTML, or JavaScript code directly into your Site. Under the Insert tab to the right, select Embed. Next, select the Embed code tab and paste the code into the textbox. Finally, click Next and then click Insert.

How do I publish my HTML website?

To publish a document as an HTML file:.
Choose File > Publish > HTML File. ... .
Specify an output directory and file name in the Save As box, or accept the default. ... .
Select the View HTML option if you want the document to display in a web browser after it is published..

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