Arti kata "seagal" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata seagal bahasa

A very powerful man, one so powerful he beats his three wives for fun. Has hair the likes one has never seen; it resembles matted down beaver hair that never moves, even when fighting on top of a train or running around in the Alaskan wilderness. Currently weighing in at a cool 400 pounds, he doesn't have to actually fight anymore, just wave his hands and all have broken necks or arms. He dresses to kill in all black, which does not hide his bulky ass. No acting skills are required; all that is needed is to have a dick in your throat and be able to mumble "Mission Accomplished". In order to kill like Seagal, you must be able to slide for 20 minutes without a running start and shoot your enemies at the same time, even on the flatest of surfaces. (No reloading is required, your ammo is endless). Every movie is made with his character having the name "John", "Jack", or "Casey". In order to write a plot for a Seagal movie, all you must do is have him a) be a cop, b) a mercenary or c) an ex-serviceman. Then Seagal must either save a sub, a town, a nuclear warhead, the environment, or all of the above. He must do battle with Columbian druglords, terrorists, or environmental evildoers. Then Seagal ultimately saves the day, and ends the movie with a snazzy one-liner. While the credits are rolling, you could have him strumming one of his guitars, and singing a jaunty little number.


I totally Steven Seagalled that guy; Mission Accomplished. I am Steven Seagal...someone has to take out the garbage. I tried it with my girlfriend, she said "mission accomplished, all the way in".

Arti kata seagal bahasa

An actor who plays in the same movie over and over again but with slightly tweaked plots. His trademark: snapping the necks of wrong-doers. Most of his movies include the following: -the token black guy -the token hispanic -the token hot girl -copious amounts of foreshadowing -neck-snapping action


: Hey, did you hear about Steven Seagal's new movie, "Under Seige?" : Was that the one where the Arabs hijack the plane? : No, that was "Executive Decision." In "Under Seige," a battle-ship is hijacked by homicidal Hippies. : Why do we like Steven Seagal again?

Arti kata seagal bahasa

Originates from Steven Seagal. When you seagal someone you bust them up or kill them in the vain of Steven Seagal.


I'm going to seriously seagal that guy.

Arti kata seagal bahasa

A martial artist action movie star with a face full of wrinkles, constantly squinting eyes, short black hair with a widow's peak and a dumb ponytail. His movie career began with "Above the Law" in 1987, and throughout the 90s he starred in several more mainstream action movies. His career came to a doom in the early 00s, where in 2002 he made his last released-to-theaters movie "Half Past Dead" with rapper Ja Rule. Through recent years, he's been making crap Direct-to-DVD movies, sometimes making up to four or five movies a year. 2010 saw the return of Seagal to the big screen...for Machete, in which he's the villain. Oh and he dies. His movies are known for: *His character either is out for revenge or has to rescue someone. *The fight scenes have quick cuts, lots of obvious doubles, unnecessary close ups and the camera spinning around rapidly trying to fool audiences into thinking Seagal is actually hitting someone. *Seagal requires a stunt double to walk. *He can take someone's gun by barely raising his hand. *He will say some stupid cliche line before beating the shit out of someone. *His movie's plots are always "SERIOUS" dark and gritty


Danny: Wanna watch a Steven Seagal movie? Marshall: Didn't that guy die from eating too many McDonald's?

Arti kata seagal bahasa

To jab someone in the throat with an upward palm, fingers together similar to the way Steven Seagal hits people. This is accented by saying "Seagal" as you do it.


I was walking through the bar "Seagaling" random strangers. I snuck up on Dino and jabbed him in the throat, yelling "Seagal" as I did it. That fucker Seagal'd me for no reason when I was leaving the Sox game.

Arti kata seagal bahasa

A person who is extremely lucky and don't even understand he's luck and don't deserve it


"omg i killed 6 men with usp by headshots, lol how fun!"

Arti kata seagal bahasa

Combines "seagull" and "gall." Being vexed or irritated upon being shat upon by a seagull (or any bird).


The insolence of the that seagull really chaps my ass. I don't know what to do with the seagall that I'm feeling.

Arti kata seagal bahasa

1. to grow one's hair out and tie it into an oily pony tail. 2. to use a pool ball as a weapon in a bar fight.


1. "Did you see Spencer's hair? He really went Full Seagal" 2. "Wow, did you see what Candace did at that bar fight? She went Full Seagal on those guys!"

Arti kata seagal bahasa

When you're washed up and get a fat belly like modern Steven Seagal.


Kenny Powers got so Seagally after the Majors.

Arti kata seagal bahasa

The act of hitting or being hit with a bad ass steven seagal martial arts move.


You just got seagaled.Don't make me seagal your ass.

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