Arti kata "moderator" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata moderator bahasa

1) a sane person; 2) someone with a political belief that sits between the two extremes of liberal and conservative, usually combining aspects of both (example: liberal on social issues yet conservative on economic issues); 3) someone who seeks compromise on political issues and as such gets insulted by the two extremes who just don't get the idea that this form of government survives by compromise; 4) someone whose political beliefs seem quiet and mild, and as such always ignored by the media, which seeks out people from the screechy Left and shrill Right because they make for better sound bites.


Moderates rule. Turn off FOX News and CNN and turn on Cartoon Network!

Arti kata moderator bahasa

Moderators are assigned to "moderate" something which means they are in charge of seeing that it does what it is supposed to do and nothing more. Most moderators are driven mad by their lust for power and will cause suffering and hatred at every turn because it makes them happy to see others unhappy. What the other definitions here leave out is that moderators aren't just for forums or websites. There are moderators of sorts in games, chat rooms and many other places. All of them are nerdy teenages who get back at life for making them monsters by taking their anger out on anyone they can.


I used to play a really cool MUD called Moongate until the moderators(caleed immortals for some gay reason) went mad with power, changed the name of the game and banned me for trying to report a bug. Losers.

Arti kata moderator bahasa

1. By definition, the greatest political alignment on Earth. 2. A person who actually thinks for themselves instead of automatically adhering to all beliefs of a bipartisan system. 3. Someone who views political issues objectively and in a open-minded manner. 4. Someone who is actually willing to listen to another person's viewpoint without completely bashing their ideas.


1. I am a moderate...yay for me.

Arti kata moderator bahasa

(n.)Someone who moderates a chatroom or message board. There are generally five types of moderators: 1. Asswipe: Moderator that likes to punish members for little or no reason, harasses members and then punishes them for harassing back or questioning them, or is an asshole in general to those around him, not including his suckup friends, who will respond to his powerabuse with: "lol", "pwned bitch", or "wut a fag". 2. Strict Moderator: Follows the rules by the book, no exceptions. Any rule infraction spotted will be punished, often without warning. Normally dreaded. 3. Do-Nothing Moderator: Moderator that acts more like a member than a moderator, only intervening in serious matters that require mod attention. Usually ignores rule infractions for fear of angering the administrator or stricter moderators. Usually friendly. 4. Badass: Best moderator there is. They are fair, and will usually joke around and let things go if the intention of the rule infraction was not fitting with the reason the rule was created. However, if someone is being a total idiot, especially flaming, they will proceed to argue with them for the sole purpose of getting them to make a fool of themselves, often to the point of losing their cool and posting a last "FUK U ALL!!!!!" message, at which point there is much lulz and the nooblet gets b7. See Winrar 5. Nutcase: Moderator that not only rarely enforces rules, but often breaks them themselves in the name of fun, or sometimes just out of boredom. Usually doesn't have modship for long, or is constantly scolded by other mods or the admin. Me. These are the main five categories, there are several other types and combinations of types out there.


"Ugh, I told that moderator that he's being a jerk, and he banned me. What an asswipe." "That moderator is mad strict. She just suspended six members for spamming just because they had too much chatspeak." "Is that dude even a moderator? He hasn't done jack through all this flooding." "Haha, this moderator is so awesome." "What the hell...? That guy just flooded six pages of the chat away... he's a moderator? Wtf?"

Arti kata moderator bahasa

An internet virus. A very little man, probably the spawn of J. Edgar Hoover with Cromwellian tendencies of stamping out opposing views on internet forums and chat rooms and rewarding sycophants. He's long given up the stakeout, the binoculars and the wire taps in favor of online activities behind the scenes. The more banal the website topic or thread, the crueler his tactics and iron fist becomes. His past is riddled with rejection, inability to hold a job or maintain friendships. And this arena, or "forum" is precisely the drug he needs to fulfill his illusions of grandeur and the taste of power over others. Avoid him at all costs and find "real" humans to talk to, not avatars on a computer screen.


Guy#1: "I got booted out of that history forum today!" Guy#2: "Really, why?" Guy#1: "That moderator got po'd when I corrected him and told him Dumas was French mulatto and not 100% white. He said he'd banish me to internet Siberia if I attempted to challenge him again." Guy#2: "Wow, that's just plain wrong!"

