Bagaimana cara merekam layar hp samsung j2 prime tanpa aplikasi

Bagi masyarakat pengguna hp android khususnya samsung, pasti sering berfikiran bagaimana cara merekam layar hp namun tanpa menggunakan aplikasi tambahan. Karena memang merekam layar hp ini sering digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Sehingga banyak yang ingin mengetahui cara merekam layar hp samsung tanpa aplikasi yang mudah untuk dilakukan.

Dalam merekam layar hp samsung tanpa aplikasi ini, ada dua cara utama yang bisa diterapkan kepada semua jenis handphone samsung. Bahkan untuk jenis yang lama sekalipun, pengguna tetap bisa menggunakan cara ini. Kedua cara ini dianggap paling aman dan paling ampuh untuk pengguna hp samsung, bahkan bagi yang pemula sekalipun. Satu hal yang penting adalah sistem operasinya adalah Android.

Menggunakan Google Play Game

Pertama adalah dengan menggunakan google play game yang merupakan aplikasi bawaan dari semua hp android sehingga tidak perlu menginstal lagi. Meskipun menggunakan google play game, tapi banyak yang tidak tahu jika screen record aplikasi ini bisa digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Tidak hanya untuk game saja, selain itu langkahnya pun mudah seperti pembahasan di bawah ini.

1. Masuk Ke Aplikasi Google Play Game

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Langkah pertama dalam cara merekam layar hp samsung tanpa aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan google play game adalah login atau masuk ke dalam aplikasinya. Caranya tinggal buka google play game, lalu pilih setelan yang ada di tiga titik pada pojok kanan atas setelahnya pilihlah tambahkan akun. Dalam menambahkan akun ini pastikan untuk menggunakan alamat email berbasis google.

2. Mengaktifkan Fitur Screen Recorder

Selanjutnya aktifkan fitur screen recorder atau perekam layar yang ada di google play game ini. Untuk percobaan pertama, cobalah untuk memainkan permainan yang ada di dalam koleksi terlebih dahulu. Lalu setelah sudah muncul alat perekam videonya, maka lanjutkan dengan merekam layar utama. Caranya tinggal menutup gamenya dan kembali ke layar utama untuk merekam.

3. Merekam dan Menentukan Kualitas Video

Pengguna akan disediakan tools dari google play game dan biasanya diletakkan di samping kiri layar handphone. Nantinya di dalam tools ini ada tiga menu pilihan yang bisa digunakan. Pilih menu bulatan merah untuk mulai merekam, serta sebagai tombol untuk menghentikan proses perekaman ketika dirasa sudah cukup. Sebelum disimpan, pengguna bisa menentukan terlebih dahulu kualitas videonya.

Menggunakan Game Tools Samsung

Selain menggunakan google play game, ada alternatif lain yang bisa digunakan sebagai cara screen recorder samsung j2 prime, dan seri j lainnya, seri A, S bahkan seri terdahulu sekalipun. Kali ini jauh lebih mudah dan gampang karena hanya tinggal mengaktifkan game mode yang sudah ada di samsung. Hanya saja untuk game tools ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk merekam layar ketika bermain game saja.

1. Mengaktifkan Game Tools Samsung

Pertama adalah mengaktifkan mode ini, meskipun biasanya sudah teraktifkan secara otomatis, tapi tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba mengaktifkannya secara manual. Pada hp samsung pengguna, masuk ke menu pengaturan lalu scroll ke bawah dan pilih menu fitur lanjutan, lalu pilih game tools. Selanjutnya geser tombol yang ada di sampingnya sampai muncul kata aktif.

2. Menentukan Kualitas Video

Setelahnya, pengguna tinggal memainkan game yang diinginkan dan nantinya tombol game tools akan muncul di pojokan layar handphone. Dengan warna merah sebagai latar belakangnya. Pada tombol inilah ada gambar kamera yang bisa digunakan untuk merekam layar hp saat bermain game.

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Kedua cara merekam layar hp samsung tanpa aplikasi tambahan diatas merupakan cara yang paling mudah untuk dilakukan. Selain itu pengguna juga tidak perlu melakukan repot melakukan root yang terkadang bisa membahayakan handphone.

Samsung J2 Prime smartphone users can now access multiple precise methods to record phone screen. Also, recording Samsung J2 Prime phone screen without any application is an important part to be able to reduce third-party application usage.

The presence of an application for recording all activities on the Samsung J2 Prime mobile screen definitely burdens memory. Therefore, there is a convenient method to save phone memory usage manually without using additional applications.

There are quite a number of Samsung J2 Prime mobile screen recording features that are currently available for easy and quick access for all Samsung J2 Prime users. This becomes the main component when accessing the selection of methods without applications frequently, as they are seen as more useful.

How to record Samsung J2 Prime phone screen without application

Most likely, recording screen on Samsung J2 Prime phone without application requires certain steps. For a user to be sure, there are several ways for them to calculate the benefit in the future by following the tips below.

The first step

In the first phase, there is a process to be followed, namely entering the settings menu and looking for advanced feature options. This first step is pretty easy as all you have to do is enter the settings menu for instant advanced instructions.

After entering the advanced features, find and select the screenshot menu and screen recorder. After entering the screen recording settings, check all audio and video quality settings. The screen recorder setting process can be selected according to your needs.

Second step

It should be noted that there are still three menus in the audio settings, namely without sound, special media sound recording internally or media sound on a microphone to record the internal sound at the same time as the sound from the microphone.

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From a few steps to perform a screen capture on Samsung J2 Prime phone without any application, it is pretty easy until finally there is the right method that you needed completely.

Benefits of recording Samsung J2 Plus mobile screen without applications

Sometimes, recording Samsung J2 Plus phone screen without using any additional applications brings significant benefits. Therefore, there are several options that can relate to important advantages when trying to record without an application, as in the overview below.

Save more internet quota

There are several benefits of using the Samsung J2 Prime screen recording method without an application, one of which is a more efficient internet quota. In the end, there are several precise methods that can actually save internet quotas that have been needed by Samsung J2 Prime mobile phone users.

This saving of internet quotas is due to the absence of the application download process. So that, in terms of the exact potential that all Samsung J2 Prime smartphone users have during this period, it can be calculated without the hassle of downloading applications.

Doesn’t load internal storage

In addition, the manual method has advantages to be able to record all the activities on the Samsung J2 Plus phone screen, one of which does not burden the internal memory. This is one of the precise points to use the best means that can be calculated so far to save memory consumption.

There are still many additional applications that are used to make it easier to record activities on the Samsung J2 Prime mobile screen. Therefore, this method is the best recommendation to be able to find out quickly and correctly how to do it.

Benefits of selecting audio in screen recording for Samsung J2 Prime

Recording Samsung J2 Prime phone screen certainly has important benefits that can be considered from the start. In the end, there are audio settings divided into three types, namely, without sound, media sound, until the microphone picks up internal sound at the same time.

Easier audio size selection

In the Samsung J2 Prime mobile phone screen recording process, there is a difference in the file size of the available audio time. Regarding the type of audio, it is therefore hoped that it will make it easier for users to determine the size of the audio according to the capacity of the phone’s internal or external storage.

Determining the quality of the recording

The two divisions between video and audio quality are the main components in the Samsung J2 Prime screen recording process. In the end, there is a suitable method that has been considered so far to try out the importance of taking steps to choose the quality of the recording more appropriately or according to the required criteria.

Some information on how to record Samsung J2 Prime phone screen without application turns out to be important advantages that have been considered. Therefore, from the correct recording of all screen activities of the Samsung J2 Prime, several advantages can be derived, which can now be calculated better without an application.

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