Arti kata "voted" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata voted bahasa

The best way you have of voicing your opinion in a way that can matter. Nothing's perfect, and there's always going to be mistakes, but there is simply no excuse for not casting a ballot for what you believe in. Take the time to understand the issues and then take the time to vote. Don't let people who aren't going to be around four years from now decide your future. Complaining without voting is worse than any hanging chad.


My conscience is clear because I took the time to vote. Don't worry about rocking the vote, just vote!

Arti kata voted bahasa

I dare you to vote for this.


Actually. Vote. I got bet money this won't work.

Arti kata voted bahasa

In an election, the process whereby elegible citizens submit their choice for the person/party who gets to exploit them for the next 3-4years. People will often get wildly enthusiastic about which dishonest piece of crap they're going to "vote" for this time around, completely forgetting their previous experiences with politicians, which resembled nothing so much as being simultaneously mugged, insulted and assraped. If voting could change things, it would be illegal.


Person 1: Dude, are you voting today? Person 2: No, this time around I thought I'd just save time and ask a Hell's Angel to beat me up and rob me. Candidate: And will you be voting for me today, sir? Voter : Why yes I am! Here, let me bend over this chair so that you can more conveniently assrape me...

Arti kata voted bahasa

An act performed when over the age of 18


I'm 18 and legal by the way Oh I don't even know what that means, so you're saying you can vote? Cool maybe we can vote together sometime You've never elected anyone before? I can tell you what I know! Elections? Can't be too hard, I guess it wouldn't hurt.. Kurt - Kurt, I'm going to vote - oh god I'm voting! OH MY GOD I LOVE DEMOCRACY!

Arti kata voted bahasa

The way the American government makes you think you are in charge of your own destiny, when in reality we are living in an imperialist society that has already subverted the bill of rights in the name of terror and fear. Think about it. You don't pick the next president, the electors from the electoral college do, and they are basically free to pick anyone. Your vote counts...sort of but not really.


- We are all sheep that can have our homes broken into, our property searched, we can be detained and not told what we are being held for, and held for an indefinite amount of time if we are a ''suspected terrorist''. What kind of power does that give to you as a human being? vote? why?

Arti kata voted bahasa

-U.S.A.'s weapon of mass deception towards those who'd rather not choose a candidate they disagree with. If Hitler and Stalin ran for president some voters would choose Hitler because he's a more dynamic speaker and killed fewer people. -A process in which, if you don't participate, you are considered unpatriotic, lazy, ignorant, apathetic, and morally unsound despite the fact that voting for a candidate isn't a black or white issue. -an illusion of power to the people -something that Chingy, Puff Daddy, Christina Aguilera tell you it's imperative to do (but don't do themselves), and by not telling for whom you should vote they've rendered their arguments inane.


a-I'm not going to vote. b-WHAT? it's your duty to vote! a-How is it my right and my duty at the same time? b-if you don't vote you have no right to complain a-last time I checked, if you don't vote for a candidate you have every right to complain if they mess up! b-You need to get out there and vote...make a difference! a-Okay, who should I vote for? b-I'm not going to make that choice for for who you want, but get out there and vote. a-If it's imperative for me to vote then you must tell me for whom I should vote. If it doesn't matter who I vote for then it doesn't matter if I vote. Voting itself has no inherent value. Ignorant and apathetic nonvoters are better than ignorant and apathetic voters!

Arti kata voted bahasa

The process whereby enfranchised persons within the body politic attempt to exchange one mob of hapless bastards for another.


After the impeachment, the voting at the next election was furious.

Arti kata voted bahasa

If it is 2020 and you're an American adult reading this, then vote, you fucking bitch. Over 100 million people didn't vote in the 2016 election. This election is fucking important, do it.


Person 1: I don't like either of the candidates, I don't think I'm gonna vote this ti- Person 2: Shut the fuck up and vote, bitch.

Arti kata voted bahasa

1. Term for any activity constituted as a waste of time which deceptively interrupts ones ability to focus on more important tasks. 2. Distraction of the public by the american aristocracy so practicing of over half the terms invented on may take place.


Debating on what could be possibly be the most useless way to spend his time, he eventually decided to pause Gigli and go voting. Candidate1: "Good thing everyones out there Voting, now i can get that blumpkin I deserve! By the way, the campaign manager wants to know when you're going to return those clothes? You look like a Blingleberry.

Arti kata voted bahasa

Somthing that happens to useless words, or names of friends that people put in the Urban Dictionary.


Words like "monkeybuttface" and "Rob Perry" have no votes because they're stupid words that nobody cares about.

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