Arti kata moderator bahasa

An "athority" figure in chatrooms or forums who likes to go on powertrips and harass people who are trying to have a bit of fun. They obtain this position by being either: 1. A complete sycophant to the webmaster or 2.devoting their entire waking hours to the praticular site


moderaters are total feltchmongers with inferiority complexes

Arti kata moderator bahasa

Someone who wants to be an administrator, with all accompanying godlike powers, but is incapable or unwilling to learn the required coding skills and hygiene required for office coexistence. A moderator is usually unemployable as such, and thus spends his/her time policing bboards, multiplayer games and chatrooms pretending to be important and useful, instead of actually doing the work to do so in real life. This massive waste of time, if accumulated over years, results in a very large ego within a body in very poor health and physical condition, culminating in social disorders.


"My name is Dragon Wind Unicorn Rainbow Queen Of All Furry MUCKS, and I am moderator of the Dragon Wind Unicorn YiffYiff bboard/RPG chatroom/blah blah/jargon jargon and part-time mod on *chan. I may weigh 375 pounds in real life and live in a room full of rubbish and cat turds, but my character is a Minyun Hentai Teen Dragon black belt samurai transsexual pornstar in +50 armor and she is a merciful destroyer of all trolls except those who beg for mercy."

Arti kata moderator bahasa

A guy/girl in charge of censoring/editing a certain part of a site some are a-holes, some are awesome, and some use invisibility mode so you cant tell what the hell they are some, still, are kissups to admin... hate these guys!!


that moderator is so awesome he let me slide with so much crap and offered me a job at modding too...haha

Arti kata moderator bahasa

A man or woman typically between the ages of 16-36 who essentially 'maintains' forums, chat rooms, games, and other forms of internet media. Depending on the administrator's discretion, a moderator is given special perks that allow them to gain power over normal users. Enforcing the rules and warning/kicking/banning users are among the most common perks given to moderators. Unless it is a moderator gap period, at least one of these people will be online consistently to monitor the activity within a given community. Moderators range from super friendly to super strict and everywhere in between. Here are some of the most common types of moderators: Mr. Whatever: This type of moderator doesn't really know how he/she even became a moderator in the first place, but they are one nonetheless. They mostly ignore their job unless in the presence of higher-ups. Often looked down upon by the other moderators. Sometimes possesses traits similar to Sir Social. Sir Social: This type of moderator is usually liked by the majority of the community. He/She often treats everyone as equals, and fully engages with everyone, even offering advice to struggling users if needed. Sir Social is known to be very lenient. The Rules Guy: The average moderator. A few warnings then punishments as needed. That's it. As long as you follow the rules, you won't be on his/her bad side. (Continued in Example)


Mr. Popularity: This type of moderator is generally popular among the community's high-end clique. He/she is usually a person who has been around for a long time, and only expresses genuine likeness among his/her friends and/or sycophant users. Often hostile towards everyone else, especially new users. If Mr. Popularity is ever in an argument with an inferior member, members of the clique will always back him/her up. Mr. Smartass: This type of moderator will always go out of his/her way to correct everything you say and/or do. Even if it's none of their business. Sometimes pulls crazy statistics out of his/her ass; anything just to mortify the opposition. Often possesses the same traits as Mr. Popularity and/or Mr. Ego. Mr. Ego: This type of moderator literally has an oversized ego. Mr. Ego, being the typical narcissist that he/she is, will always act as if he/she is higher up than everyone else, even if it means bending the rules and/or abusing their power. Almost always shares the traits of Mr. Popularity and Mr. Smartass. Sometimes bad enough to be a Nazi Moderator. Nazi Moderator: This is the strictest, most despised type of moderator around. Nazi moderators will not go easy, even on the most minor of infractions. They don't mess around, and they're certainly not afraid to use the ban hammer on anyone. Act as if they are holier than thou. In the most extreme cases, nazi moderators could ultimately wipe out the majority of a website's user base.

Arti kata moderator bahasa

Assholes in a chat room who are on a total egotistical power trip. Like to think they are smarter than you. Generally have health issues of some kind. The admin and her minions work together as an eerie team. They won't hesitate to clique u and treat you like shit. Nasty folks who hate themselves in real life who need to feel like they can control others and issue "warnings". Will be totally inconsistent and call you out for the shit they do, hypocrites. Generally dominant and like to do most of the talking. There will be one mod who is nice, one who doesn't give a shit and just wants to pick up girls, and another who is an attention whore who uses the role solely to get some. The admin will tell the board she's leaving then return all to get some drama going. The most annoying fucking humans you will ever not meet. Should be dipped in gold, then left in a museum. If they don't like you, watch out.


The moderator was a sad sack who in real life had her own mother chained to a radiator in the basement, but in the chat room she was all smiles.

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